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Thread: Suicide Squad trailer released

  1. #1
    Boxer of the Galaxy Suicide Squad trailer released Rowan's Avatar
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    Suicide Squad trailer released

    I'm actually looking forward to this. Im not a huge fan of the DC universe or whatever, but this looks really cool. As one of the lower comments on the video sugguests, I happen to agree that Will Smith looks really out of place in this film. I dont take him for a villain at all...

  2. #2
    Bananarama Suicide Squad trailer released Pete's Avatar
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    I've really been trying to avoid anything Batman related (film wise) because I thought that the midst recent trilogy was pretty much perfect. The idea of Ben Affleck playing him and fighting Superman seems kind of idiotic and almost like a Drunk History style reenactment of a conversation I'd have at the bar in college. I know that this is a different movie, but Affleck as Batman... Meh.

    That being said, this trailer does look pretty sweet. I'm hoping that the trailer isn't the darkest the movie gets, because when you start getting deeper into the Batman lore, it's pretty freakin dark. I actually like a lot of the cast and have seen them in various things. I just hope that Will Smith can be a team player and not try to steal the show in every scene with a relatively unknown cast of misfits
    Crao Porr Cock8- Rebels, Rogues and Sworn Brothers

  3. #3
    I invented Go-Gurt. Suicide Squad trailer released Clint's Avatar
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    I've read some of the Suicide Squad comics. The premise is fantastic, and although I didn't much like this trailer much, I have faith that the movie will be good. I'm especially exited to see most of the crew in there. Deadshot, Harley Quinn, Katana, El Diablo, Captain Boomerang. I'm not sure why Killer Croc is there. I don't ever remember him being a major part of the task force. I'm assuming he's a replacement for King Shark. Viola Davis as Amanda Waller seems very promising.

    What I did find disappointing with this trailer was Jared Leto's take on The Joker. I think that was a bad casting decision. I'm sure he'll be fine, but when you're playing a character, you should become the character, and not just read lines. You can tell in the eyes that he doesn't believe that he's The Joker, which was precisely the opposite of Heath Ledger, who transformed himself into his character. There was no hint of Ledger in The Dark Knight's Joker. It was just Joker, and I don't think we're going to see that this time around.
    Last edited by Clint; 07-14-2015 at 12:19 PM.

  4. #4
    I want to play a game. Suicide Squad trailer released Zargabaath's Avatar
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    From my understanding of Deadshot's backstory - his actions are for his daughter, to make her life good. I would like to see the rest of the cast done well, but I believe Deadshot is kind of the leader. I am not expecting The Joker to be in the movie all that much. The trailer shows him in Harley Quinn's backstory, whenever there is a team shot he is absent.

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  5. #5
    Boxer of the Galaxy Suicide Squad trailer released Rowan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Zargabaath View Post
    From my understanding of Deadshot's backstory - his actions are for his daughter, to make her life good. I would like to see the rest of the cast done well, but I believe Deadshot is kind of the leader. I am not expecting The Joker to be in the movie all that much. The trailer shows him in Harley Quinn's backstory, whenever there is a team shot he is absent.
    There is a moment at 2:14 where he is seen walking behind someone and it also appears that he looks different (no tattoos, whiter face/no tattoos. There is a theory that the joker we see at the end is during a flashback or -past- segment of the story before he had his chemical spill, because apparantly the joker was wearing makeup before he had his chem spill in the comics. I also think the joker is the major antagonist and not actually apart of the task force.

  6. #6
    I want to play a game. Suicide Squad trailer released Zargabaath's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rowan View Post
    There is a moment at 2:14 where he is seen walking behind someone and it also appears that he looks different (no tattoos, whiter face/no tattoos. There is a theory that the joker we see at the end is during a flashback or -past- segment of the story before he had his chemical spill, because apparantly the joker was wearing makeup before he had his chem spill in the comics. I also think the joker is the major antagonist and not actually apart of the task force.
    We do see Batman in the trailer, but I find it weird that Waller would target the Joker. He is a great villain, but I don't see him doing anything that would require "saving the world". It is over a year away and there are more trailers to come out so we shall see.

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  7. #7
    Boxer of the Galaxy Suicide Squad trailer released Rowan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Zargabaath View Post
    We do see Batman in the trailer, but I find it weird that Waller would target the Joker. He is a great villain, but I don't see him doing anything that would require "saving the world". It is over a year away and there are more trailers to come out so we shall see.
    Isn't the Joker the one that wants to see the world burn? If im correct, then it would be an awesome plot. From what we can see from the trailer, the Joker doesn't appear to be apart of the suicide squad, and instead has his own lackeys wearing masks and shooting everyone (i noticed when he was walking slowly toward the end of the trailer before they showed his face, the panda bear suit person was standing in the same room, the same one that was shooting people slightly earlier in the trailer).

    And apparantly Ben Afleck will be having a small role in the film as Batman, which would be cool.

  8. #8
    The Mad God Suicide Squad trailer released Heartless Angel's Avatar
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    There's also a theory going around that suggest that Leto isn't actually playing the original Joker, but a deranged Jason Todd, which is why his portrayal doesn't really match up with the canon Joker we all know. Among the supposed hints at this are some of his tattoos depicting the wings of birds, perhaps a Robin. And the skull in a jester hat tattoo commemorating the 'death' of Jason Todd, and subsequent donning of the identity of his murderer. And this isn't totally without precedent, in the Death in the Family story, Jason was 'killed' by the Joker, but later came back impersonating his old criminal identity, the Red Hood. There's also a shot from Batman Vs. Superman showing a newspaper article called Wayne Tower Devastated, and on that paper there is a scrawling reading 'YOU LET YOUR FAMILY DIE', another possible reference to the Death in the Family arc.
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  9. #9
    Boxer of the Galaxy Suicide Squad trailer released Rowan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Heartless Angel View Post
    There's also a theory going around that suggest that Leto isn't actually playing the original Joker, but a deranged Jason Todd, which is why his portrayal doesn't really match up with the canon Joker we all know. Among the supposed hints at this are some of his tattoos depicting the wings of birds, perhaps a Robin. And the skull in a jester hat tattoo commemorating the 'death' of Jason Todd, and subsequent donning of the identity of his murderer. And this isn't totally without precedent, in the Death in the Family story, Jason was 'killed' by the Joker, but later came back impersonating his old criminal identity, the Red Hood. There's also a shot from Batman Vs. Superman showing a newspaper article called Wayne Tower Devastated, and on that paper there is a scrawling reading 'YOU LET YOUR FAMILY DIE', another possible reference to the Death in the Family arc.
    I feel like that would be an uncessarily complex backstory for the character being portrayed as the Joker. Most people who will watch suicide squad are casuals (like myself) only just want to see characters playing their characters. I feel like him not actually being the joker but pretending to be would take away from the overall awesomness of it.

    Having said that, the 'damaged' tattoo on his head has already done enough 'damage' to the coolness of his character.

  10. #10
    I invented Go-Gurt. Suicide Squad trailer released Clint's Avatar
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    I would actually prefer if the Joker we see in Suicide Squad is a deranged Jason Todd. It adds a bit of mystique to the character of the Joker by showing how much damage he can do without even appearing. And Jason Todd is a fantastic and overlooked character in the Batman lore, and deserves to a place in cinematic history. The same goes for Dick Grayson, Tim Drake, Damien Wayne, Barbara Gordon, Stephanie Brown, and all of Batman's other sidekicks. They're all good characters who have so far been overlooked in film, or in the case of Dick Grayson, severely misused.

  11. #11
    Permanently Banned loaf's Avatar
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    Joker looks like a Cholo.
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  12. #12
    Queen Suicide Squad trailer released Crescent's Avatar
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    Hmm not feeling it tbh. LOved the animated movie bt as a huge Batman fan I'll check it out anyway if not for Will Smith and Margot Robbie's performance as Harley.

    Batman vs SuperMan and Deadpool are the main superhero movies Im dying to see nxt yr.

  13. #13
    attempting to bribe the Mayor of Lambeth Suicide Squad trailer released Xanatos's Avatar
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    I'm not really a fan of how Joker looks, but it's Jared Leto, so I'm sure we'll have a top notch performance if nothing else.

    As for the film itself, the premise and characters themselves are interesting enough to warrant a trip to cinema.

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