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Thread: Best & Worst of 2011

  1. #1
    attempting to bribe the Mayor of Lambeth Best & Worst of 2011 Xanatos's Avatar
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    Best & Worst of 2011

    Best and worst movies you've seen in 2011.

    I've seen tons of movies this year and all of them were pretty much enjoyable, the ones that stick out the most though are:


    X-Men First Class - At first, I didn't have much hope for this movie, everything looked kinda disappointing, from cast to trailers and screenshots. Luckily, it turned out to be probably the best movie in X-Men series. What I liked about it the most is Michael Fassbender's performance, Magneto has always been my favorite X-Men character and Michael pulled him off perfectly. Wolverine's cameo is also worth mentioning as it's rather funny.

    Rise of the Planet of the Apes - I've seen this movie yesterday and to be honest I was left speechless. By far the best movie I've seen this year. First time Caesar spoke is one of the finest scenes I've seen in a long time. I know what kind of impact original had and it's hard to reach it's level but I think this is a worthy prequel, a great entry in Planet of The Apes series.


    Thor - I've seen Green Lantern and to be honest it's way more entertaining. It does look impressive and it has a decent cast, though I guess the entire movie was executed poorly as it was... well, boring.

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  2. #2
    .............. Best & Worst of 2011 smurphy's Avatar
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    Re: Best & Worst of 2011

    The best 2 movies I have seen this year would be Drive and Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy.

    Drive has this retro charm which permeates the whole filmas well as really well done car chases and that classic ending, where, with his job done the hero goes off into the sunset. The only downsides are that Ryan Gosling can sometimes be a little wooden and that the gory bits can feel a liitle out of place, so much so that me and my friends were laughing during them, although we were the only ones in the auditorium doing so.

    And Tinker, Tailor... is just really well done. It probably has one of the best ensemble casts within the last few years and can sometimes be a little confusing. But a brilliant film none the less.

    The worst film of 2011 is in my opinion is Paul. The film is probably not that bad but considering it was a Simon Pegg\Nick Frost movie is was just so underwhelming. It probably isnt the worst movie but I cant claim to have seen the most recent Twilight and Transformers movies.
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  3. #3
    Registered User Best & Worst of 2011
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    Re: Best & Worst of 2011


    Kung Fu Panda 2 - Loved the first film, and the second was just as enjoyable, if not more. Probably mostly for that fact that it has Gary Oldman as a power hungry albino peacock. He was a really enjoyable character. :3

    I agree about X-Men: First Class. Definitely surprised me with how good it was, especially after some disappointments with a few of the previous X-Men films.

    The Muppets (2011) - Very funny, makes me feel very nostalgic, and just an all-around enjoyable movie for me. ^^ If you enjoy the Muppets at all, you'll like this movie. The plot is a tad bit thin though, but I can excuse that in favor of watching some of my favorite childhood characters on the big screen again.

    Kind of So-So:

    Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2 - I thought it was alright. Definitely had some great action scenes, but I was sort of disappointed with the final confrontation with Bellatrix Lestrange.
    from what I recall, she just kind of faded away when she was hit by Molly Weasely's spell. :/ I kind of wanted to see her suffer just a little for all the hell she put everyone through...
    Snape had an EXCELLENT scene though, and I was tearing up when he was
    cradling and rocking Lily Potter's dead body
    Finally, Alan Rickman got to show off his talent! But lol at the epilogue...
    Harry and the gang are supposed to be 19 years older...but they still look pretty much the same as when they were in school.


    Can't say atm if I saw anything that was just outright bad, so...nothing here. Might come back later and fill it in if something comes to mind.
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  4. #4
    Consistently Average Best & Worst of 2011 Kurt Zisa's Avatar
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    Re: Best & Worst of 2011

    The worst film of 2011 is in my opinion is Paul. The film is probably not that bad but considering it was a Simon Pegg\Nick Frost movie is was just so underwhelming. It probably isnt the worst movie but I cant claim to have seen the most recent Twilight and Transformers movies.
    Really? I loved Paul. it actually made me laugh at some points which is quite rare for me lol.

    As for the best films I've seen this year I'd have to say The Hangover II and The Rise of the Planet of the Apes. The Hangover was good, a little obscene with all the ladyboys and whatnot but I loved the little monkey. I've actually seen the 'Apes' twice. I love the older films so it was great to see that they didn't kill the franchise. It's out on Dvd right now so i'm probably gonna rent it this weekend. Terrible acting and obviously fake ghosts etc. just didnt do it for me.

    I havent seen too many films this year so the worse would definatley be Paranormal Activity 2. That came out this year right? Or did I go see number 3? Regardless they're both terrible films. Why they bothered making them other than for profit I'll never understand.
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  5. #5
    Mr. Person Taco-Calamitous's Avatar
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    Re: Best & Worst of 2011


    Definitely agree on X-Men: First Class. I think it was my favorite of the year. Loved the performances by Fassbender and McAvoy. And the other actors were pretty good too. The character development and interrelationships were great, and the action scenes were a lot of fun too. There were also some fairly moving scenes. I gave it **** and a half.

    Liked Rango a lot, too. Loved the art design and some of the humor. The villain, Rattlesnake Jake, was awesome. Liked how it was a darker kind of children's movie. They really didn't pull any punches in a lot of the scenes. They even sprinkled in some cuss words, a la 80's children movies, which I loved as a kid. Think there should be more kiddy movies like these. The jokes were kinda hit and miss, but then again, I am an adult now. Also gave it **** and a half.

    Tree of Life was an interesting one. For like the first 30 minutes, I was bored to tears and was having some difficulties following the movie, but after that, it started to catch my interest. I loved how it portrayed growing up as a boy; it really captured the spirit of that well. And by the end, I started to understand the message about "love and nature." Or was it "grace and nature?" One of the two. Brad Pitt was really good in this. I was worried about Sean Penn being in this because I hate him, but he wasn't in it that much, so it was okay. Very spiritual movie, in any case. Also, liked the dinosaurs and the formation of the world, heh. Yay special effects! Only gave it **** because of the beginning, but it really stuck in my brain for days after that.

    Others that were pretty good: The Muppet Movie (****) Captain America (****) Evangelion 2.22: You Can (Not) Advance (**** and a half) Thor (**** heh...) Hangover 2 (****) Super 8 (****)... Really liked most movies I saw this year. However...


    As you might imagine, Dark of the Moon was pretty lame. I went and saw it merely because I'd seen the other two, and my brother wanted me to, I think. I don't think I will see a 4th one if one is made. I really don't like all the focus on the human characters. I'd rather watch the Transformers. I also don't like the racial stereotypes, which were toned down from Revenge of the Fallen, but still somewhat present in this one. Didn't like how that one woman tried to boss Optimus Prime around. I mean, seriously? The Autobots were the best defense Earth had against the Decepticons, and beyond that, how are you going to tell a 30 foot robot what to do? One that can't be easily taken out by your own weapons, and who has back up right behind him. Worse still was when the humans still tried to take transformers head on. We had two previous movies to establish that this is a very bad plan. You're gonna get your asses kicked every time. Guerrilla tactics are the only thing that's gonna work. Alan Tudyk, Leonard Nemoy, and Megatron's badass cloak were some of the only good things about this movie. ** stars.

    Your Highness was a major disappointment. I'd loved Pineapple Express, and the same people who did that were doing this movie. Instead of good comedy however, you got medieval people saying the f word a lot, and a lot of **** and fart jokes. I laughed at some things, but that's easier to do when there's an audience there to laugh with. Also, I wanted to like it. I really did. Think I managed to find some good in it because of that, but now, I don't think I'd want to see it again. ** and a half stars.

    Aaaaand that's all I'm gonna talk about for now. Anyhoo...

    Wuv, Yer Mom

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