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Thread: FFXV Story + Character Bios + Lack of Female Protagonists.

  1. #31
    The Old Skool Warrior FFXV Story + Character Bios + Lack of Female Protagonists. LocoColt04's Avatar
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    So... a bit (way) off the topic here, but um... that's totally gonna be my new signature.
    Community Manager; Forum Administrator

    reppin' SOLDIER since 2004CPC8 class of 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by 2009 TFF Awards nominations
    Best TFF Couple
    Martin and Priscilla
    Psiko and Hyzenthlay
    Rocky and LocoColt04 and Meier Link and Pete
    Unknown Entity and Mistress Sheena
    Quote Originally Posted by Andromeda View Post
    I thought I was going to be able to play with Loco and then I remembered he doesn't game. He just turns on the game for an hour and then forgets about it for two months only to remember that he bought it.
    Quote Originally Posted by Rowan View Post
    Che's not a girl. Not good enough explanation. Please elaborate.
    Quote Originally Posted by che View Post
    Yes I am. I will bust out my vagina right now.

  2. #32
    (ღ˘⌣˘ღ) FFXV Story + Character Bios + Lack of Female Protagonists. che's Avatar
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    I don't think you are a bad person for asking, Rowan. And I don't think I can quite convey all the reasons that I think, and reason that others may have on why objectifying and sexualizing characters makes it a bad thing. On the real:

    Some people think objectifying a gender is a bad thing. Why are all the characters "perfect" according to society? Best bodies ever, perfect hairlines, all that. Not everyone is sexy like you, Rowan. There are "normal" people out there. By making Lightning (and Tifa, Lulu, Selphie, Rikku, etc) "perfect", it makes people feel inadequate. It also makes us think of them as objects. Something to be tossed about. Like a beach ball. And not an individual person.

    Sure, we all love to look at attractive people. But it's just kinda gross when every. single. ****ing. character. ever. is just perfect or ridiculously over-perfect. Like Tifa/Lulu's boobs. Rikku's body and practically nonexistant outfits. That's just my opinion. They just seem so fake and forced. It lacks depth. I'm talking about characters. They almost literally are objects, so what's wrong with objectifying them?

    Some psychologists, among other professionals, have seen underlying negative effects come from the fact that a very serious small percentage of people look like a barbie. Look at South Korea. Plastic surgery there is huge, and practically all K-pop stars who get (and there are a majority, I believe) work done, turn out looking very similar. That's apparently the ideal woman. The problem is...they aren't themselves, they are something else now, and maybe their self-esteem didn't get raised like they thought. Suddenly a whole new psychological problem happens, even though they are now what society deems beautiful.

    Let's say I have a daughter. Who knows what she's going to look like, or what kind of personality she's going to have? I would cry myself to sleep if my daughter felt inadequate and insecure because she didn't have Lulu's ridiculous boobs, or w/e.

    Yada yada yada. I've only touched base, maybe. Google stuff.

    I stream Bloodborne, FFXIV, and occasionally other games.

  3. #33
    I'm curious. What is the problem with sexualising characters?
    there is nothing wrong with a character being sexy, it is when the entire character is just sex. no other facet of them needing to matter.

  4. #34
    They're badass and therefore allow themselves to be excessively sexy. Wait, wrong thread.

  5. #35
    Quote Originally Posted by che
    It also makes us think of them as objects. Something to be tossed about. Like a beach ball. And not an individual person.
    yes, this i think sums up what i was trying to say. i want characters in a story, not **** dolls. although, i guess some people just want **** dolls, and not that there is anything wrong with that, but it is kinda pitiable.

    Quote Originally Posted by che
    Not everyone is sexy like you, Rowan. There are "normal" people out there.
    everyone is normal, even super hot models and the like. my wife is the hottest woman i've got to be around and even she farts and has puffy eyes in the morning.

  6. #36
    Boxer of the Galaxy FFXV Story + Character Bios + Lack of Female Protagonists. Rowan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by che View Post
    I don't think you are a bad person for asking, Rowan. And I don't think I can quite convey all the reasons that I think, and reason that others may have on why objectifying and sexualizing characters makes it a bad thing. On the real:

    Some people think objectifying a gender is a bad thing. Why are all the characters "perfect" according to society? Best bodies ever, perfect hairlines, all that. Not everyone is sexy like you, Rowan. There are "normal" people out there. By making Lightning (and Tifa, Lulu, Selphie, Rikku, etc) "perfect", it makes people feel inadequate. It also makes us think of them as objects. Something to be tossed about. Like a beach ball. And not an individual person.
    If fictional video game characters are making people feel inadequate, then Im sorry to tell them ,but they have a plethora of other psychological issues that need to be worked out. You can hardly blame the makers of a game for making you feel inadequate anymore than you can blame them for contributing to violence. I think you'll agree to that, as I've taken note in some posts of yours in ID.

    Quote Originally Posted by che View Post
    Sure, we all love to look at attractive people. But it's just kinda gross when every. single. ****ing. character. ever. is just perfect or ridiculously over-perfect. Like Tifa/Lulu's boobs. Rikku's body and practically nonexistant outfits. That's just my opinion. They just seem so fake and forced. It lacks depth. I'm talking about characters. They almost literally are objects, so what's wrong with objectifying them?
    Thats exactly my point. They are characters and objects for us to control... literally. I happen to find that characters in final fantasy games (Rpg's in general) have more personality and depth (as well as sexuality) than any other games I've ever experienced in my life (lets take shin megami tensei out of the equation).

    Quote Originally Posted by che View Post
    Some psychologists, among other professionals, have seen underlying negative effects come from the fact that a very serious small percentage of people look like a barbie. Look at South Korea. Plastic surgery there is huge, and practically all K-pop stars who get (and there are a majority, I believe) work done, turn out looking very similar. That's apparently the ideal woman. The problem is...they aren't themselves, they are something else now, and maybe their self-esteem didn't get raised like they thought. Suddenly a whole new psychological problem happens, even though they are now what society deems beautiful.
    I only recently found out about the plastic surgery craze in Korea a few months ago. You mention after they get surgery "they are not themselves", well its odd you can say that about someone just because they have their appearance altered.. I thought what was important was your personality? Also, I think that vanity isn't such a bad thing. Humans tend to do what makes them happy, why should we draw a line here?

    Quote Originally Posted by che View Post
    Let's say I have a daughter. Who knows what she's going to look like, or what kind of personality she's going to have? I would cry myself to sleep if my daughter felt inadequate and insecure because she didn't have Lulu's ridiculous boobs, or w/e.

    Yada yada yada. I've only touched base, maybe. Google stuff.
    And thats okay, but you gotta teach your girl to be strong and do what makes her happy. I would also cry if my daughter went out and got fake tits but the last thing I would do is blame fictional characters. Not saying theres absolutley no influence... but its important to have something that drives us to our goals and to influence us. Vanity is a big part of the human race and everyone wants to appeal to everyone in one way or another.

    A woman created Barbie. Barbie could be the epitome of what you're talking about in reference to societys view on woman and how they should look. Especially since these dolls were/are so popular and almost every little girl had one. I know what you are saying and thank you for taking the time to actually give me a decent response.

    Twilights Edward is a bad depiction of how males should be. I cant glitter in the sunlight dammit, ill never get a girlfriend (actually can glitter and have gf so whatevs)
    Last edited by Rowan; 07-29-2013 at 09:14 PM.

  7. #37
    I hope my favorite game series doesn't get ruined, they're already off to a bad start using same universe/setting as xiii,
    As for a lack of trademark, very story enriching female characters in this FF, I see this going one of many ways.

    1) They are going for a you and your homies out there kicking ass feeling maybe even hooking up with girls and then on to the next.
    2) Highly unlikely, some of your friends start dying and get replaced, this however can be a big twist and make the overall story very interesting.
    3) They simply add more characters.
    4) The only female characters you see are the ones close to the MC,probably in a romantic way or family.
    5) Your party changes from time to time
    6) etc. boring, no female story influence/paths.
    Last edited by Zsychotic; 12-19-2014 at 06:35 AM.

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