Originally Posted by
Heartless Angel
There's also a theory going around that suggest that Leto isn't actually playing the original Joker, but a deranged Jason Todd, which is why his portrayal doesn't really match up with the canon Joker we all know. Among the supposed hints at this are some of his tattoos depicting the wings of birds, perhaps a Robin. And the skull in a jester hat tattoo commemorating the 'death' of Jason Todd, and subsequent donning of the identity of his murderer. And this isn't totally without precedent, in the Death in the Family story, Jason was 'killed' by the Joker, but later came back impersonating his old criminal identity, the Red Hood. There's also a shot from Batman Vs. Superman showing a newspaper article called Wayne Tower Devastated, and on that paper there is a scrawling reading 'YOU LET YOUR FAMILY DIE', another possible reference to the Death in the Family arc.