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Thread: Dislike of Anime

  1. #1
    Rune Knight Dislike of Anime Trodorne's Avatar
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    Dislike of Anime

    To be honest i feel alone in this subject from just about everyone i have seen are fans of anime or manga to me which are the same. for me the story lines and dialogue are abesolute cheese and some of those main characters i can not tell if they are male or female.

    but seriously if anyone else dislikes anime/ manga the same if not worse id like to hear. i think its mainly the reason i stopped playing the newer final fantasies. 7 was anime ish and it confirmed it with the movie. 8 was worse. 9 was anime but i could get past it a little. well lets say as we move up it got worse. and for those who say 12 was not anime. lets take a look at vaan. do you think any self respecting man of any type would act like a sissy girl and become a useless main protagonist through out what COULD have been a great story. no instead he dresses like an arab micheal jackson and follows the group spouting off what ever comes into his head. 13 im not even going to bother playing that game. soon as i saw a loud mouth black guy with a chocobo in his afro i walked away. 14 is 11 with sprite changes.

    at least with 2d graphics and 6bit styles i can't see how totally lame it is. it makes the game more replayable for me. and instead of thinking of that character with anime style teen angst tact on i could imagine myself being bad ass and casting spells and swinging sword and exploring the unknown all in the name of interest. and i could tell stories to my friends.

    Predictability would be the main problem with anime and manga for me. very very predictable. like how bad is it when that past few games which i had no prior experience both done in anime style i called each dialogue for every character. LAME LAME LAME. like come on japan get some originality. changing the setting and the characters does not make it original. its your own excentric culture be tact onto everything else. im not saying give me the good old fashioned north american.. mostly american blow crap up attitude. i want something that i can put myself into a character who is an empty doll for me to mold. not some teen angsty character who has as much taste and originality as concrete flooring. once in a while make something that is a delicious crepe not a grilled cheese sandwich from the iron.

    by the way this was a rant and a question. so if anyone else would like to vent problems with anime id love to hear it.

  2. #2
    Permanently Banned loaf's Avatar
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    omg anime is like sooooooooooooo changing now back when like GUNDAM WING came out i was like yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa gundamns machines with guns and lazzer swords and everything with space and flyin in space and missiles and EPW PEW PEW . DRagonball Z was even cooler teh whole AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH was epic man I was lways like WHATS GOPING ONTO HAOPPEN NEXT MAN! OMG GOKUUUUUUUUU

    omg ff in no an anime itsa vido game video games arenot animes lol this guy vaan ix like the best character ever when he picked uop gebrunths sword and was like i HATE YOU VAANE! ARRRRG that was tyight so i think vaan is like as strong as cloud,
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  3. #3
    The Bad Boy of TFF Dislike of Anime Block's Avatar
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    After reading your post Trodone I feel more confused than I would normally like. Please refrain from writing something that looks like a coherent thought, but instead is just painful to everyones brain. It'd be nice.

    Oh and Loaf:

  4. #4
    Only plays for sport Unknown Entity's Avatar
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    Hahahahahaha. You guys. <3

    I'm sorry you feel that way. Maybe you just never found the right anime, or gave it a chance for you to be able to like it?
    It seems as if you're just talking about the video games though, and not the animation (which I thought this thread was supposed to be about).


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  5. #5
    Dislike of Anime Jin's Avatar
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    Though, s/he has a point that a shit ton of anime is 100% congealed cheese. JRPGs too, though I don't know why the OP brought those up at all.

    I used to be a voluptuous anime fan. Not quite an Otaku, but certainly an enthusiast. Then everything started to bleed together. Every anime I watched, even the ones I used to like, started to seem cheesy and repetitive. Now I have one manga that I follow (Saiyuki) and that's about it. Mind you, I wouldn't bother creating a thread for the sole purpose of expressing my indifference towards anime (and Final Fantasy for some reason), but the indifference is there nonetheless.

    Until now!

  6. #6
    Bananarama Dislike of Anime Pete's Avatar
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    Man, and I really loved those old DBZ episodes where it would take an entire 3 months for anything to happen.

    Trodorne, you get a thumbs up form me. I'm not a fan of anime either.
    Crao Porr Cock8- Rebels, Rogues and Sworn Brothers

  7. #7
    Registered User Dislike of Anime
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    I like some anime, but I'm not big on manga, mostly because of the expense. I'm not afraid to say that I'm a penny-pincher.

    I found that a lot of people that really dislike anime turn out to love anime abridged. If you don't know what that is, it's like a parody of an anime show. There's a ton of them on Youtube, and a lot of them are really well done.

    Here's one from TeamFourStar.

    Abridged Nappa is win.
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  8. #8
    Soup Kitchen Jerk. Dislike of Anime Polk's Avatar
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    I've been waiting for a good opportunity to use this.

    I really liked DBZ as a kid and I got into Yu-Gi-Oh! back when it was popular. After that, not so much.
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  9. #9
    Rune Knight Dislike of Anime Trodorne's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dodie16 View Post
    I like some anime, but I'm not big on manga, mostly because of the expense. I'm not afraid to say that I'm a penny-pincher.

    I found that a lot of people that really dislike anime turn out to love anime abridged. If you don't know what that is, it's like a parody of an anime show. There's a ton of them on Youtube, and a lot of them are really well done.

    Here's one from TeamFourStar.

    Abridged Nappa is win.
    and he is still paddi-cake champion. and season 2 is up now just so you know

  10. #10
    don't put your foot in there guy SOLDIER #819's Avatar
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    The majority of entertainment media is cheesy and repetitive. Current trends and growing up just make it all the more apparent. Maybe you should try something that isn't targeted at young teens?

    How about the Tales series? Devoid of any anime flavoring whatsoever!
    Quote Originally Posted by Andromeda
    just turn off your PS3 or 360 go to your dust tomb and say you'll give birth to 1500 people a day for the 1000 that'll be killed until the doors to hades open and you can pull out ar tonelico and turn on that glorous PS2 and be bathed in its radiant warm glow

  11. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by Trodorne View Post
    To be honest i feel alone in this subject from just about everyone i have seen are fans of anime or manga to me which are the same. for me the story lines and dialogue are abesolute cheese and some of those main characters i can not tell if they are male or female.
    Anime and manga are different in the fact that Anime is animated (usually put on TV in the form of episodes) and Manga is more like a comic book.

    but seriously if anyone else dislikes anime/ manga the same if not worse id like to hear. i think its mainly the reason i stopped playing the newer final fantasies. 7 was anime ish and it confirmed it with the movie. 8 was worse. 9 was anime but i could get past it a little. well lets say as we move up it got worse. and for those who say 12 was not anime. lets take a look at vaan. do you think any self respecting man of any type would act like a sissy girl and become a useless main protagonist through out what COULD have been a great story. no instead he dresses like an arab micheal jackson and follows the group spouting off what ever comes into his head. 13 im not even going to bother playing that game. soon as i saw a loud mouth black guy with a chocobo in his afro i walked away. 14 is 11 with sprite changes.
    Well if you don't like them, don't play it. I see you picked up this tactic with FFXIII. Hopefully that works out for you. I hope it's not just because you dislike "loudmouth black guys", though.

    at least with 2d graphics and 6bit styles i can't see how totally lame it is. it makes the game more replayable for me. and instead of thinking of that character with anime style teen angst tact on i could imagine myself being bad ass and casting spells and swinging sword and exploring the unknown all in the name of interest. and i could tell stories to my friends.
    Don't really understand this. If you want to relate 100% to the main character and play through a game pretending you're them, maybe you should play the Zelda series, as the main character never speaks. Plenty of room to have your own thoughts without the teen angst from the main character interrupting you.

    Predictability would be the main problem with anime and manga for me. very very predictable. like how bad is it when that past few games which i had no prior experience both done in anime style i called each dialogue for every character. LAME LAME LAME. like come on japan get some originality. changing the setting and the characters does not make it original. its your own excentric culture be tact onto everything else. im not saying give me the good old fashioned north american.. mostly american blow crap up attitude. i want something that i can put myself into a character who is an empty doll for me to mold. not some teen angsty character who has as much taste and originality as concrete flooring. once in a while make something that is a delicious crepe not a grilled cheese sandwich from the iron.
    Again, don't watch anime then. It seems you've got a negative attitude and strong will to not like them in the first place, so why bother watching them? It's obvious you're not open enough to want to get into something.

    Also, where did all this DBZ shit come from? The OP never stated once he watched DBZ, or that it was better than current anime.

    Quote Originally Posted by SOLDIER #819 View Post
    Maybe you should try something that isn't targeted at young teens?
    Last edited by Che; 01-29-2010 at 04:04 PM.

  12. #12
    I watch anime sometimes, but usually the more mature kind? with a few exceptions I guess. I used to watch tons, anything that was on Toonami or Adult Swim starting from the 5th grade till now. Types I can't stand, for example, Yu Gi Oh, I don't even know if that's considered anime but oh my gosh for some reason I can't stand it.

    I really like stuff like Wolf's rain, YouTube it, it was interesting, not to silly or serious, the ending wasn't the ideal happy ending and the series wasn't dragged on for too long. The same with Cowboy Beebop ( but everybody likes that) and I liked Witch Hunter Robin too. I hate when shows go on for ages for no apparent reason. I used to watch Inuyasa, but stopped watching because it's been going on for way to long, it should have ended a long time ago.

    You just haven't found what you like, not all anime is predictable or the same, you're probably watching all the cheesy kiddy stuff, I admit though it can get too technical or dramatic sometimes, but you just have to find out what you like, there are lots of different types.

    Also, everyone watched DBZ and if you didn't you were probably a loser
    Last edited by GypsyElder; 01-29-2010 at 05:28 PM.

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  13. #13
    Delivering fresh D&D 'brews since 2005 Dislike of Anime T.G. Oskar's Avatar
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    It would be useful to deprive the word "anime" from its negative connotation.

    For example: to limit "anime" to shonen anime would be to disrespect all the shoujo anime and good seinen anime out there, as well as the respective manga from which they come from. Case in point: you can't exactly compare Dragon Ball (original, Z or GT) with Sailor Moon (shoujo-ai) or Fist of the North Star (seinen). Shonen is based mostly for young men, while shoujo is based for young women and seinen is meant for mature audiences.

    Also, it's important to notice that not all of the anime out there, even those dedicated to a shonen audience, have to be DBZ clones. For example: Hayate no Gotoku (translated here as Hayate the Combat Butler) is shonen anime, but it's silly and comedical. It is exaggerate, but not exactly mind-boggling as DBZ, Naruto, Bleach or Yu-Gi-Oh. Most do follow a similar pattern (group of different people take a simple thing, such as breadmaking, soccer, go, tennis, or whatever you mean it, and crank it up to eleven), but not all of them.

    Most of all, there is anime (and most specifically, manga) for mature audiences (such as seinen anime). Some of the old classics are located in here (Lupin the 3rd, Golgo 13, and so forth). Mecha-based anime has two niches of its own, whether the series goes for Real Robots (robots working with mundane machinery and holding some resemblance to science despite violating a few laws of physics) or Super Robots (mechas powered by will, hot blood excitement, lifeforce, or such arcane energies that disintegrate the laws of physics in the name of the Rule of Cool); these two are mostly for shonen, but vary in terms of enjoyability (old-school heroic Super Robot such as Combattler V/Voltes V or Dancougar, legends such as Mazinger or Getter Robo, semi-serious such as Gundam, serious such as Soukou No STRAIN, or kill-em'-alls such as Space Runaway Ideon or Bokurano)

    Furthermore, there are some masterpieces there. Gankutsuou (sp?), the anime based off The Count of Monte Cristo, is both surreal and a graphical endeavor that has nonetheless a very mature story. Vampire Hunter D is also pretty solid, and it's not exactly a manga-based anime but a light novel based anime. Both have very distinctive stories, which would take aback those who feel anime is overrated and that it only features weak storylines.

    Finally, it is important to eliminate the stigma of placing "anime" whenever something seems unreal. Final Fantasy VII has some concepts that may have been drawn from shonen anime, and kicked a notch further with Advent Children, but Final Fantasy VII is between steampunk and cyberpunk; in fact, it's meant to hold roughly modern technology. For comparison: Final Fantasy VI is almost full steampunk, and Final Fantasy VIII is almost full cyberpunk. The defining points of steampunk/cyberpunk are mostly absent, of course (bleak worlds entirely engulfed with technology, or dystopian paradises for example), but it follows quite well that idea. The rest is quite evidently fantastical constructs, such as magic, summons, etc.; those are remnants of Western RPG culture.

    To place it in clearer terms: would you consider the world of Shadowrun as "anime-ish"? Shadowrun is a pretty old game setting that's entirely Western, and that has very heavy Japanese influences, but it also has even heavier Western influences. In fact, to boot: it predated the very concept of a digital realm, long before The Matrix and similar movies did so; actually, the game has the first use of the word "Matrix" to relate to advanced Internet, long before the Wachowski did, and the company that made the game didn't protest as far as I know. It's also a game that's far from the very concept of realistic, and for all means it could be considered "anime-ish"; yet, it is perhaps the defining game setting for fantastical cyberpunk. Think about that before you say "this looks too anime for me" and immediately bash it down.

    Also, for all means, if you look for Shadowrun, DO NOT LOOK AT THE ABERRATION SPAWNED FOR THE X-BOX!! Look for the tabletop games, better. Grok before you look, omae
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  14. #14
    Registered User Dislike of Anime Yesha's Avatar
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    Re: Dislike of Anime

    (I guess this is really Late.. but, anyway..)

    I really respect your opinions, but.. I really want to cLarify some things..

    Yes, I do agree that.. some anime are really cheesy and very predictable, but not aLL of them..

    those cheesy kind of anime are usuaLLy with comedy-themed stories or with really Light stories, they are very straight-forward and very obvious that it is for fun, examples are Doraemon and Mirumo De Pon, they’re very cheesy and predictable because they were made to give fun for everyone and not to take it so seriousLy.. but, actually you can never compare them to more matured-themed kind of anime.. do you find Death Note as cheesy and funny?

    ActuaLLy, the originality and the story of an anime or manga are based to the makers, iLLustrators or the artists of it.. every anime or manga characters, settings, surroundings and stories, etc. differs from one another.. you can’t tell me that.. Gundam Seed and Sakura Card Captor is the same, right?

    If it happens that you find two anime resembles each other, maybe it’s because it was made by the same artist, or by an anime studio.. Like, the masterpieces of Yuu Watase (she’s originally a manga artist) her, Fushigi Yuugi and Asashi No Ceres’ characters do Look-aLike.. but nonetheless their stories are really different..

    LastLy.. About anime and manga appearances.. WeLL.. do you really find it really hard to tell their genders?

    It’s really funny if you thought Detective Conan as a girl and SaiLor Moon as a guy.. you know what I mean?

    Now.. Let’s move on to FinaL Fantasy..

    Yes.. every series have that anime-ish touch, of course.. it was made from Japan.. do you really expected it to be the main character of the next FinaL Fantasy would be kinda Like Super FLash? Or the next FinaL Fantasy characters would kinda be Like “TotaLLy Spies” characters?

    As the Square-Enix or specifically the FinaL Fantasy grows and makes new series they really effort to add some characters with Western Look, for example.. BaLthier of FFXII.. he doesn’t Look any anime to me..

    So, that’s about it.. I really do have the feelings that.. you’ve watched some really bad anime.. which I agree that they are some..

    just, don’t be so narrow-minded.. and open your eyes to some new things coming this year.. it’s not Late to Like anime, manga and FinaL Fantasy.. 

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  15. #15
    Stream Crosser Dislike of Anime Ann's Avatar
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    Re: Dislike of Anime

    Hmm.. Two years ago, I admit it, I was FREAK of anime. I was so obsessed with it, and that made me forget my own daily life. I had no many friends because of it. Okay, that was my fault. If only I could balance my anime world with my reality, I won't be lonely like that time. Thank's god that time has passed. You guys may learn from my case.

    Although not at all, but now I kinda hate anime.. But well.. look at the Japanese Cartoon (see? not anime, but cartoon. for me they are different) such as My Neighbor Totoro or Spirited Away from Studio Ghibli. They are good, you should watch it. You just have to be clever to choose your own anime

  16. #16
    Asking all the personal questions. Dislike of Anime RamesesII's Avatar
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    Re: Dislike of Anime

    Oh My God please ban these anime disliking cult member peoples.

    I am so giving you people the death stare

    No seriously I do agree and disagree I do like DBZ but waiting four episodes while two opponents just stand there eying each other off, I reckon the animators said F this lets take a day off and just use this frame for a couple of episodes and move their mouths slightly no one will eeeeever notice

    It did get cheesy but anime is so the bomb for lack of better words to explain my passion maybe I should throw a few explanation marks in !!!!! just to show it.

    It just does what real movies can't do you can degrade the character as much as you want and legendise them (if that is even a word) as much as you want its just so workable and has so much potential.
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  17. #17
    Stream Crosser Dislike of Anime Ann's Avatar
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    Re: Dislike of Anime

    Quote Originally Posted by RamesesII View Post
    It did get cheesy but anime is so the bomb for lack of better words to explain my passion maybe I should throw a few explanation marks in !!!!! just to show it.
    I understand your feeling.. Everyone has different opinions, and I respect it Anime, too, has its own bright side right?

  18. #18
    Asking all the personal questions. Dislike of Anime RamesesII's Avatar
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    Re: Dislike of Anime

    Quote Originally Posted by Ann View Post

    Although not at all, but now I kinda hate anime.. But well.. look at the Japanese Cartoon (see? not anime, but cartoon. for me they are different) such as My Neighbor Totoro or Spirited Away from Studio Ghibli. They are good, you should watch it. You just have to be clever to choose your own anime

    Actually I do agree with you on this as well Ann, I to rush madly into a new series I have just bought and before I even realise what I have missed I have watched the whole thing it takes you away from reality, that doesn't happen as much now trust me three kids soon snap you back there

    I love Spirited away its like the Arthouse of anime and I still want to see Howl's moving castle, I already have Steamboy recorded and ready to watch then there is another like that on tv in a few days time, it is just good to steer away from slice and dice, nudity, blood and gore anime that repeats itself, every now and again.
    A mouth of a perfectly happy man is filled with beer.
    --Ancient Egyptian Wisdom, 2200 B.C.

    Crao Porr Cock8, Go and get a Cock8 up ya.

    The finer details of a signature:

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  19. #19
    ...means nothing to no way Furore's Avatar
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    Re: Dislike of Anime

    I think some of you might be missing the point in DBZ. In the DBZ universe people take a dump standing up. Unfortunately for Goku, Saiyan digestive systems suck so he gets constipated an awful lot.

    In all seriousness though there are so many different amines in so many different styles I'd think most people would run into one they love eventually. Hell, none of my better mates here like anime but most of them seem to like a few episodes of Black Lagoon once in a while.
    Last edited by Furore; 02-19-2010 at 07:40 AM. Reason: Crappy iTunes spell correction
    victoria aut mors

  20. #20
    Asking all the personal questions. Dislike of Anime RamesesII's Avatar
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    Re: Dislike of Anime

    Quote Originally Posted by Silver View Post
    I think some of you might be missing the point in DBZ. In the DBZ universe people take a dump standing up. Unfortunately for Goku, Saiyan digestive systems suck so he gets constipated an awful lot.

    In all seriousness though there are so many different amines in so many different styles I'd think most people would run into one they love eventually. Hell, none of my better mates here like anime but most of them seem to like a few episodes of Black Lagoon once in a while.
    Black Lagoon hehehehehe

    At least they don't shit out there mouths like that one episode of South Park well except for Nappa.
    A mouth of a perfectly happy man is filled with beer.
    --Ancient Egyptian Wisdom, 2200 B.C.

    Crao Porr Cock8, Go and get a Cock8 up ya.

    The finer details of a signature:

    CHE- "I pee sitting down after I have sex because for some reason after I have sex and I try to pee, it goes everywhere."
    Nuff said^

    My loving TFF Family:

    My beautiful go-go dancing Queen Aara
    My brother Meier Link, proudly supporting the World Wide Institute of Booze since 1982.
    My Spasmodic, spamtastic, spammer nephew Fate.
    My brother HUNK, he who wears the number 1 headband.
    My glowing Goddess of Egyptian thingy's, Unknown Entity.
    My Unique and unpredictable mother Kilala ^^.
    My little arcade freak brother nra4.
    My brother Captain of the Dragoon warriors, Mallick.
    My razzle, dazzle, razamatic, razphony brother Ralz
    My younger brother Ryu-Kentoshii Hirokima, the Legendary Samurai who Doesn't take "No" for an Answer.


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  21. #21
    This is my sin... Dislike of Anime Lucid's Avatar
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    Feb 2006
    Silent Hill

    Re: Dislike of Anime

    Quote Originally Posted by *Yesha* View Post
    Yes, I do agree that.. some anime are really cheesy and very predictable, but not aLL of them..

    those cheesy kind of anime are usuaLLy with comedy-themed stories or with really Light stories, they are very straight-forward and very obvious that it is for fun, examples are Doraemon and Mirumo De Pon, they’re very cheesy and predictable because they were made to give fun for everyone and not to take it so seriousLy
    More like, they're cheesy and predictable because they were MADE FOR LITTLE KIDS.

    Seriously, there's so much anime out there that it's hard to find any good ones because of all the garbage ones, but why do most people only talk about the anime made for little kids/young teens (CC Sakura, Sailor Moon, Dragon Ball, Yuugioh, etc)?
    No one ever talks about stuff like Monster or Berserk.

    I actually prefer manga though.
    Last edited by Lucid; 02-21-2010 at 10:24 PM.

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