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Thread: Anyone for Full Metal Alchemist?

  1. #1
    Anyone for Full Metal Alchemist? Ultima's Avatar
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    Thumbs up Anyone for Full Metal Alchemist?

    This is one of my favorite Anime shows next to Inyouasha and Samauri Champloo

  2. #2
    Anyone for Full Metal Alchemist? SSJ4 Goku's Avatar
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    Yes! Fullmetal Alchemist is slowly climbing the scales on my "favorite anime" chart. I've been watching since its initial start on CN a few months back and I'm anxiously awaiting their airing of new episodes this autumn.

    I'm also reading the manga...well, by that I mean I've read volume 1 and I'm planning on purchasing the newly-released volume 2 some time soon...hopefully.

    But yes; FMA is definitely an amazing series. My favorite episode so far as 25 (the one with Maes Hughes's...well, you know). I should hope I don't have to explain why, that that episode blew me away.
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  3. #3
    I have only seen a few episodes of FMA, and it was pretty good, def in my top 5 faves so far, im yet to see more...havent had much time to watch tv lately, i get it last in this family....i need to fix mine...anyways it was an awesome show, hopefully ill be able to watch more of it later.

  4. #4
    アズテオル Anyone for Full Metal Alchemist? Azuteor's Avatar
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    I love Full Metal Alchemist but there's no new episodes. I have the first Full Metal Alchemist game, but I kinda didnt like it. I'm probably wont buy its 2nd installment. Hey, the have Full Metal Alchemist Manga on sell.

  5. #5
    Anyone for Full Metal Alchemist? Angel of Death's Avatar
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    Full Metal Alchemist is definitely my favorite Anime (though I admit I'm not a real anime fan) right next to Samurai Champloo. I love full metal Alchemist, the humor is kinda repetative though. There's only so many times peopl can call Edward short.

    Does anyone know if they sell FMA dvd's?

  6. #6
    アズテオル Anyone for Full Metal Alchemist? Azuteor's Avatar
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    Yeah they sell FMA dvds try Best Buy. I'm sure they sell some, or try searching the video game stores in yur area.

  7. #7
    Dark Soul Cloud

    Hey if I have the video game then i must watch the show!

    Yea fullmetal alchemist is a very cool show and its really cool how they can transmute things into weapons or stuff they need. Know what i mean. Man if we could do that we wouldnt have to worry aboutgetting rid of old aluminum cans cause if you saved up a lot of them you could transmute them into a weapon of some sort like a lance or a sword and then you could go kick the school bully's butt and be the hero of your school! But yea i watch fullmetal alchemist , inuyasha, trigun, cowboy bebop, samuri champloo, and of course family guy and american dad. If any of ou want to know what the video game is like just ask but what i think is that it is a very awesome video game and i guess they're coming out with a sequel. The only hard part is at the end of the game. If you dont want me to spoil it then dont listen to this. At the end your near where the phillosipher's stone when general Mustang and Armstrong try to stop you. Then you have to fight them and there are two different endings for when you loe the fight and you win the fight but i dont think ill spoil anymore so ur gonna have to get the game. well if anyone has anything to say just e-mail me or get on yahoo and send me a message. Hope you enjoied what i had to say and im glad you asked a good ? well c ya oh and the pics i have i have plenty more if you'd like to see them well bye
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  8. #8
    Anyone for Full Metal Alchemist? Ultima's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SSJ4 Goku
    Yes! Fullmetal Alchemist is slowly climbing the scales on my "favorite anime" chart. I've been watching since its initial start on CN a few months back and I'm anxiously awaiting their airing of new episodes this autumn.

    I'm also reading the manga...well, by that I mean I've read volume 1 and I'm planning on purchasing the newly-released volume 2 some time soon...hopefully.

    But yes; FMA is definitely an amazing series. My favorite episode so far as 25 (the one with Maes Hughes's...well, you know). I should hope I don't have to explain why, that that episode blew me away.

    Tell me about it! I was holding back my tears the whole esp!

  9. #9
    Anyone for Full Metal Alchemist? Aleks's Avatar
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    I've seen about 3 episodes, and read 1 volum of the manga. It's good, but not the greatest. But I can't really judge it, after that little, maybe I should get volum 2, or watch som more episode's. But it's kinda hard getting episodes when you don't have Adult Swim ;_;.

  10. #10
    アズテオル Anyone for Full Metal Alchemist? Azuteor's Avatar
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    Well, I don't judge the comics I buy or read, I like FMA and that's how it'll be. I've read the first volume of FMA at the book store its kinda good, but weird seeing Ed and Alphonese not animated on tv.

  11. #11
    Like a Boss Sean's Avatar
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    I saw the whole show awhile ago, before it started on CN, and I didn't like it much.

    It's good, don't get me wrong, but "favorite anime" material? Hell no.

    I'll stick with Naruto and Bleach, thanks.

    The ending of FMA was.... horrible, to say the least. But I guess they were trying to leave it open for a part 2.

    I cant' remember what happens between Episodes 25-51 really. o_O;

  12. #12
    Lady Succubus Anyone for Full Metal Alchemist? Victoria's Avatar
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    Actually they left it open for a movie which takes place a few years or a year after the ending of ep 51.

  13. #13
    アズテオル Anyone for Full Metal Alchemist? Azuteor's Avatar
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    Doesnt the FMA games connect with the anime shows? I think the Broken Angel one takes place a year after the series, but the 2nd installment is the same game but its start from the beginning of the series.

  14. #14
    Lady Succubus Anyone for Full Metal Alchemist? Victoria's Avatar
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    If the second installment is the same game but takes place at a different time, then guess what? It's not the same game, lmao.
    And no, the games don't go with the series. Think of them like OVAs or something. >.>
    Not even OVAs. o_O

  15. #15
    アズテオル Anyone for Full Metal Alchemist? Azuteor's Avatar
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    XP dont laff at me..I meant same game as its the same repetitive gameplay. >_>

  16. #16
    Shadow Hunter
    Yeah I watch FMA and I love it. It's right there at the top with some of my other favorite anime's. I also have the game the story progression was good and story line too, but I think the fighting system could have been a little better and a little faster. Other then that it was a good game.

  17. #17
    seeker of chaos
    the thing i really like about this anime is the whole alchemy aspect too it how its used , what it was used for ,the rules for it and the search for the philosephers stone also known as the elixer of life in past cultures around our own world. but i like the plot the charecters and how they go on thrue their struggle it seems like a good anime and i like how it can be serious and yet funny at just the right moments.

  18. #18
    Anyone for Full Metal Alchemist? cloud13's Avatar
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    I also like Full Metal Alchemist and ecspecially Samurai champloo!!!!!!!! THEY ROCK!!!
    Check out my Myspace page...

    Soon to have a wabsite!

  19. #19
    Good anime. It has become one of my favorites. Love the whole alchemy bit to it. Deffinately a good anime.


  20. #20
    Did you just say &amp;quot;cheesy jeans&amp;quot;? Anyone for Full Metal Alchemist? Bryan 2.0's Avatar
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    When I first watched FMA, I had no idea what was going on and I wasn't even sure if I like it or not. So then, I bought the first volume on DVD from Best Buy and have fallen head over heels for it.

    Now I own too much FMA crap for my own good.


  21. #21
    Love it. I wish it was still being made. It had a brilliant story and plot lol and the first episode i saw confused me ha

  22. #22
    Anyone for Full Metal Alchemist? GRIM REAPER's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gar16 View Post
    Love it. I wish it was still being made. It had a brilliant story and plot lol and the first episode i saw confused me ha
    It is still being made. The anime ended but that was not how the story was to end up going. The original story made by the creator is in manga form and that is still being released. FMA is one of those series that get released once a month instead of weekly like the other series. The company that licensed the FMA from them to make the anime made it too fast and they past upped the manga series. When they caught up with the original story they went their own direction and made it totally confusing. I liked the anime up till that point before it hit the fan and went all crazy like, in my opinion the creators of the anime screwed up the story after they passed the original’s work.

    Anyway I prefer the manga that is still being released over the anime since it makes sense and understandable.

  23. #23
    Jumps in and out of the window Anyone for Full Metal Alchemist? Riddler's Avatar
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    I reckon Full Metal Alchemist is very funny,they always shove a funny,random scene in each of the episodes.

    The funniest scene I've watched is the fight between Colonel Mustang and Ed

    Proud and awesome member the FF cult!

  24. #24
    FMA has become my favorite Anime right next to DeathNote.
    I love the Alchemy.
    I love the story.
    Everything about it.
    Its amazing.
    [CENTER]<img src="" ></a>

  25. #25
    Oh yeah i like FMA too. My favorite series though are Inuyasha, Bleach and Naruto. Haven't had a chance to check out episodes lately tho - they tend to air late at night here and I'm not always interested in staying up (I was up all night last night!).

  26. #26
    Anyone for Full Metal Alchemist? Secret Weapon's Avatar
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    True and what most little things that is put in animes' makes FMA seem all the much better. Humor: every episode makes me laugh.

    Storyline: No flaws I could see in it what so ever. It kinda confused me at first cuz I didn't understand who them 3 evil alchemist were (the woman with long hair, that fat guy with small eyes, and that other gurl)

    I would love when it would come on even a repeat. They could've made that anime big if they would've had more ideas and plots. They came out with a game for this but I haven't played it yet.

    My opinion for Full Metal Alchemist? x infinitety= Most definitely sweet.
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  27. #27
    Anyone for Full Metal Alchemist? Dark Squall's Avatar
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    Believe or not...On earth. Yea I know someone like me is too awesome to live on earth but what can I do?!!!
    Yea, this Anime is one of the best, but in my opinion...The end stinks, why the hell ED should die!! and when the movie released it ruined it more, coz there wasn't lots of fighting crap and then Al died too!! what I actually should say is "WTF is goin on?!!"

    But yea the Anime rocks.

  28. #28
    The Final Fantasy's Offical Emo Anyone for Full Metal Alchemist? Lithium's Avatar
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    Fullmetal Alchemist, I remember when it was being shown on T.V. I think it isn't anymore. (Athough I have been wrong before . . .)
    Anyway, I was totally obsessed with the series after the first few episodes. Every time it was on Adult Swim on CartoonNetwork I would literaly dive after whoever had the remote to watch it, and I mean literaly dive! Haha.
    I loved this show because for me it bent the realization of the world around the two brothers. It showed me what a different world this world would be if something like that was possible. Added from watching the series I began to study the ways of Alchemy. But I gave up on it because I was losing my mind to it . . . I am not crazy.
    But non the less I love the series and everything about it.
    Added they have really cute characters! -Giggles-
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  29. #29
    gaara of the desert
    i personally love fma but cant find anywhere t watch the rest of it subbed >.<

  30. #30
    Anyone for Full Metal Alchemist? Dark Squall's Avatar
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    Believe or not...On earth. Yea I know someone like me is too awesome to live on earth but what can I do?!!!
    Why don't you try the youtube, I'm sure you'll find something there.

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