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Thread: What was the last CD you bought?

  1. #91
    What is this I don't even Musashiden's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tidus_is_me_mate
    Spineshank's Self-destrutive pattern
    I like you already, kiddo.

    Just picked up The Autumn Offering's "Embrace the Gutter". It claims to be true metal coming back, but overall it sounds just like all the other Metalcore CD's I've been buying lately. That's not a bad thing, but oh well.

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  2. #92
    What was the last CD you bought? Asheis's Avatar
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    I bought a couple, recently.

    The Doors - Waiting for the sun. I already had downloaded this one, but I bought it because I really love the disk. Yes, the river knows!

    Sufjan Stevens - Illinois. Again, another one that I had downloaded. I really liked it.. and seeing "Chicago" in little miss sunshine made up my mind. Great stuff!

    The Sounds - Living in america. I'd been looking for this one for awhile, since I heard "rock n roll". Groovy beats!
    Holding you to know you exist, and the feeling.. absolute love..

  3. #93
    What was the last CD you bought? Emerald620's Avatar
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    I just bought a new cd last week but i didn't touch it yet...

    i bought the cd called Odelay-Beck

    my friend has it so i listened to a few songs then i was like sweet this is cool so i bought it
    Sometimes people have to much fun

  4. #94
    What was the last CD you bought? Shelus's Avatar
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    I'm actually expecting a new CD in the mail. Just so rare around here... looking through stores of any caliber would not suffice for this title.

    If it actually does get here through the mail... -_- I'll be expecting Cowboy Bebop Soundtrack #1. Didn't even cost that much for what it is. All thanks to the online store you can find simply by clicking the link in Piroblaze's sig. The fantasy one? Meh. Anywhom... if your interested in OSTs and such... look through Piro's site and find a deal.

    EDIT: Yeah... link. >_< sorry. lol
    Last edited by Shelus; 09-29-2006 at 11:57 AM.
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  5. #95
    What was the last CD you bought? Georgiet's Avatar
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  6. #96
    the killers hot fuss. but i havent bought a cd in ages because i have an ipod now

  7. #97
    Mmmmm the last cds i bought are Death On The Road - Iron Maiden and Unmasked - Kiss.
    They're good cds Ireally enjoy listening to them... I remember that i Bought death on the road because itwas very cheap... as i have all iron maiden cds but I thought this one would dissapoint me but it didnt

  8. #98
    Disturbed- Believe and Ten Thousand Fists.
    Final Fantasy IX OST
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  9. #99
    Quote Originally Posted by La Fée Verte
    I bought a couple, recently.

    The Doors - Waiting for the sun. I already had downloaded this one, but I bought it because I really love the disk. Yes, the river knows!

    Sufjan Stevens - Illinois. Again, another one that I had downloaded. I really liked it.. and seeing "Chicago" in little miss sunshine made up my mind. Great stuff!

    The Sounds - Living in america. I'd been looking for this one for awhile, since I heard "rock n roll". Groovy beats!
    Love your choices of music..i'm a big doors fan myself. My two fav albums would have to be Morrison Hotel and L.A. Woman though their self titled obviously is classic.

    Illinois is great as well..i'm also a huge Sufjan fan, as well as a fellow West Michigander like Sufjan. He went to Hope college which is like uh..45 minutes to an hour from where I live. I jus saw him in chicago was amazing.

    I don't have that sounds album though..i do have "Dying to Say this To You" that a newer or older release?

    Like the name too..i assume you like absinthe?

    My latest cd i bought: the 13th Floor Elevators - The Psychedelic Sounds of t he 13th Floor Elevators. A true psychedelic gem if anyone is into that kind of stuff.
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  10. #100
    What was the last CD you bought? Georgiet's Avatar
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    the last cd i bought was trivium new cd the crusade

  11. #101
    Justin Timberlake - Future Sex/Love Sounds

  12. #102
    Avenged Sevenfold - City of Evil

  13. #103
    Wicked Scimitar
    Wow it's been a while since I bought an actual CD

    However I think it was Ten thousand fists by Disturbed- That CD rocks lol

  14. #104
    What was the last CD you bought? Lethal Seraphim's Avatar
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    Well seeing as how I don't buy music, the last time I bought a CD was like 1995.

    But the last CD that I "acquired" was the new He Is Legend album "Suck Out The Poison."

    For any of you He Is Legend fans (who are probably few and far between), it's a pretty great CD. It's not as great as "I Am Hollywood" and it actually sounds A LOT different, sort of more mellow. Something you'd listen to to chill ya know. His voice sounds a bit hoarse, like it's shot. (And it probably is.) But yeah it's still worth a listen if you're a fan, and even if you're not.
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  15. #105
    Master of Saber What was the last CD you bought? Trigon's Avatar
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  16. #106
    Registered User What was the last CD you bought? Halie's Avatar
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    The lost prophets. Well actually I didn't bye it, I downloaded a load of lost prophets songs off the internet...I also downloaded the black parade from my chemical romance, and now there all on the same CD. I especially like the 1 song on there, it's called "A town called hypocrisy" by the lost prophets, it's now my fave song.

    So yeah...

  17. #107
    Registered User What was the last CD you bought? Dimi's Avatar
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    Hmmm....about two days ago I bought Diddy-Press Play. Its a great CD and my favorite song would be "The Future."

  18. #108
    I just bought Dragonforce- inhumen Rampage
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  19. #109
    Banned What was the last CD you bought? zegeneral's Avatar
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    if i told you i would have to kill you

    greetings everyone from a dark solemn heart witrh grieve and sorrow

    hello everyone this is my first time on this site and im thrilled to the point of twisted suicide
    i think less than jake is alright but hatebreed and metallica is better

    i am the thrill seeker the soul reaver the death keeper i will kill u all
    Last edited by zegeneral; 10-21-2006 at 09:39 PM.

  20. #110
    Yeaaaah that post was kinda weird and off topic. I mean it kinda was but overall spamish. Please from now on stick more to the topic okay?

  21. #111
    What was the last CD you bought? Georgiet's Avatar
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  22. #112
    What is this I don't even Musashiden's Avatar
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    I just picked up a few Tech Death CD's the other day... all of em are insane:

    Sleep Terror - Probing Tranquility
    Anata - The Conductor's Depatrure
    Spawn of Possession - Noctambulant
    Gorod - Leading Vision
    Psycroptic - Symbols of Failure

    Sleep Terror is particularly interesting... their frontman is a militant vegan and for some reason or another, the song "Autoerotic Spy" suddenly busts into "My Sharona" near the end. Good shit .

    Has anyone in this family ever even seen a chicken?
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  23. #113
    What was the last CD you bought? SourBreak's Avatar
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    I usually never buy cd's unless they are really worth buying, but the last I bought was Saxon - The Eagle Has Landed, but I bought that for Luke (Surion) last Xmas. Nah, unless it's like a limited edition with extras I only buy music Dvd's like I did with all of Dream Theater's Dvd's. *Torrents ftw*
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  24. #114
    Just got:

    Child of Darkness by Bedemon
    Live 83 by Witchfinder General

    Quite awesome albums both of them. I'm a bit of a Pentagram fanatic, and since Bobby Liebling sings on Child of Darkness, it was really a must buy to me. The Witchfinder General live album was just something I came across when I ordered the other one, but it's a nice live album and the set list is great.
    "One should forgive one's enemies, but not before they are hanged." - Heinrich Heine

  25. #115
    I'll make you famous What was the last CD you bought? Rydia Lover's Avatar
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    well today i just bought:

    pornography by the cure

    and it kinda fits my current mood over the last few weeks, FRUSTRATED AND ANGRY
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  26. #116
    Pirates of the Carabbean 2 soundtrack

    Thats pretty much the last disc I bought. I don't buy Music CD's unless I like alot of the music. If its just one or two songs I like then I usually try to find it on ITUNES.
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  27. #117
    What was the last CD you bought? Emerald620's Avatar
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    I just bought two Cd's actually

    Gold Lion (promo cd) Yeah Yeah Yeahs
    and the most recent Yeah Yeah Yeahs cd...i can't remember the name
    Sometimes people have to much fun

  28. #118
    What was the last CD you bought? Georgiet's Avatar
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  29. #119
    Recently aquired Beck's new album, "The Information." I have to say it could be one of his best yet..though not entirely original, he seems to bring all his different influences together in one place for a very eclectic listen.

    Ah that's cool you are listening to Radiohead. Those are two good albums, but probably not their best. I guess everyone has their different opinion on Radiohead albums. I think they are one hell of a band though, and Thom Yorke is in my opinion one of the best frontmen in rock today, see him live and you'll be amazed. Got to catch their Bonnaroo performance this year.
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    <FONT FACE="Bernard MT Condensed"><font color=yellow>CURRENTLY READING</font>: The Beatles: The Biography by: Bob Spitz
    <FONT FACE="Bernard MT Condensed"><font color=yellow>CURRENTLY WATCHING</font>: The Last Waltz (1978), The Complete Monterey Pop Festival (2002) The Office Season 2 (2007) Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street (2007), Paprika (2007)

    The Old Skool Cult of Kefka Vice-President: Nintendo Worshippers Executive Producer: Game Designers United
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  30. #120
    Quote Originally Posted by Emerald620
    I just bought two Cd's actually

    Gold Lion (promo cd) Yeah Yeah Yeahs
    and the most recent Yeah Yeah Yeahs cd...i can't remember the name
    Gold lion's gonna show me where the light is! Take our hands out of control!

    ANd yea Thom Yorke is ridiculusly good.

    My last CD I bought while procrastinating was Jeff Buckley - Mystery White Boy. He's one of my favourite artists of all time, my brother lost that CD so I had to go replace it.
    dont u have anything better to do than highlighting my sig?

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