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Thread: Final Fantasy XV Progress

  1. #31
    Quote Originally Posted by nix View Post
    Anyway, id give the game 2/10
    Sounds like to me you had no interest in the game in the first place. I don't even know why you bothered buying it. Also, the Witcher 3 did have its share of problems day one, one of of which having fps drop into the low 20s for some people.
    "I'm seeing it clearer/Hating the picture in the mirror/They claim we inferior/So why the fuck these devils fear ya?/I'm watching my nation die genocide the cause/Expect a blood bath/The aftermath is y'alls/I told ya last album, we need help cause we dying/Give us a chance, help us advance cause we trying/Ignore my whole plea, watching us in disgust/And then they beg when my guns bust/They don't give a fuck about us" 2pac ft. Outlawz- "They Don't Give a Fuck About Us"

  2. #32
    This ain't no place for no hero Final Fantasy XV Progress Tiffany's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by GypsyElder View Post
    (I Just got to Insomnia)

    Okay, aside from the poorly designed side quests (they were all meaningless and redundant) I was really pleased with the first half of the game. After Altissia, I played some sort of cheap Resident Evil knock-off for a few hours and then the game is like "LOL okay final boss soon." Where's the rest of the game? please tell me It's not that short?

    If I didn't take the time to grind all the silly side quests, I probably could have beaten the game in like a day and a half.

    Also, where's all the story at? I felt like I hardly got much considering I'm used to long drawn out dialogues in every FF.

    I feel empty
    A lot of the really fun features of the game don't unlock until you've beaten the campaign. I felt that way too, tho I was the opposite. I found it crazy boring and repetitive with no connection to the characters in the beginning. After Altissa, shit got real! Tho I didn't like the jump scare portion of the game. Not my style, I don't like being creeped out ha ha.

    Edit: Did you watch Kingsglaive? It helps a bit with the background story. Not so much about Noct and his friends mind you, but the events leading up to him leaving Insomnia.

  3. #33
    Quote Originally Posted by FinalxxSin View Post
    Sounds like to me you had no interest in the game in the first place. I don't even know why you bothered buying it. Also, the Witcher 3 did have its share of problems day one, one of of which having fps drop into the low 20s for some people.

    I dont really have problems with games that have the odd fps dip, bloodborne has its share of them and i class it as one of the greatest games EVER. So if thats the only flawed thing you can pick out against W3, then sit the fuck back down.. Storytelling and gameplay wise it blew FFXV out of the water, much longer game, much better side quests, alot more interesting characters and its took less than 4 years to make and felt like a complete game and then some. FFX took over 10 and it was a rushed mess..

    I'm sorry but FFXV is a just a terrible game, they cut so many corners from chapter 8 on its sickening and so obvious. You dont believe me? look at the FFXV 2013 E3 demo, what that shows and then against what we actually got.. They actually just scratched what they were trying to do and copped out and just made you invincible against levi and the amount of times you have to hit him to kill him was so yawn inducing my jaw nearly fell off. And that same boringness continued for every single boss battle after that.. Seriously, play through that Noct solo section and call it ground break exhilarating game play without actually secretly hating yourself for being so blatantly stupid.

    I'm most likely playing FF games alot longer than you and have experienced alot more FF's on release so know what level they should be hitting and what to expect. This game was such development mess that they didnt even bother having it anywhere near completion, i guess they dont need to when they have so many blind following fan boys such as yourself

  4. #34
    Bananarama Final Fantasy XV Progress Pete's Avatar
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    Man, I was getting pretty hyped for this game until nix reviewed it. I asked for it as a Christmas gift only because I personally don't want to hand Squeenix another cent after FFXIII and the sequel that I paid for.

    I haven't really enjoyed FF since IX, and I yearn for that feeling of magic when starting VII- IX for the first time. I'm truly hoping that nix is embellishing the truth and being slanted, but at the same time, the idea of being the Dragonborn again gets me so much more excited.

    I'm really, truly hoping that this game can restore my faith in the series though.
    Crao Porr Cock8- Rebels, Rogues and Sworn Brothers

  5. #35
    Quote Originally Posted by nix View Post
    I can always count on the toxic people like you to jump to conclusions. A blind fanboy is somebody that can't acknowledge flaws in a game at all. That isn't the case with me, so you can shove that flawed viewpoint of me that you have up your ass. There are things the game did right, even if you want to ignore or underplay those things...which you're doing. FFXV by no means is a 10/10 product in its current state.

    You do prove an analogy right that got presented to me sometime back from somebody else. People that tend to like things tend to overlook flaws more, while if they did not like the experience they tend to overlook what a game does do good in. The game isn't terrible just because it isn't for you. It's your fault you bought the game when you did. You should have stuck with your gut instinct instead of putting your chips on "faith". As long as you have been playing FF games, you should have known better. So who's really blind here?
    "I'm seeing it clearer/Hating the picture in the mirror/They claim we inferior/So why the fuck these devils fear ya?/I'm watching my nation die genocide the cause/Expect a blood bath/The aftermath is y'alls/I told ya last album, we need help cause we dying/Give us a chance, help us advance cause we trying/Ignore my whole plea, watching us in disgust/And then they beg when my guns bust/They don't give a fuck about us" 2pac ft. Outlawz- "They Don't Give a Fuck About Us"

  6. #36
    Easy Easy <3

    @Pete, I think you will enjoy the game, but just know that it definately needs some work. The reason why I'm so dissapointed is because they had so much time to make it great. I agree with Nix's cuitiqe in the sense that there are a ton of gaps. It's feels like they had some amazing ideas, but ended up scrapping them in the end. Instead, you get a ton of game filler , in the form of side quests, that has nothing to do with the story (they're not even fun or interesting in my opinion, but I'm obviously still playing) Regardless, you can tell they really tried to appeal to the old school players. I plan to give the dlc a chance, but there's no way to fill the void completely imo. You still should definitely play the game.

    @Tiff I debated looking it up, (Brotherhood as well) but it really breaks my heart that the background wasn't in the game... It's kind of a basic ingredient...As a result, I'm traversing an empty story. I'm also not a fan of having to look elsewhere other than the final product (which should have been well polished by this point). I did't really feel connected with any of the characters (besides Prompto because he's my bae <3) and I really wanted to feel bad for Noctics, but I couldn't because I had no idea what his previous relationships were like with any of the characters.

    I wouldn't have minded waiting longer for the release had they finished a well-rounded game. I honestly feel kind of bad burning this one because I can tell they worked really really hard, but I think they either focused too much on the wrong things (aka making everything look pretty, elaborate character interactions, extra dialogues etc. etc. ) or scrapped too much of the right things.

    My verdict until further notice is: It's a great game, but not a great Final Fantasy.
    Last edited by GypsyElder; 12-13-2016 at 02:19 AM.

    Ta DA!!!:

    Alright, who censored my rocketship?

    From The Clint Eastwood
    I'm thinking about creating a hybrid. A dolphin-monkey. Half dolphin, half monkey. Do you think it's possible?
    I was thinking that since I'm artificially creating it, I'll create it with rocket fuel instead of blood, and thus it will be able to fly, using the dolphin's dorsal fins as wings. And from the air, it will look down upon us all and protect us against sharks, and search for bananas.
    Block says:" this one time i got SUPER blazed and was riding with my friend to mcd's and i ran my fingers through my jew fro saying "I just feel like dancing"
    by Alpha: "Hate breeds hate. Love breeds love. F*ck real politik."
    Originally Posted by Michael Swayne
    I find Gypsy to be a very interesting person. In fact, when my hair grows out some more, Gypsy has already laid claim to it when I cut it again.

  7. #37
    Quote Originally Posted by FinalxxSin View Post
    I can always count on the toxic people like you to jump to conclusions. A blind fanboy is somebody that can't acknowledge flaws in a game at all. That isn't the case with me, so you can shove that flawed viewpoint of me that you have up your ass. There are things the game did right, even if you want to ignore or underplay those things...which you're doing. FFXV by no means is a 10/10 product in its current state.

    You do prove an analogy right that got presented to me sometime back from somebody else. People that tend to like things tend to overlook flaws more, while if they did not like the experience they tend to overlook what a game does do good in. The game isn't terrible just because it isn't for you. It's your fault you bought the game when you did. You should have stuck with your gut instinct instead of putting your chips on "faith". As long as you have been playing FF games, you should have known better. So who's really blind here?
    I should have known what better? Since when has FF ever released a disjointed unfinished mess of a game? (excluding MMO's)

    And i called you a fanboy, because you're willing to ignore all the faults i brought to light (and i didnt even mention most of them) and debunk them by telling me its my fault? If i had no interest in liking the game i wouldnt have got my hunter rank up to 5 and also finishing the game (sorry i prob would have got higher but the button mashing combat grew tired fast). Like i did with 13, but i didnt finish 13 because i didnt like the combat or characters, at no point did i think it was an unfinished mess.

    Pete get the game and judge for yourself, the game is ok up until a certain point in the game and then it just goes all to shit, they are meant to be releasing a massive patch to address some of the concerns i had, however going by squuenix record, i doubt it will fix much and it will prob take them ages to release it anyway.

    Also the kingsglaive movie, while giving some background, its 70% CGI mayhem and explosions and they would have been far better off taking the good from it and putting it into the game..

  8. #38
    attempting to bribe the Mayor of Lambeth Final Fantasy XV Progress Xanatos's Avatar
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    2/10 is a straight up broken, unplayable mess of a game up to the point where it's downright offensive in every aspect. If FFXV is indeed 2/10 God knows how one should score games such as Two Worlds, or its sequel.

    And while I do agree that The Witcher 3 is a masterpiece in every right, that game had plethora of issues on its release, bugs, glitches, framrate issues, problems with certain drivers, you name it.

  9. #39
    This ain't no place for no hero Final Fantasy XV Progress Tiffany's Avatar
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    Meh, different tastes. Nothing is going to appeal to everyone in the same way. Just as Gypsy and I are different. She liked the events before Altissa, I liked them after. And I totally agree with you hun, I was very annoyed that the back story wasn't really explained that well.

    Endgame spoilers:
    Like Prompto being an MT? Or growing up there? He just kinda spit it out because they were needing a plot device to get Noct through that area. And how everyone was so matter of fact about it. I get that they were going for the feels, in that he was their bro and where he grew up didn't matter... but really?? Not even some questions like woah, how did that happen? They could have still made him included unconditionally but explored that a bit more. It seemed like kind of a big deal for it to be spit out, discussed and then moved on from in the matter of a few minutes.

    And Ardyn. You spend most of the game knowing he's a bad guy, not being really sure why he's helping you, then when it gets time to explain it all... it didn't really get explained. Where did he get the name Izumi or whatever it was that he took for his last name? Why does he mention it just to cut himself off and not talk about it? Who gave him those gifts? Was there another way for him to save humanity without absorbing all of the bad stuff? So the gods are dicks who totally set him up to be a fall guy? I'm still super confused about all of this.

    That being said, I really enjoyed the game. Its not my fave FF, but still pretty decent. I'm used to people not liking what I like. VIII is my fave FF game ever. And most people hated it as it was hard to top the WOW factor of VII imho.

    Editing this post because I can't remember the rules about double posting.

    Finally beat Costlemark, got all 13 royal arms and my chocobo is level 10 now
    Last edited by Tiffany; 12-14-2016 at 06:42 PM.

  10. #40
    The Old Skool Warrior Final Fantasy XV Progress LocoColt04's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Xanatos View Post
    And while I do agree that The Witcher 3 is a masterpiece in every right, that game had plethora of issues on its release, bugs, glitches, framrate issues, problems with certain drivers, you name it.
    Agreed. 10/10 for content, 7/10 for playability. Certainly still deserving of its many GOTY awards.

    As for game progress, I was just chugging forward through sidequests in chapter three until they finally started to exceed my level. Still sitting at lv19 because I haven't had a lot of free time.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Andromeda View Post
    I thought I was going to be able to play with Loco and then I remembered he doesn't game. He just turns on the game for an hour and then forgets about it for two months only to remember that he bought it.
    Quote Originally Posted by Rowan View Post
    Che's not a girl. Not good enough explanation. Please elaborate.
    Quote Originally Posted by che View Post
    Yes I am. I will bust out my vagina right now.

  11. #41
    Certified tech, come at me! Final Fantasy XV Progress SuperSabin's Avatar
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    I'm at Insomnia at the end of the game, I'm really enjoying it so far. I have watched Kingsglaive because I fancy the idea of watching FF movies and I did want some insight on the game. Even if I didn't see it, I probably would have enjoyed it either way because I feel I do connect with Noctis and I like his personality, the conflicts he has throughout the story, and his resolves throughout the situations he faces. I know the game isn't perfect, but it has a lot of great things going for it, to those who haven't played it already, I would give it a chance and see what you think of the full game. Screenshots, gameplay videos, and even the demos for the game didn't do the game justice, it was actually getting into the full game that made the game enjoyable.

    There are plenty of things in the game to keep the game enjoyable, and there are a bunch of ways to develop your party, and you can even experiment with elemancy with the magic you've drawn from draw points. I personally feel this is what FF13 should have been, gameplay wise, had they made it open, have towns to visit, characters you can get attached to and relate with.

    With that out of the way, character levels are late 40s to 50, I have Noctis equipped with the royal arms, and I am not ready to face the final boss yet, need to farm for some curatives because a certain fight caused me to use pretty much all my important ones. Also, is it just me, or does some of the layout design for this game look like a teaser for what they plan to do with the FFVII remake?
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  12. #42
    The Quiet One Final Fantasy XV Progress Andromeda's Avatar
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    I've finally wrapped up my Platinum efforts on the game, though I got distracted along the way. But even with the Platinum gained I still have dozens or more hours of stuff to do in the game. The game is truly massive on content, especially post-game content. And with all of the new DLC stuff coming soon I don't think the game will be done anytime soon.

    Whole party is 99 and all skills are lv 10 now, sort of obvious since it was needed for the Platinum. Chocobo is lv 10 now as well and I beat all of the chocobo race challenges. Managed to beat everyone, but Iris without food. She can't be beat without food, but I came close. She's just always sprinting though.

    Current gil 545,398
    Current time 79:54

    I'm stilling on 376 AP and with the new items next week I can farm more AP faster. So I might get some of the desirable Ascension skills. I still have side quests to complete and super bosses to kill. So much left in the game, I'm far more 100% it.

    Definitely one of the best FF game in years.
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  13. #43
    Bananarama Final Fantasy XV Progress Pete's Avatar
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    Alright, so I finally got FFXV and had some time (roughly 5-6 hours) with the game.

    My initial assessment is pretty positive, but I've only been doing side quests and just paid the guy off to deal with the ferry. I love the music, especially how I can hear the classics. I enjoy the banter between the guys, it feels natural, and so do the interactions with and between npcs.

    I'm still getting used to the combat, and while I haven't died yet, I've had a few close calls because of the very non-intuitive button layout. I'm also ok with the way enemies come and go. I'm over the random encounters, so it's welcome.

    I'm literally watching Kingsglaive right now to get more insight on everything, but at its current state, the game kind of feels like I'm playing The Hangover, with monsters and magic
    Crao Porr Cock8- Rebels, Rogues and Sworn Brothers

  14. #44
    This ain't no place for no hero Final Fantasy XV Progress Tiffany's Avatar
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    Ha ha Pete, that's a very apt description of it lol!

    I haven't been playing much, beating Costlemark kinda did me in for a bit. I was way over leveled for it, but the maze to try and find where to go lol. I've got 4 out of 5 legendary weapons from Randolph, I need to hit level 99 before I attempt the final one. Characters are low 90s in level, Noct is still sitting at a very pathetic level 1 for fishing, Tho Ignis and Gladi are around 7 or so for their skills? I've long since maxed Prompto.

    I've tinkered around with some sidequests that I skipped from earlier on, stupid "find whatever items in said locations". I think its the steam valve ones in Lestallum? (sp?) Stuck on finding the last one. Blah. Need to go back to Pitioss as well as I didn't pick up the sidequest for that when I ventured over there for the first time.

  15. #45
    Bananarama Final Fantasy XV Progress Pete's Avatar
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    Also, why is Prompto taking pictures in the middle of battle? Motherfucker, shoot at shit!
    Crao Porr Cock8- Rebels, Rogues and Sworn Brothers

  16. #46
    The Quiet One Final Fantasy XV Progress Andromeda's Avatar
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    He's good at multi-tasking. Though there are definitely times where I'm pretty certain he was not in that position to actually take the shot that happened. But then again, I'm not watching his every movement. So maybe he is managing it somehow.
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  17. #47
    Bananarama Final Fantasy XV Progress Pete's Avatar
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    I can't tell if I really love this game or if I'm really annoyed by it. I'm getting tired of the typical gopher missions, but the completionist in me wants to find every chest, mineral and food item. I'm also afraid of getting shut out by the chapter.

    Also, why is the jump button the same as the interact button? That's just annoying
    Crao Porr Cock8- Rebels, Rogues and Sworn Brothers

  18. #48
    Bananarama Final Fantasy XV Progress Pete's Avatar
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    So I'm probably playing this game wrong, and am level 36 going into collecting shit for Ramuh.

    But Gladio just pronounced it Rah-muh... I feel like my whole life is a lie. I've always pronounced it as Rah-moo

    Anyone with me on this?


    And uh, is it just me or does this seem like some weird Indian pre-arranged marriage bullshit? I mean I'm glad my characters aren't pooping in the middle of the street, but to pass off the idea that they have to marry each other because of their status in different families is a little ridiculous. Like, oh the Future King has to marry the oracle. Bullshit
    Crao Porr Cock8- Rebels, Rogues and Sworn Brothers

  19. #49
    Bananarama Final Fantasy XV Progress Pete's Avatar
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    It's wrong that I'd make sweet, sweet love to Cindy's drawl, right?

    The typical gopher missions are really starting to get annoying. Clearly I'm the greatest hunter to have ever walked the land. Sure I'll kill everything in sight and find all of the deads remains. It's not like there are radios telling all of these dopes what I'm up against.

    But more importantly.

    Despite the terrible things I'd do to her, I really don't get Cindy's motivation for anything she does. Or why Noct just doesn't shack up with her. She could service my regalia any day. Giggity.
    Crao Porr Cock8- Rebels, Rogues and Sworn Brothers

  20. #50
    This ain't no place for no hero Final Fantasy XV Progress Tiffany's Avatar
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    ha ha ha

    Noct, Gladi, Iggy are all 99. Prompto is about 7 grand xp away from 99. I still have to kill the adamantoise, and now that I'm 99 I'm going to go after the zwill crossblades. Its the last Randolph quest I have. Eeeek!

  21. #51
    This ain't no place for no hero Final Fantasy XV Progress Tiffany's Avatar
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    Okay all members are level 99. I beat the Wonderous Weapon, and just started on the locked doors in the dungeon

  22. #52
    Bananarama Final Fantasy XV Progress Pete's Avatar
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    I guess it's time for a real update as opposed to random opinions. Everyone is level 40, I mastered the first battle skill that everyone has, and am working on the second. Prompto is like 9.4 on photography, everyone else is at 6 or 7 for their respective skills. I just got the Regalia back and am gonna knock out a few more things before proceeding. I have 4 of the royal arms and a level 5 chocobo.

    I still don't know what prompto is doing taking pictures during fucking boss fights. I wish I could slap him
    Crao Porr Cock8- Rebels, Rogues and Sworn Brothers

  23. #53
    Bananarama Final Fantasy XV Progress Pete's Avatar
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    I've also noticed that I'm getting very tired of Noc's little hissy noises when he changes direction, runs into a party member or does something like refueling the car. Just bang Cindy out Gladio's sister and be done with it. I mean he's apparently cool with it, so why ditch the hotties who are showing interest for the ice queen?

    But you're like 20, grow up and stop catching an attitude when you're told to do something
    Crao Porr Cock8- Rebels, Rogues and Sworn Brothers

  24. #54
    This ain't no place for no hero Final Fantasy XV Progress Tiffany's Avatar
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    Ha ha ha Pete

    Just finished the menace below Steyliff quest. OH EM GEE. Several hours of gameplay later. I'm gonna hold off on the Costlemark one for a bit, Steyliff was punishment enough for one day. Got all skills to level 10, no more achievements now. Finished the fishing quest so have the Tranquility rod now, just gotta do some more betting in the monster arena so I can get the reel. Then I'm after the Liege of the Lake

  25. #55
    Bananarama Final Fantasy XV Progress Pete's Avatar
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    Anyone download the new update yet, the choco-mog carnival?

    It's kind of entertaining.

    I just finished the hunt in Lestallum, where Gladio rejoins the party. I'm hoping they'll reveal more about all of that. And why the hell can't I check these stupid steam vents?

    Otherwise, at level 50, almost have a 3 star hunter rating, cooking is at 9, photo at 10, fishing at 6, and survival at 7. I think I have 7 of the royal arms.
    Crao Porr Cock8- Rebels, Rogues and Sworn Brothers

  26. #56
    This ain't no place for no hero Final Fantasy XV Progress Tiffany's Avatar
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    I've done almost all of it. Finished every quest, Hunter Rank 10. All menace dungeons done, all Randolph's quests done. All skills level 10, Chocobo level 10, bought everything from the Arena in Altissa just because I could, finished the scavenger map quest, upgraded every weapon that could be. All that's left is filling out the ascension grid.... but only have about 2 of the 333 ones left, then all of the 999 ones. Did a new game plus, because reasons lol.

    Even after all that I can still say I really absolutely loved this game. Looking forward to the level cap increase on the 21st! I have about 6 mill in exp banked lmao.

  27. #57
    Bananarama Final Fantasy XV Progress Pete's Avatar
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    Anyone download the new update? It's got timed bounties.

    At this very moment, I'm fighting 100 level 15 cactuars/ stataurs?

    It yields 150k gil and 333 AP. I'm 30 kills in and around level 64. I'll update as I go.

    Update 1: 2:34pm East coast time. 66/100 kills. The upgraded weapons are a must. I keep using them to refill my fire magic, and setting it up with exp cast and quintcast.

    I recommend things that protect against poison and confusion. I'll post my fitout

    Update 2. 10k exp and 333ap won.

    I made sure to use the weapons you get from the carrot guy, in cape caem, upgraded. That kept refilling my fire magic.

    I also made sure to keep using trigger happy, combined with spamming 99 fire magic+ griffin claws or debased coins for exp boost or quintcast.

    Noct had the hardedge, blade of the mystic and swords of the wanderer. Everyone was level 64

    Another edit. Just spent the 10k gil for the golden quay hotel

    Final Fantasy XV Progress-20170220_150939-jpg
    Last edited by Pete; 02-20-2017 at 01:09 PM.
    Crao Porr Cock8- Rebels, Rogues and Sworn Brothers

  28. #58
    Soup Kitchen Jerk. Final Fantasy XV Progress Polk's Avatar
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    When your chocobo levels up the game says "Con-kweh-tulations" and that is probably the best thing that's ever been in a video game.

    Otherwise, it's pretty meh so far. I'm like 15 hours in, trying to do as many sidequests and hunts as I can, this seems like a Final Fallout Fantasy.
    Let's go into the "archives" in "Washington D.C." and find out how people "masturbated" in the "roaring 20's."

    Crao Porr Cock8. Bitch.

  29. #59
    Boxer of the Galaxy Final Fantasy XV Progress Rowan's Avatar
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    ive played 2 hours of horizon zero dawn and its already far better than FF15 in almost every aspect.

  30. #60
    Quote Originally Posted by Rowan View Post
    ive played 2 hours of horizon zero dawn and its already far better than FF15 in almost every aspect.

    Haha i was gonna post something similar yesterday, except swap Zelda for Zero dawn.

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