To be honest i feel alone in this subject from just about everyone i have seen are fans of anime or manga to me which are the same. for me the story lines and dialogue are abesolute cheese and some of those main characters i can not tell if they are male or female.

but seriously if anyone else dislikes anime/ manga the same if not worse id like to hear. i think its mainly the reason i stopped playing the newer final fantasies. 7 was anime ish and it confirmed it with the movie. 8 was worse. 9 was anime but i could get past it a little. well lets say as we move up it got worse. and for those who say 12 was not anime. lets take a look at vaan. do you think any self respecting man of any type would act like a sissy girl and become a useless main protagonist through out what COULD have been a great story. no instead he dresses like an arab micheal jackson and follows the group spouting off what ever comes into his head. 13 im not even going to bother playing that game. soon as i saw a loud mouth black guy with a chocobo in his afro i walked away. 14 is 11 with sprite changes.

at least with 2d graphics and 6bit styles i can't see how totally lame it is. it makes the game more replayable for me. and instead of thinking of that character with anime style teen angst tact on i could imagine myself being bad ass and casting spells and swinging sword and exploring the unknown all in the name of interest. and i could tell stories to my friends.

Predictability would be the main problem with anime and manga for me. very very predictable. like how bad is it when that past few games which i had no prior experience both done in anime style i called each dialogue for every character. LAME LAME LAME. like come on japan get some originality. changing the setting and the characters does not make it original. its your own excentric culture be tact onto everything else. im not saying give me the good old fashioned north american.. mostly american blow crap up attitude. i want something that i can put myself into a character who is an empty doll for me to mold. not some teen angsty character who has as much taste and originality as concrete flooring. once in a while make something that is a delicious crepe not a grilled cheese sandwich from the iron.

by the way this was a rant and a question. so if anyone else would like to vent problems with anime id love to hear it.