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Thread: Songs that remind you of your past.

  1. #31
    Sicc in the head & n0t sober. Songs that remind you of your past. noxious.sunshine's Avatar
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    Where Dreams Go To Die.
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    This is old. But it's interesting. SO.

    To Live and Die in LA & Life Goes On - Tupac
    Yeah. My friends and I thought we were sooooo gangster. .... In 6th grade.

    Se Ha Ido - El Trono de Mexico
    More recent past. It was my ex's ringtone on -his- phone, so I set for mine when he called me. My daughter was really small back then and she figured out quickly that it was him calling when that song played. She picked out the word "Ido" and started associating my ex with it. Eventually he became "Ido" because of that song. I actually met the band back in... 2010 I think. Yeah. We went to their concert in downtown Nashville and caught them going on stage.

    Anything by South Park Mexican
    My ex in Phoenix and I listened to SPM nonstop. SPM and Chalino Sanchez. heh. And Tupac. That was pretty much it.

    Soul Survivor - Akon & Young Jeezy, My Humps - Black Eyed Peas
    Dunno why, but I played the eff outta those 2 songs in Phx. Everyone was like "These songs will always remind me of you."

  2. #32
    G'day Songs that remind you of your past. NikkiLinkle's Avatar
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    This song reminds me of my childhood. I had this guys album of tape cassette! Good old Franciscus Henry. I used to sing a long to his songs in my room haha. I just randomly remembered just now and this video is pretty creepy.

    Also could someone be a dear and tell me if this link works? I'm on my phone and it's not working for me.

  3. #33
    Queen Songs that remind you of your past. Crescent's Avatar
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    Aug 2011
    My best friend(still is) and I did a dance to this in primary school for the talent show. After that the teachers asked us to teach/choreograph the whole school (our school was quite small) that same dance for aerobics warmup for the Athletics carnival. My friend and I only copied the moves off the clip and threw in some of our own. I guess we must of executed them well! But watching the clip now um yeh I cringe but everyone seemed to love it at the time lol Good times..Good times..

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