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Thread: Avenged Sevenfold

  1. #1
    Full Time Glompasaurus Avenged Sevenfold Raider's Avatar
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    Avenged Sevenfold

    Ok, i'm really surprised i have made this already, (if i have, mods, spank me ).

    In my opinion they are the best band in the world, i cannot justify that, i just love them to bits. I love the way the fuse their melodies together to make f*ckin awesome riff, e.g. in Lost and I Won't See You Tonight Part One. I love the heavy riff that they make to give and awesome sense of headbangage! They pour all of their emotions into their songs and its comes out as a masterpiece e.g. Afterlife.


    Favourite Songs (in order of importance
    1. Afterlife - Fricken Awesomebre
    2. I Won't See You Tonight Part 1 & 2 - they are like one huge song
    3. Scream - its the anthem of strippers
    4. Lost - so heartfelt
    5. Girl i Know - Smexxy song about a prostitute

    what are your favourite songs, do you like them or not, i would like to hear from you?
    ♥The Morning After Crew♥

    Gilles De Rais was all leik Blah Blah Blah.

    Athna Loveil - Awesome Cousin
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  2. #2
    艶かしき安息、躊躇いに微笑み Avenged Sevenfold ZantetsukeN's Avatar
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    I like them. Better live than on the CDs. I have seen them twice (once with Iron freakin Maiden) and they were awesome both times.

    Their best songs are:

    Almost Easy
    Beast And The Harlot
    Art Of Subconcious Illusion
    Unholy Confessions

  3. #3
    Registered User Avenged Sevenfold Halie's Avatar
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    I love Avenged Sevenfold, too. You know, most people on here would be like "zomg its just a bunch of mainstream crap that all the emo kidz lyk", and that really gets on my nerves... Anyhoo...

    Yeah. I'm lazy, so... I'll just summarise it. I like Avenged Sevenfold. Woo!

  4. #4
    Synthesized Ascension Avenged Sevenfold Zardoch's Avatar
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    It is all bunch of mainstream crap that emo kids like. The music itself isn't emo, but it promotes the whole ridiculous trend. Moreso, any band or music that is somewhat dominated by female listeners who really get more wet at the sight of these bands than actually paying attention to the music is mainstream crap. So it's not only emo advocating, but shallow as well.

    As for the band itself, they're nothing special. Just something you can listen to on the radio, though it becomes repetitive after awhile. I'd probably call them "emo glam rock" as that's the 'glam' they portray. So mostly it's just an image their selling, not 'good' music.

    What is 'good' music you ask? Everyone has their opinion, but I think a good definition for 'good' music is any band or singer that can create true emotion and not your everyday teen angst BS. True emotion is what I see as a sound that affects people more deeply than simply a tapping of the foot. There's a soul to it that makes it deeper.

    Avenged Sevenfold has no soul, only really tight pants and the retarded 'emo bad boy' image.

  5. #5
    Registered User Avenged Sevenfold Halie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Blacksmith
    It is all bunch of mainstream crap that emo kids like. The music itself isn't emo, but it promotes the whole ridiculous trend. Moreso, any band or music that is somewhat dominated by female listeners who really get more wet at the sight of these bands than actually paying attention to the music is mainstream crap. So it's not only emo advocating, but shallow as well.
    Alright... firstly, the band isn't "dominated by female listeners". I have no idea where you got that from. If anything, they're the type of band where you get a bunch of sweaty teenage boys at their concert, or hanging around with skateboards whilst listening to them on their iPods/Phones, etc., as opposed to females. I'm not saying they don't have female fans, but I think you'll find the majority of their fanbase is either of male gender, or roughly equal between male and female even.

    And then there was this...

    female listeners who really get more wet at the sight of these bands than actually paying attention to the music is mainstream crap.
    That really irked me. I listen to Avenged Sevenfold because I like their music, and I'm female. Sure, they're okay-looking, but that has nothing to do with why I listen to them. Now I know you haven't singled me out, but you singled out females, and I'm a female. I listen to A7X because I like the beat of their songs, I like their lyrics, and also they're of my era. It's like how somebody born in the '60s would more likely appreciate David Bowie instead of someone born in the '90s, 'cause that's just the way it goes, that's how music changes. Not every new band/artist that emerges and gets a huge hype over can be portrayed as "mainstream crap that so and so trend listen to", that would just be silly. And that's what most people do, and like I said... it's silly >_>.

    Now, I don't know whether that made any sense or not... but I'm tired, so it'll have to do. >.>

  6. #6
    Synthesized Ascension Avenged Sevenfold Zardoch's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Halie View Post
    Alright... firstly, the band isn't "dominated by female listeners". I have no idea where you got that from. If anything, they're the type of band where you get a bunch of sweaty teenage boys at their concert, or hanging around with skateboards whilst listening to them on their iPods/Phones, etc., as opposed to females. I'm not saying they don't have female fans, but I think you'll find the majority of their fanbase is either of male gender, or roughly equal between male and female even.
    Compared to other music, I'd say females dominate at least 2/3rds of the fanbase. No doubt there's plenty of teenybopper boys and skaters who dress up and play it 'cool', but just about any girl I know who supposedly listens to 'punk' (AKA not really punk) or anything of that nature squeals over AX7. Hell, go to the myspace music forums and there's bound to be a few threads based on them with plenty of young, ignorant princesses just running around.

    Quote Originally Posted by Halie View Post
    That really irked me. I listen to Avenged Sevenfold because I like their music, and I'm female. Sure, they're okay-looking, but that has nothing to do with why I listen to them. Now I know you haven't singled me out, but you singled out females, and I'm a female. I listen to A7X because I like the beat of their songs, I like their lyrics, and also they're of my era. It's like how somebody born in the '60s would more likely appreciate David Bowie instead of someone born in the '90s, 'cause that's just the way it goes, that's how music changes. Not every new band/artist that emerges and gets a huge hype over can be portrayed as "mainstream crap that so and so trend listen to", that would just be silly. And that's what most people do, and like I said... it's silly >_>.
    Well, what I say is true because everywhere I go, particularly sites like this has this similar concentration of FF7 fanboys/girls who also happen to like terrible new wave trends. It just goes hand in hand. And as 'cold' as it sounds, I'm just saying what I see. I mean, yes, in a politically correct manner, not ALL women are like this, but a damn good percentage of them are. Wannabes, teenyboppers, trendwhores, you name it. This kind of music simply attracts these naive idiots.

    Of course, everyone can look back at those years and say, "Yeah, the music I listened to then sucked pretty hard", but it's more apparent these days. With the music industry nowadays pumping out clones of clones, it's hard to grow up in era's of good music without being subjected to the mainstream BS. I really feel sorry for AFI to in that respect after they basically became a girl band. -sigh-

  7. #7
    Like a Boss Sean's Avatar
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    They're good, imo, but my idea of good has become horribly messed up over the past few years. By good, I mean I can listen to them and not want to punch a baby seal. Or my radio until the noise stops.

    I try to shy away from that mainstream emo bs as much as possible, though a few bands actually exert a bit more talent than the others and happen to catch my interest. I have a few of their albums (by have, I mean, possess, in a not very legal manner, because they aren't NEARLY good enough to justify paying the outrageous cost of produced music)

    I'd agree with 9 out of 10 points by Blacksmith. Kudos, sir.

    Best Band in the World would be a hard title to give to anyone that isn't Led Zeppelin. kkthnx.
    Last edited by Sean; 11-22-2008 at 02:24 AM.

  8. #8
    TFF'S RESIDENT DOOM GOD Avenged Sevenfold IRANianCha0s's Avatar
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    Avenged Sevenfold is given a bad rap because people like to compare them to all the emo kid crap. I'd say A7X is more of a heavy alternative rock. I like Beast and the Harlot the most, and I like how most of their songs have biblical references: gives them their own flavor.
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  9. #9
    Final Fantasy consumed my life. Avenged Sevenfold Spirit of Desire's Avatar
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    They are good, but not my most favourite. Just a band I casually listen to.

    My favourite song has to be Little Piece of Heaven. Just because it makes me laugh every time.

  10. #10
    Avenged sevenfold aren't emo. They're much more heavy metal, have you not heard Chapter 4 or We come out at night?

    Although having said that I haven't listened to anything past Waking the fallen so maybe their style has changed. When I think I emo I think my chemical romance or falloutboy or some other kind of crap, certainly not Avenged sevenfold who are much heavier in tone.

  11. #11
    Full Time Glompasaurus Avenged Sevenfold Raider's Avatar
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    i have left this tread for long enough.
    ok for a start

    Quote Originally Posted by Valkyarc View Post
    Compared to other music, I'd say females dominate at least 2/3rds of the fanbase. No doubt there's plenty of teenybopper boys and skaters who dress up and play it 'cool', but just about any girl I know who supposedly listens to 'punk' (AKA not really punk) or anything of that nature squeals over AX7. Hell, go to the myspace music forums and there's bound to be a few threads based on them with plenty of young, ignorant princesses just running around.
    For a starters in case you haven't noticed i am of the male gender and i am no "teenybopper boy" granted i am on the skater side but i listen to anything but if anything mainly death metal. So i am not part of this 'emo scene'

    and if you watch their DVD most of their audience is male and if you are stating that most of their fan base is punky emo crap then how is it so that the whole of the auidience know who pantera are and know teh lyrics too walk. Answewr em that

    I have a new favouite song BTW

    ♥The Morning After Crew♥

    Gilles De Rais was all leik Blah Blah Blah.

    Athna Loveil - Awesome Cousin
    iheartpixels ♥

  12. #12
    艶かしき安息、躊躇いに微笑み Avenged Sevenfold ZantetsukeN's Avatar
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    I hate how A7X are always stuck in with the emo crowd. They are not emo! Their music is very heavy metal. If they were an emo band, how come they played with Iron Maiden? Emo is all this Panic at The Disco and Fall Out Boy kind of shit, which A7X are nothing like.

  13. #13
    persona user Avenged Sevenfold foster kid's Avatar
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    a7x emo? hahahahahaha yeah and im the wwe champ.......... i love the biblical refrences i have not herd a song i didnt like yet. i really want to see them live..... i would have loved to be in south africa when they opened up for metallica

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  14. #14
    Full Time Glompasaurus Avenged Sevenfold Raider's Avatar
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    yeah i agree, that would have been amazing.

    still people stop turning this to spam

    1. What are Your Favourite Songs?
    2. What do you think of the genre change?
    Last edited by Raider; 03-05-2009 at 11:05 AM.
    ♥The Morning After Crew♥

    Gilles De Rais was all leik Blah Blah Blah.

    Athna Loveil - Awesome Cousin
    iheartpixels ♥

  15. #15
    persona user Avenged Sevenfold foster kid's Avatar
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    a little piece of heaven
    warmness on the soul
    i wont see you tonight parts 1 and2
    bat country
    beast and the harlett
    brompton cocktail
    girl i know
    dear god

    The fighting rages on and on, to challange me you must be strong

    Proud Member of METAL MILITA....join me and we will rule the world....or at least tff

  16. #16
    some songs are good... this band is WAY to hyped up
    i think i was frozen three years back... but then i remember, thats when i gave up...

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  17. #17
    persona user Avenged Sevenfold foster kid's Avatar
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    ..........are you mad? they are not hyped enough yo...... actually bands like a7x are kind of an required taste. cause at first i didn"t like them that much but after a while without me realizing it they quickly raised through my ranks to top 10 then to the final four .......
    so if you knew anything about me you would know that the final four is a special place to be cause i have over 80 bands i love alot..... so if people don't care much for a7x its not that big of a deal to me cause its reqired taste lol .............just don't knock metallica lol

    The fighting rages on and on, to challange me you must be strong

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  18. #18
    deaths sadness Avenged Sevenfold AbysalDarkness's Avatar
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    avenged sevenfold kills man the best and the harlot v.v the really rock there one of my fav bands that and five finger death punch
    Last edited by AbysalDarkness; 03-07-2009 at 01:30 AM.

    Proud Member of METAL MILITA

  19. #19
    persona user Avenged Sevenfold foster kid's Avatar
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    no doubt that is why they in my top 4 out of 80ish

    The fighting rages on and on, to challange me you must be strong

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  20. #20
    deaths sadness Avenged Sevenfold AbysalDarkness's Avatar
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    stuff me nd my gf used to listen to she was crazy of them and 5fdp but yet she didnt liek system of the down v.v

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  21. #21
    persona user Avenged Sevenfold foster kid's Avatar
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    anyone know when they are going back into the studio to work on a new album?

    The fighting rages on and on, to challange me you must be strong

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  22. #22
    Avenged Sevenfold ChaosXxXWeapon's Avatar
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    Yeah, from what I've read they are already writing songs. They're waiting until their tour is over to head into the studio. Late '09 early '10 release from my understanding.
    Should be good listening...
    ChaosXxXWeapon.....Leader of XxWCxX

  23. #23
    Dr. Prof. Failstrom Avenged Sevenfold Dr_Flea's Avatar
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    i bought an Avenged Sevenfold cd with songs like "Almost Easy","Dear God","Afterlife" and "A Little Piece of Heaven"

    It was ok definately not up to the hype everyone was talking about them, but stilldecent enough for me to possible purchase another album.

    Any suggestions on which one??


  24. #24
    艶かしき安息、躊躇いに微笑み Avenged Sevenfold ZantetsukeN's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dr_Flea View Post
    i bought an Avenged Sevenfold cd with songs like "Almost Easy","Dear God","Afterlife" and "A Little Piece of Heaven"

    It was ok definately not up to the hype everyone was talking about them, but stilldecent enough for me to possible purchase another album.

    Any suggestions on which one??

    I would, above them all, pick City Of Evil. It has some really good catchy songs. It's in the same sort of style as the one you're talking about, but better. The best songs from it are 'Beast and the Harlot', 'Betrayed' and 'Burn It Down'.

  25. #25
    persona user Avenged Sevenfold foster kid's Avatar
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    if like screaming/screeching in your music then get sounding of the seventh trumpet, its intense but could also buy their dvd/cd set live at long beach(dvd)....and diamonds in the rough(cd)....good stuff

    The fighting rages on and on, to challange me you must be strong

    Proud Member of METAL MILITA....join me and we will rule the world....or at least tff

  26. #26
    Full Time Glompasaurus Avenged Sevenfold Raider's Avatar
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    Behind you
    or waking the fallen

    very gothic hard rock
    ♥The Morning After Crew♥

    Gilles De Rais was all leik Blah Blah Blah.

    Athna Loveil - Awesome Cousin
    iheartpixels ♥

  27. #27
    persona user Avenged Sevenfold foster kid's Avatar
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    gothic metal lol but basicaly any of there cds is good lol they are awsome all the around so hmmm you should get all there cds lol

    The fighting rages on and on, to challange me you must be strong

    Proud Member of METAL MILITA....join me and we will rule the world....or at least tff

  28. #28
    Avenged Sevenfold ChaosXxXWeapon's Avatar
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    I happen to lean more towards Waking The Fallen. The songs "Chapter Four" "Unholy Confessions" and "Second Heartbeat" are all good, in my opinion. I listen to a lot of hard rock and heavy metal, by the way.
    ChaosXxXWeapon.....Leader of XxWCxX

  29. #29
    persona user Avenged Sevenfold foster kid's Avatar
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    on smackdown vs raw 09 for ps3 i made m. shadows and holy crap other than the tats they look exactly alike its amazing lol and his entrance music is scream lol
    i also formed a group called metal militia and i made the entrance music demons from diamonds in the rough lol
    can ya tell i like avenged sevenfold yet lol.........although my entrance music is fight fire with fire from metallica lol

    The fighting rages on and on, to challange me you must be strong

    Proud Member of METAL MILITA....join me and we will rule the world....or at least tff

  30. #30
    Is is possible for me to forgive Avenged Sevenfold soramaster's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Halie View Post
    I love Avenged Sevenfold, too. You know, most people on here would be like "zomg its just a bunch of mainstream crap that all the emo kidz lyk", and that really gets on my nerves... Anyhoo...

    Yeah. I'm lazy, so... I'll just summarise it. I like Avenged Sevenfold. Woo!
    I like Avenged Sevenfold, favorite songs are Seize The Day, Trased & Scattered, Bat Country, Gunslinger, and The Wicked End

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