The last anime that I've seen and currently watching is Shakugan no Shana, I bought the Japan version boxset for $4.00, it was so good I went out the next day and bought the American version at Bestbuy for $45.00. Great anime 10 out of 10 stars.
I watched:
Vampire Hunter D: Blood Lust
Hellsing OVA IV
The Adventures of Hiruhi Suzimya 11
Istory was having trouble, what a sad, sad story
Needed a new leader to restore its former glory
Where, oh, where was he?
Where could that mantree be?
We looked around and then we found the man for you and me!
And now it's...
Springtime for ExDeath and Istory!
Jachol is happy and gay!
We're marching to a faster pace. Look out, here comes the master race!
Springtime for ExDeath and Istory!
The islands are fine lands once more!
Springtime for ExDeath and Istory!
Watch out, Ghido, we're going on tour!
If you or your friend are in need of a reunion with a loved one and have no where else to turn, you know who to call. Only me, the Millenium Earl, can rescue their soul from that wretched God. All you need to do is shout out their name!And remember:
I want YOU to join the Akuma Army!
The last anime that I've seen and currently watching is Shakugan no Shana, I bought the Japan version boxset for $4.00, it was so good I went out the next day and bought the American version at Bestbuy for $45.00. Great anime 10 out of 10 stars.
I give everyone permission to call me Endy, and by the way I got that nickname from FATE, sounds coolRPGs THAT I'VE BEATEN.....
Shugo Chara Doki episode 55 RAW
Winx Club Season 3 episode 18 (Yeah, I still watch this, it's "cool" I guess?)
And looking for new ones to watch.
"Because I obviously haven't been on here for a while"
- Said no one ever, 02/2020
"It was nice meeting you!"
- Said a second nobody ever~
Najica. <--- Last anime I watched.
That is all.
Gintama Ep 43
Naruto shippuden...the last episode I think it's 74 or 75.
Bleach...The Episode when the Espada No.4 tell the guys that Nel was a former Espada.
Sig(s) made by me
DS Sigs
What is life:
Why life is unfair!!!:
My Mafia family:
Mona Lisa Overdrive - Self Appointed god
LoVeLeSs - Freaky Goddaughter
brnthsdiscout - FF Lovin' sister
DiaryofJane-Music Loving God Mother
Unknown Entity - My sister and my right hand in the family
Silver - Enforcer
Last anime I watched was Bleach.Episode 89-97
Win Club S3 ep 26
Kamichama Karin ep5
Shugo Chara 56 RAW
Meh, I watch the same things >.>
"Because I obviously haven't been on here for a while"
- Said no one ever, 02/2020
"It was nice meeting you!"
- Said a second nobody ever~
The last thing I watched was this cute little childrens anime that I bought at the discount bookstore called Magical Meow Meow Taruto! ^^
Last anime I watched..
*La Corda D'Oro "Primo Passo" Ep. 1-26
-It's 'bout a magic vioLin which given to Kahoko by a fairy.. so on and so forth.. (This is actuaLLy a romantic anime) I Luv it *Thumbs up*
*Night Wizard Ep.1-4
-Cute anime 'bout saving the pLanet Earth from the EmuLators.. *Thumbs up*
*Death Note! Chapt. 1-6
-A very optimistic anime.. I Loooove it! I'm aLso Looking forward of the two movie of it.. the "Death Note: Last name" and "Death Note: "L" Changed the WorLd"
Last edited by Yesha; 12-02-2008 at 06:23 PM.
My Art Thread:
Ok this might look kinda sad, but i have been watching Cardcaptors lolz, I use to watch it years ago when i was at school, but never saw all of it so decided to watch it on youtube, I watched the English dubbed version and I am now re-watching them in their original Japanese version, it's amazing to see there are so many differences between the two.
My TFF Family
My FFVII addicted nephew: Secret weapon
My Bullet lovin half wolf cousin: Raider
My complete FFVII nut sister: Unkown entity
My Freya obsessed, grammar nazi brother: Doc rocco
Death Note volume 4. I'd watch it further, but my girlfriend is into it too. She gets angry if I progress into the series more than she is.![]()
The first few episodes of Fate Stay Night, it wasn't really what I was expecting but in saying that I liked it. It's kind of old school looking which I like, I'll have to watch some more some time.
Magical Renkin San-Kyu Pokaan Episode 2
Bleach Opening Themes (All of them.)
Assorted Clannad clips. (Search "Clannad Chan Combo" on YouTube for some fun)
My TFF Family:
Anachlirium - My (Over) Loving GrandmotherAthna Loveil - My Anime Crazed CousinDark Squall - The God FatherMC Benny - My Hyperactive (And Imaginative) BroMeier Link - My Aunt's Stepsister's Husband's Brother-In-Law*Yesha* - My Hyperactive Sister
Everything is art... But is art everything?
I sat down Friday and Saturday and watched Avitar books one and two then sunday started to watch book 3 before I had to leave to go celebrate my G-ma's b-day, I ws really suprised by it. The series kicks ass.
Soldier: "We suck but we're better then you"
We will fight, we will be strong
Together we're marching on
United, we move as one
Our finest hour has just begun
Philmore - Our Finest Hour
Crao Porr Cock8! Need I say more!?My awards:
I just finished watching Samurai Champloo which I really enjoyed. Some good fight scenes and a dash of humour. It's largely episodic tho with only a generalised theme and direction which means that there are sometimes gaps between episodes that leave you wondering if you've skipped one by mistake, it was a bit of a let down as some of the stories were really good. The characters work well, each with a distinct personality that keeps the show interesting.
Read some of my stuff here
The Gargoyle
Star Gaze
My TFF Family
(is laughably small because 'loner' turned out to be fairly accurate)
Unknown-Entity - loner-kid's hilarious 'friend'
Raider - my ginger brother
A movie called Paprika(2007) was pretty cool. I saw it weeks ago though was a thriller about a device which can see into people's dreams while they're asleep...ahh it was a while ago so i don't really remember very well. But i do remember that the animation was really nice![]()
I watched a little of the FMA Anime three days ago and I must say, I loved it! I especially love Greed...
Istory was having trouble, what a sad, sad story
Needed a new leader to restore its former glory
Where, oh, where was he?
Where could that mantree be?
We looked around and then we found the man for you and me!
And now it's...
Springtime for ExDeath and Istory!
Jachol is happy and gay!
We're marching to a faster pace. Look out, here comes the master race!
Springtime for ExDeath and Istory!
The islands are fine lands once more!
Springtime for ExDeath and Istory!
Watch out, Ghido, we're going on tour!
If you or your friend are in need of a reunion with a loved one and have no where else to turn, you know who to call. Only me, the Millenium Earl, can rescue their soul from that wretched God. All you need to do is shout out their name!And remember:
I want YOU to join the Akuma Army!
It has been another busy week for me in anime watching. I bought ton of anime on Sunday and pretty have been watching it almost constantly since then to Thursday. So I will run down the anime.
Negima Episodes 2-26 - I saw the first episode a long time ago in Newtype wanted to see the rest of this. It was a lot of fun, but I was a little uncertain what they would end up doing with this since well it is supposed to be a harem anime and yet the main character is a 10 year old boy surrounded by 31 14 year old girls. At least it is a classroom or else it would be really weird. Either way, things played out pretty innocently all things considered. But it was fun to see them dancing around things like romance with a 10 year old. The last like 3 episodes was a little surprising twist with this sudden reversal in things. Everything up to that point had been pretty light and not so serious and then everyone knows already he is a wizard and they have this epic looking battle. It was a nice way to end things if not unexpected.
My HiME Episodes 1-26 - I saw the first episode a long time ago as well, but I rewatched it because for this sort of anime I figured it would be good to have it fresh in memory. And well it was not really that necessary, but still I enjoyed the anime a lot. The directions that they ended up taking were a little surprising, though I was pretty much calling out who was going to be Hime. But seeing as the way that they presented things it was almost like they were saying please look for them. I enjoyed it a lot though and it was nice and dripping with all of the sad emotional drama angst that I love.
Bubblegum Crisis 2040 Episodes 1-26 - I've wanted to see this for a while and I finally did. It is funny that when I look at the cover and see Priss I think she is a guy and that she reminds me of Heero from Gundam W. Which is not too far off sometimes. It was a little slow moving at times, but it was a fun show to watch. By the middle to end it did end up taking a turn for the bizzare and I felt like I was watching Eva at times. Not that is a bad thing, just felt like they took a few cues from them.
Neo Ranga Episode 1-48 - I did see the first episode of this a long time ago as well. The first season was a little strange and it was building up to a lot of things, but they did not really seem to go anyway. So it was really strangely paced and I was not sure what they wanted to do. I could see that they were developing a conspiracy in the background and deeper elements, but they just stayed there for so long that it seemed like nothing was happening for the longest time. Then the second season changed all of that and it was very interesting to see each episode progress to the next. It ended up being very interesting and fun to watch though the youngest sister seemed so angry and plotting for her age.
Rescue Me Mave-chan - This I saw a while ago and I was not sure if I wanted to get it. It was $8 so I picked it up and found it to be a 30 minute movie that was quite amusing with the main character being an anime otaku at an anime convention that gets pulled into a world that is powered by the thoughts of anime otakus. It was funny and unusual.
Happy Lesson Episodes 1-14 Plus OVA 1-3 - This was another cheap box set and it looked like fun. I can't really turn down a harem anime. I was not sure what I was getting into with this, but it was a lot of fun. It even gave me fond memories of Tenchi with the girls doing crazy things to him. I miss that since so many of the harem these days do not torture the main character. I miss that type of fun it is all about the panty shots and things. Back in the old days (cough >.>) we didn't need panty shots we just had good healthy fun in the form of eccentric girls with an uncontrollable desire to be near the man and it was good. (cough >.>) So there were fond memories here. The only problem is that the main character is a bit of a jerk in his attitude which was annoying. I wanted more of the innocent Tenchi. ; ; Oh well.
Pretear Episode 1-13 - I've seen this forever on shelves in single DVD cases and now I got it in the box set all of these years later. I was not sure what I was getting, but it turned out well. It was a nice short anime from the creator of Sailor Moon with a little monster of the day feel without getting old and lots of pretty boys surrounding one girl. The ending was a little different that I was thinking it was going to be, but I'm not really surprised. I actually liked the way that it ended up.
In addition I rewatched: Blade of the Phantom Master, Shuffle Ep 1, My Hime Ep 1 and Fruits Basket Ep 1-6.
Curious? There's no limits but your own imagination.
Don't know how to roleplay, but want to learn? Visit Here!
2007 and 2009 Best Writer of TFF and 2009 Most Creative Co-Winner
Just sat down a few nights ago and rewatched:
Orgus 02 Episodes 1 and 2
Green Legend Ran
Perfect Blue
I must admit they are all still just as great as they where when I first watched them.
Soldier: "We suck but we're better then you"
We will fight, we will be strong
Together we're marching on
United, we move as one
Our finest hour has just begun
Philmore - Our Finest Hour
Crao Porr Cock8! Need I say more!?My awards:
In my epic dvd marathon, I am at volume 5 of Excel Saga.
Been a while since I wrote here...
Shaman King 1 to 60 [not in one day of course]
Gundam Seed Destiny 49-50
Shugo Chara 70
Used to watch a lot, but not anymore. WHenever I'm bored here and there. Then again, who posts here these days? ..
"Because I obviously haven't been on here for a while"
- Said no one ever, 02/2020
"It was nice meeting you!"
- Said a second nobody ever~
Technically the last anime i watched was FMA the movie but i have already watched that more than once so the last one i watched would be Highlander.
A mouth of a perfectly happy man is filled with beer.
--Ancient Egyptian Wisdom, 2200 B.C.
Crao Porr Cock8, Go and get a Cock8 up ya.
The finer details of a signature:
Highlander was an anime?????? We played music from that in band class.
Well I just was watching Code Geass. Love that show!
Bleach 211:
I've been reading the manga upon its translation so I know what to expect in the anime, but it is currently in an interesting bit as far as back stories are concerned. The stories of the Urahara, Aizen, Gin and the Vizards is being told. Soon it will be the big epic Winter War... if they don't throw in more filler! ^^;
Death Note 20:
I've decided to rewatch Death Note, so i'm back to (re)watching episode 20. This episode is following the investigation into the Yotsuba who are using the Death Note for their own dirty deeds. No matter how many times I watch or read Death Note, Misa never fails to irritate me!
PSN username: Raikujaku
A meow-ed member of PRK9
The last one(s) i've seen were
Naruto ep. 1-final episode of boht seasons
Bleach ep. 1-196
(excuse my spelling) Full metal alachamist ep. every one
Tokko (on sifi (ani-monday) ) ep. 1-10
and some other that i foregot the names to.
Well the last few animes I have seen are:
A movie called Howl's moving castle.(Awsome flick and although it was a little strange I liked it.)
Few episodes here and there of Bleach and Death note.(Sucks that L....well you know.)
And many many episodes(really just fight scenes) from Afro Samurai.(Justice is awsome! Check the Avatar)
recently.. ive been watching Gurren Lagaan and and a few random Death Note episodes
the last one i watched was bleach.... the first episodes from before he summoned his sword for the first was hard to watch when i was in my brothers room who i have not seen in 3 months and it was just weird but i love bleach and wish i could get the seasons on dvd
The fighting rages on and on, to challange me you must be strong
Proud Member of METAL MILITA....join me and we will rule the world....or at least tff
Ergo Proxy.
From beginning to end.
Damn that's good viewing.
Not exactly my favourite anime, but it's near the top.
victoria aut mors