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Thread: Last Anime You Watched 2.0

  1. #601
    Go with me, Exkaizer~ Last Anime You Watched 2.0 Treize's Avatar
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    Re: Last Anime You Watched 2.0

    I just finished watching The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya 2009 today. I heard some bad things about it, but I didn't think it would really be as bad as it turned out to be. I was so disappointed. After the first episode, which was probably the only well made episode, there were pretty much eight episodes that are nearly identical to each other. Then the rest of the episodes also turned out to be long and boring. What was it, five episodes showing the filming of the movie that was shown in the first episode of the original series? It pretty much showed the biggest character flaws in all of the characters too. At least I heard good things about the movie.
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  2. #602
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    Re: Last Anime You Watched 2.0

    Elfen Lied, it being the only anime I've ever watched all the way through. It isn't bad. I mostly like the music, to be honest. xD

  3. #603
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    Re: Last Anime You Watched 2.0

    There's a few anime that I've watched recently:

    Axis Powers Hetalia- I decided to give this a go, mostly because of Storm's ava and sig. It's actually pretty funny, and the episodes are short, so it doesn't take long to watch a whole lot of episodes. I think I watched both seasons in a matter of a couple of days. I think I really like Germany and America the most. The other personified countries have great interactions as well, but those two are the best to me. I'm set to watch Hetalia World Powers soon.

    FMA Brotherhood - Ep. 58-62 - This series is drawing to a close, and I'm all caught up with the episodes that I can watch the new ones when they're released here in the States. Heh... I'm surprised that I'm into it as much as I am. Not fanatical, but seeing a new episode getting released so I can watch what happens next makes me more excited about watching this show than I have been for anything in a while. Ah well.

    Nana - Eh... It's not bad. I actually really enjoyed the first 20 or so episodes, but when Trapnest got more involved with the show and the Nana girls, it really didn't appeal to me that much anymore. I actually skipped over like the 3 episodes before the last one, because it just got sooo boring to me.
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  4. #604
    Learner Last Anime You Watched 2.0 CloudTide's Avatar
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    Re: Last Anime You Watched 2.0

    One Piece 6-16
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  5. #605
    Go with me, Exkaizer~ Last Anime You Watched 2.0 Treize's Avatar
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    Re: Last Anime You Watched 2.0

    I've started watching His and Her Circumstances today, and I have to say it's one of the best romance anime I've seen. The main characters are pretty interesting to watch, and I can't wait to see more of the show.

    I also started watching X a while ago. I'm not really sure how I feel about this show yet. I've only watched five episodes so far, and the main plot isn't really too clear yet. I'm hoping that it turns out to be an interesting story.

    Edit: I do have to admit that I'm a little annoyed with the animation of His and Her Circumstances at times, though. It's annoying that they used so many still shots and took stuff straight from the manga. It would have been nice if it was just animated normally. <_<
    Last edited by Treize; 06-29-2010 at 09:33 AM.
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  6. #606
    Glowing Ball of Awesome Last Anime You Watched 2.0 Ashura's Avatar
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    Re: Last Anime You Watched 2.0

    I actually just finished the entire series of Gantz, in one day to be specific, which was about 29 episodes, and I don't watch that much anime in one day, haha.

    I loved all the characters and the storyline, which kept me watching it more, along with the series of deaths and bloody alien fights. It's a great anime in my opinion, but the ending was pretty sad.

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  7. #607
    I want to play a game. Last Anime You Watched 2.0 Zargabaath's Avatar
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    Re: Last Anime You Watched 2.0

    I finished Mobile Suit Gundam yesterday. When it aired on Cartoon Network I got to the Battle of Odessa but stopped watching it for some reason I can not recall. So I decided to give it another go because I really enjoyed the show. Seeing Ryu die was a bit sad as it was the first time I watched that episode; I came to like Lt. Slegger as well with his personality but then he died as well - I kind of saw it coming in the episode he died in - but I was still affected, a little, by his death. I noticed something that I saw in Gundam Wing, that they would re-use some scenes for a battle: it takes a little from the production; I know that it would be tedious to create totally unique battle scenes for each battle however, if they had some variation - they used Sayla turning side-ways dodging a missle/laser then shooting a Zeon mobile suit frequently as her move, for example.

    I know Mobile Suit Gundam was supposed to be 52 episodes but due to the lack of popularity it was cut to 39, however the staff was able to extend the series to 43 episodes. The episodes they lost hurt the plot a bit as they introduced the "newtypes" pretty quickly without getting too much into it and Amuro became a "god" in a short-span of episodes. Overall, I really loved this show giving it an 8/10.

    I aslo completed Mobile Suit Gundam: 0080 today. I saw this OVA a long time ago but I am in a Gundam mode, will be moving on to 08th MS Team later, so I gave this another run. At first I was a bit confused exactly when this took place in the One-Year War but after I did a little research I was able to figure it out and my questions were answered. I wouldn't call 0080 great, but it was still good with some likeable characters.

    A couple of weeks ago I finished Pumpkin Scissors; I first saw this show (first episode) at the inception of a small anime club at a local library, which probably never got off the ground. I had been meaning to watch and did so a few weeks ago. The ending really leaves a lot left open as there is a new player in the game between Div. 1 and Div. 3. I did watch one episode in Japanese and I prefered the Enlgish VA's because they seemed to match how they looked and their personality more than their japanese counterparts.

    My last sentence brings up a point that I definitely prefer English VAs because I know English and I don't like being distracted by reading the subtitles then looking at the animation - I can miss stuff. With English VAs I can focus on what is going in the anime while fully understanding what they are talking about.

    I also got watched up to episode 8 in Witch Hunter Robin but I stopped to watch Gundam. I saw up to episode 8 or so when it aired on Adult Swim but then I stopped watching Adult Swim thus I did not see the rest of Witch Hunter Robin. From the episodes I saw back in the day I liked the show and wanted to finish it one day.

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  8. #608
    Certified tech, come at me! Last Anime You Watched 2.0 SuperSabin's Avatar
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    Re: Last Anime You Watched 2.0

    The last anime I watched recently is Fist of the North Star. Its been too long since I've watched the series. I loved watching that anime. Its one of the shows that got me into anime more and I grew more appreciative of it too. I recently watched episode 8 and i don't think i finished the 9th one quite yet.
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  9. #609
    I want to play a game. Last Anime You Watched 2.0 Zargabaath's Avatar
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    Re: Last Anime You Watched 2.0

    As in my last post in this thread I said I was moving on toward watching Mobile Suit Gundam: The 08th MS Team which I previously watched on Cartoon Network. This time I was able to watch the final episode - Episode 12 "Last Resort" - which Cartoon Network did not air because it showed children being enlisted by the military. The final episode is definitely different than the rest of the series and for the most part I didn't really like it, however, the ending is fulfilling, making watching the whole episode worthwhile.

    I followed 08th MS Team with After War Gundam X. The After War timeline is the third alternate universe in the Gundam series, however, unlike Future Century (G Gundam) & After Colony (Gundam Wing) the After War universe is more of an actual alternate universe to the Universal Century than the previous two alternate timelines.

    Their are newtypes in the After War timeline with similiar abilities as their Universal Century counterparts had. The After War calendar begins 15 years prior to the series where the Colonies are rebelling for freedom from the United Earth Federation - much like the Zeon were. While the Zeon dropped only one coloney, the Space Rebellion Army dropped hundreds of Colonies causing the Earth to go into a nuclear winter for 7 years. The mobile suits shown in Gundam X are similiar to the mobile suits in Universal Century. In Gundam X there was also the G-Falcon (G Armour in Universal Century) and the Satellite Ray (Solar Ray).

    The first 9 episodes were ok to poor, to me, but exactly on episode 10 the series got really good. After War Gundam X suffered poor ratings and the show was cut to 39 episodes, however as I thought about it I would like to know how they creators would have took the series if it lasted for 11 more episodes. The main cast wanted to prevent the mistakes of the past and how the series ended fit that pretty well.

    More similiarities between U.C. and A.W. is during the final battle of the 7th space war (the war that happened 15 years prior to Gundam X) the federation ace pilot was in a Gundam that look similiar to Amuro's and ace pilot of the Space Rebellion piloted something similiar to a Zeong which Char piloted in the final battle of the One Year War.

    The recurring villians of Gundam X were pretty good and interesting though I did find some similiarities between them and Char Aznable. I'd give After War Gundam X an 8/10. The first 9 episodes were iffy, I didn't like the main hero, Garrod Ran till around episodes 17-19 when he finally became likeable - to me. I'm not too sure what they could have done with 11 more episodes if they weren't cut to 39 but I feel that 39 was still pretty good though have 3-5 more episodes wouldn't have hurt.

    Onward to Turn A Gundam.

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  10. #610
    attempting to bribe the Mayor of Lambeth Last Anime You Watched 2.0 Xanatos's Avatar
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    Re: Last Anime You Watched 2.0

    Akira would be the last anime I've seen, and for the first time, I know, it has been over 20 years after it's release and it's a must see but I got my hands on it just recently. A decent movie and that's all I'm going to say, I don't get all the hype over this anime, I think my friend was exaggerating a little bit by calling it the daddy of all anime movies.

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  11. #611
    I want to play a game. Last Anime You Watched 2.0 Zargabaath's Avatar
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    Re: Last Anime You Watched 2.0

    I completed Turn A Gundam today. This is a very unique Gundam show (compared to the one's I've seen) as it is less action focused. Instead it focuses on the characters and the plot with light battles; the only large scale battle that is a Gundam trait would have to be the final battle, still the size of the final battle isn't as large as the others.

    This show had a lot of characters that I liked and at the same time I think it had the most I found annoying or disliked, though I liked most of the characters. The character relationships were well done and did not feel forced as if rushed. There was plenty of political maneuvering with people forming alliances, revolts, & backstabbing.

    The most intriguing aspect of Turn A Gundam is its relationship to a previous Gundam timeline - Universal Century. Three thousand years ago the world was covered in darkness and the world had to rebuild; in the beginning of the show Earth is at a technological stage similiar to early 20th Century. The time before the that is known as the "Dark History". It was later revealed that the Universal Century universe and the Correct Century (Turn A Gundam) are of the same.

    During the episode when the full truth of the Dark History was revealed created some issues with me. When the Dark History is revealed it not only says shows the conflicts that happened in Universal Century but also in the Future Century (G Gundam), After Colony (Gundam Wing), & After War (Gundam X). One of the characters, Lily Luzianna, mentions that the Universal Century began around 10,000 years ago but I found it difficult to believe that 4 different timelines happened with all unique Gundams/Mobile Suits with no knowledge of the previous timeline. The After War universe has a similiar scenario to the Universal Century: What if the rebelling colonies dropped hundreds of colonies instead of one, the final battle of the 7th Space War Jamill piloted a Gundam for the Earth Federation while Lancerow Dawell piloted a mobile suit that looked very similiar to the Zeong, there were newtypes, the main colony for the Space Rebellion - Cloud Nine - is located behind the moon as was Side 3 for the Zeon.

    After doing some research I found this: Turn A" is the is the universal quantifier used in discrete mathematics: meaning that the Title of the Series is actually "For All Gundams". This is proven throughout the Series, as it is eventually revealed that the "Dark History" of the Correct Century is a combination of Tomino's Universal Century, as well as the Alternate Universes of "Mobile Suit Gundam X" (1996), "Mobile Suit Gundam Wing" (1995) + Mobile Suit Gundam W: Endless Waltz (1998) (V) & "Kidô butôden G Gundam" (1994).

    I have stated my doubts about the alternate universes being included plus none of the characters mention the other timelines i.e., Future Century, After Colony, & After War. I am interested in what happened to newtypes, though that could have been explained later on in one of the shows in the Universal Century, which I'll be watching relatively soon, but After War Gundam X does provide an answer, even so, how Tomino incorporated the other universes was pretty poor and leaves fans wondering with questions. I take away that just the Universal Century is the far past of the Correct Century and I dismiss the other universes because of their poor implementation; if there was some revision that made sense I would be ok with it, though I do like each univese being its own.

    As for the Gundam pilot - Loran Cehack - it was hard to judge his skill throughout most of the show because he never really fought in large battles, for prolonged times, and was not interested in killing but stopping the fighting. The final battle does show how much Loran has advanced in his skill, otherwise he may have been seen as the weakest and I was glad that his combat abilities were shown in a great final battle.

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  12. #612
    I want to play a game. Last Anime You Watched 2.0 Zargabaath's Avatar
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    Re: Last Anime You Watched 2.0

    If you guessed I watched a Gundam show, you are correct.

    If you guessed that I watched Gundam Seed you are even more correct.

    Finished it up yesterday. I definitely saw a lot of plot similiarities between Seed & Mobile Suit Gundam; all the way up to the Battle at JOSH-A (even afterwards Panama was a bit of Jaburo). Another note with the Battle at JOSH-A is when the series got better to me; the first 30 episodes or so were still good. I can say quite easily that Gundam Seed is at the bottom of my list of "favorite Gundam", again not to say it was bad - just not as good. I'd give it a C+ or a B-.

    I never got really connected to the characters as I had in MGS, Gundam X, or Turn A; quite a few of the characters in Seed lacked the charisma needed to capture my "heart". This complaint is mainly directed at the supporting cast. The Le Creuset team: Athrun, Yzak, Nicole, and Dearka aren't very threatening as I never felt that they put enough danger or pressure on Kira until episode 30. Shani, Clotho, & Orga, when first introduced, did give a sense of challenge to Kira and company, however, eventually they lost their luster too since they became nuisances that were tricky to defeat but never had a shot of killing Kira and Athrun.

    Gundam Seed was based on the original concept of Mobile Suit Gundam and could be considered a "remake" of sorts but Seed also took some leaves from Gundam X. How the Coordinators, Patrick Zala specifically, saw themselves as the next evolutionary step for humans while, initially, naturals saw Coordinators as tools to be used; much like in Gundam X where Newtypes where thought to be the next evolutionary step and Oldtypes saw Newtypes as their tools to be used in whatever way they deemed proper. Rau Le Creuset has some of the Frost Brothers, from Gundam X, in his character as well.

    I noticed something while watching Seed as well: females of Gundam tend to annoy me or I come to dislike some of them: Mirai Yashima, Sochie Heim, Miashei Kune (a little bit), Enill El (a tad as bit), Flay Allster, & Cagalli Yula Atha. Flay was bad in the beginning, when she started scheming which I have to give some dap for that, but eventually she was overshadowed by Cagalli. Cagalli's gun-ho attitude when she couldn't even fight well (the fighter jet when she almost "sweat" and almost got in Mu's crossfire). As her father said, and Mu seconded, she was a spoil brat and I was happy that she was slapped twice in the show - too bad I didn't see the second slap.

    Lastly, I ought mention this since it is somewhat important and the placing of it is fitting to the character. In the end Flay redeemed herself; in the end I liked what she became.
    Last edited by Zargabaath; 09-18-2010 at 12:52 PM.

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  13. #613
    I want to play a game. Last Anime You Watched 2.0 Zargabaath's Avatar
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    Re: Last Anime You Watched 2.0

    I continued in the Cosmic Era with Gundam Seed Destiny. My final feelings of the show are similiar to Gundam Seed; I can't say that I found it distinguisably worse or better than Gundam Seed. The crew of the Minerva wasn't handled well at all giving them hardly any development - Shin was the same ignorant fool throughout the show.

    To me, it felt that Gundam Seed Destiny focused more on the cast of Gundam Seed more than the new cast members - especially Athrun who was the focus in the first half. Because of this I couldn't really connect with the crew of the Menerva; I did like Durandal and Djibril but not that much. I was more connected with the crew of the Archangel but I feel that may be because I had just finished watching their struggle in Gundam Seed therefore I was more accustomed to them, however, they still fall short of other casts of Gundam shows I've watched. I'll also say that Cagalli has got my vote for "Worst Gundam Character" - so far, I still have a few shows to go. Her behavior was annoying in Seed but Destiny it got worse. She was too weak to say what was needed, she had them - her opponents - philosophically, but she crumbled and resorted to weak emotions and poor reasoning, ending up crying too much. That was what made it more frustrating - I was on her side, that ORB needed to uphold their principles - which Shin never understood the fully why the Lord Uzumi and Cagalli say and do what they did - but her inability to articulate as her father was able to, the ability to lay the "Hebrew Hammer" down on the Seiruns and other ORB officials got annoying.

    I will say that I did like the final battle in Gundam Seed better than Gundam Seed Destiny's; the latter's seemed shorter and less epic. The battle between the Archangel and the Dominion was better than the Archangel and the Minerva.

    I'll be returning to the U.C. with 0083 then onward [and upward] toward Zeta Gundam.

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  14. #614
    attempting to bribe the Mayor of Lambeth Last Anime You Watched 2.0 Xanatos's Avatar
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    Re: Last Anime You Watched 2.0

    Studio Ghibli makes really great films, My Neighbor Totoro's one of them. While not good as Princess Mononoke or Spirited Away I still enjoyed watching it, I also can't believe how huge impact it had and still does, not just in Japan but worldwide. I'm ashamed to say that I really didn't know who Toroto actually was, til now, though I've seen him countless times before.

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  15. #615
    Death Before Dishonor Last Anime You Watched 2.0 Josh_R's Avatar
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    Re: Last Anime You Watched 2.0

    I have missed the last 8-10 episodes of Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood, and Naruto Shippuden. So I have been online watching the episodes I missed so I that I can get caught up with what is going on.

    Sitting here waiting for Rocky, and Che to notice me!!

  16. #616
    I would explode to save your life~ Last Anime You Watched 2.0 SeaAlchemist's Avatar
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    Re: Last Anime You Watched 2.0

    Naruto. I'm up to the point where Jiriaya is introduced.

  17. #617
    Never getting back together... Last Anime You Watched 2.0 JillXWesker's Avatar
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    Re: Last Anime You Watched 2.0

    Well, right now, I'm watching fruits basket. I am currently on episode 2.
    I <3 the intro =3

    Love JillXWesker

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  18. #618
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    Re: Last Anime You Watched 2.0

    Decided to watch Sailor Moon again! Why? WHY NOT?

    Haha... I really have no idea, I just felt like watching the episodes again. I skipped the first Season of Sailor Moon, and moved right on to Sailor Moon R (the second season).

    I plan on watching all the ones that I never got to watch when Toonami started messing with the scheduling, and I never could watch the show anymore because it would be over with as soon as I got home from school. However, I really liked this season, so I'm starting with this one.
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  19. #619
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    I'm watching Pokemon diamond and pearl: sinnoh league victors episode 30 on RAW or DP 180.

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    Registered User Last Anime You Watched 2.0 HUNK's Avatar
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    Re: Last Anime You Watched 2.0

    Just finished watching Speed Grapher. Voice acting by Christoper Sabat, and he's the man!

    Also finished Hell Girl, and am watching FMA:Brotherhood and new bleach!!!!!!!!!YAY!
    Oh and Naruto Shipuden.

  21. #621
    Death Before Dishonor Last Anime You Watched 2.0 Josh_R's Avatar
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    Re: Last Anime You Watched 2.0

    I have been watching lots of Gundam

    SeeD Destiny

    Also older Naruto and Shippuden.

    Sitting here waiting for Rocky, and Che to notice me!!

  22. #622
    I would explode to save your life~ Last Anime You Watched 2.0 SeaAlchemist's Avatar
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    Re: Last Anime You Watched 2.0

    Clannad and One Piece.
    Clannad=I finished watching it
    One Piece=On episode 7.

  23. #623
    R-K H、有名な侍の戦争の神ソウル刈り取り手 Last Anime You Watched 2.0 Ryu-Kentoshii Hirokima's Avatar
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    Re: Last Anime You Watched 2.0

    I've Recently Watched Pokémon Galactic Battles, And Yu-Gi-Oh 5D's...

    Also Watched FFVII: AC Again Last Night.

    Trying To Find All the Anime's I Used To watch When I Was Younger, And Actually Finish Watching Them Or Get Caught Up To The Most Recent Episode.

    I Finished Watching The .hack//Sign Series A While Ago, Since I Didn't Get To Finish It When It Was Aired.

    Also Trying To Watch Some Gundam I Started Watching When I was Really Young, And Was Intrigued. Now I Feel Like Actually Watching It Now that I Know How Awesome It Is.

    Trying To Watch Gungrave As Well, Might As Well, Since I Almost Beat The Game (Gungrave: Overdose) And Its Pretty Cool.

    Gonna Try To Find Other Animes To Watch That Could Be Interesting.

    I Would Definitly Want To Watch Inuyasha Again And Actually Watch All the Episodes From The Beginning, I Really Miss Inuyasha, It Is A Really Good Anime.

    Hopefully, I'll Find The Time To Finish Watching Everything I Would Like To Watch.

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  24. #624
    I want to play a game. Last Anime You Watched 2.0 Zargabaath's Avatar
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    Re: Last Anime You Watched 2.0

    I watched Gundam 0083 quite a while ago; overall I enjoyed the mini-series. I definitely loved the artwork as it offered more detail than what had been done in previous U.C. entries. A good thing about 0083 is it shows how & why the Titans came into power, which never got too much attention in Zeta Gundam. The mobile suit battle between the main character Kou Uraki and one of the main antagonists, Anavel Gato, after the catastrophe at Solomon (Konpei Island) is one of the best in the entirety of Gundam.

    After taking a break from it I recently finished Zeta Gundam and to date this is my favourite Gundam show. Plenty of great characters that left an impression on me so I would remember them. The plot kept moving at a good pace and even though it took some time for the "big" villains to appear, the show kept things interesting. Initially I found some of the English VA's to be awkward for some of the characters, chiefly concerning those that returned from MGS. All of them were noticeably different but Cpt. Bright's, Amuro's, Hayato, Fraw, & Kai were the ones I found weird because I was used to their original VA's. Surprisingly, though Char had a different VA, it worked out pretty well because the VA did a good job of sounding like Char from MGS but older working out well since Char had aged. Eventually I got used to Cpt. Bright's and for the most part Amuro.

    My biggest detraction is with Kamille; not with his attitude but with his time in a mobile suit. The show never did a great job of showing how powerful Kamille was throughout most of the show. Even when fighting basic enemies, though they are elite Titans, Kamille would miss a lot and there weren't many scenes of him destroying a mobile suit. This irked me because I would have liked to had gotten a better glimpse of his prowess so I could better match him against other Newtypes.

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  25. #625

    Re: Last Anime You Watched 2.0

    I have recently watched
    Kuroshitsuji 2
    High-school of the damned

  26. #626
    The Quiet One Last Anime You Watched 2.0 Andromeda's Avatar
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    Re: Last Anime You Watched 2.0

    This week was Gundam 00 Season 2 Episode and 1 and 2. I've already seen Gundam 00, but it is still very nice to be able to see it again. The awakening of the 00 is especially great to watch. Plus everything really got amped up in the second season with Louise joining the ranks of pilots and the new characters that get added.

    Descendants of Darkness Episode 1 and 2. Never seen it, but it was something I haven't seen so I couldn't pass up the chance to see a new anime. It is shoujo and lays on the Shounen-ai pretty heavy in a few scenes. I don't mind, so long as the show is fun I'll watch just about anything.

    Marmalade Boy Episodes 24-27 or something like that. It's another Shoujo and an older one from the mid 90s. It is quite a bit of fun though. The characters keep things pretty interesting. The destined couple are together and there is still a lot of the series to go, so I'm wondering when something will cause them to break up. Though right now they're just introducing new conflict by way of a new girl. I do like the idea that the previous love triangle members are looking like a couple. So I'm pleased to see that it is not just two characters that get to have happiness in the series.
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  27. #627

    Re: Last Anime You Watched 2.0

    Avatar The last airbender was my recent anime and now i m planning to watch death note tv series.

  28. #628
    Controlling With Fear Last Anime You Watched 2.0 Unlucky Rufus's Avatar
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    Re: Last Anime You Watched 2.0

    I'm watching alot of Basilisk i'm on ep-14. Its gonna be on my top 20 favorite anime list.
    Last edited by Unlucky Rufus; 11-01-2010 at 12:42 PM.

  29. #629
    艶かしき安息、躊躇いに微笑み Last Anime You Watched 2.0 ZantetsukeN's Avatar
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    Re: Last Anime You Watched 2.0

    I've been watching 'Sora no Otoshimono Forte', of which I am on episode 4. It's a weird one, but it's pretty funny. Also, if you like large anime breasts, this one is for you.

    Of course, I've been watching 'Lucky Star' aswell. I finished watching the OVA, and am going to start watching the series again.

  30. #630
    Controlling With Fear Last Anime You Watched 2.0 Unlucky Rufus's Avatar
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    Re: Last Anime You Watched 2.0

    Quote Originally Posted by ZantetsukeN View Post

    Of course, I've been watching 'Lucky Star' aswell. I finished watching the OVA, and am going to start watching the series again.
    Lucky Star is hilarious, ive re-watched that series lots of times.

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