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Thread: Best and Worst Films of 2010

  1. #1
    Registered User Best and Worst Films of 2010
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    Best and Worst Films of 2010

    Well, 2010 is drawing to a close, and I'm just curious as to what movies my fellow TFFers watched this year that they would consider the best and worst of what the year had to offer. Feel free to list however many you want, but please give a bit of an opinion as to why you think the film is the best or worst.

    As for me... Well, to be honest, I haven't had a chance to really watch that many movies that were released this year. BUT! I still watched a few, and out of those, I have to say that the best were (in no particular order):

    Toy Story 3 - Such a great story, with a nice blend of comedy and drama (not to mention tear-jerkingly sad moments, mostly the ending though). Just a nice send-off for a series of movies that many of us watched when we were younger.

    Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World - I really wish I would have seen this in theaters, if only for the fact I could have done a little something to help the box office records for the movie. It was really entertaining, with some nice action sequences as well. It was a little fast-paced in terms of story, but cramming so many plot points in a ~2 hour movie, that's probably expected. Pretty enjoyable cast of characters, though I do think a bit more build-up to Scott and Ramona's relationship would have been explored (but that goes back to my fast-paced comment.).

    Batman: Under the Red Hood - I only heard about this movie a few days ago, so Idk if too many other TFFers saw it, but if anyone is a Batman fan and are into animation, I would definitely recommend this. The animation is really fluid and the action sequences can be surprisingly dark, showing blood and some pretty brutal deaths. Not what I was expecting when I first sat down to watch it, but that's not a bad thing in the slightest. The writing/dialogue is fairly mature as well, but still scaled back just enough that children can enjoy it too.

    Like I said, I haven't watched too many films this year, but on the bright side, I haven't watched too many BAD films either! The only one that I can think of that I would put down as my pick for worst film would be:

    Tim Burton's Alice in Wonderland - Apologies to any and all that enjoyed it, and more power to you if you did, but I couldn't even finish it. Waaaay too nonsensical and hard to follow, and honestly, the visual style was really off-putting. I know that's to be expected with Burton's work, but I think it was a little much in this particular movie.

    So those are my picks. How about all of you?
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  2. #2
    Registered User Best and Worst Films of 2010 Kaiden's Avatar
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    Re: Best and Worst Films of 2010

    The worst movie I paid to go see this year was "Kickass." I walked out of the theater so bleh. I have seen the movie after and it's not as bad as my first impression but not good enough to bring it out of the cellar.

    Did "The Men Who Stare at Goats" come out this year? If it did that was a really bad movie too. The plot was too weird and the jokes just weren't funny.

    I almost forgot about this movie, Robin Hood. A movie I was so excited to go see and couldn't have let down more. I thought Ridley Scott with Russell Crowe was going to be epic battles and great action. Instead I got a poorly edited love story with terrible action scenes. I am still trying to figure out how Crowe got from the top of the cliff setting up the archers, to leading the mounted charge on the beach two seconds later.

    The Best Movie...

    True Grit: Maybe it’s because it’s the last movie I saw, but I loved Jeff bridges in this movie. I true western movie through and through. The acting was really good though and made the movie that much better.

    Inception: I went and saw it twice. There are some major plot holes. Given that it’s a movie to make you think it’s hard to overlook them, but I did and just enjoyed the ride on a weird action filled adventure.

    Dinner for Schmucks: I just wanted to put in a good comedy here. I laughed almost the whole way through the movie. Steve Carell is always good as that dumb/smart character. He’s pulled it off in several movies and "The Office."

    Then there is a large group of just ok movies: Red, Ironman 2, Centurion, She's Outta My League, Date Night, Clash of the Titans, The Book of Eli. I am sure I am forgetting a lot.

    Scene from a movie.
    [Having pulled over a speeding driver.]
    Mac: All right, how about Cat Game?
    Foster: Cat Game? What's the record?
    Mac: Thorny did six, but I think you can do ten.
    Foster: Ten? Starting right meow?
    [They go up to the car.]
    Driver: Sorry about the...
    Foster: All right meow. Hand over your license and registration.
    [The man gives him his license.]
    Foster: Your registration? Hurry up meow.
    Driver: [laughing] Sorry.
    Foster: Is there something funny here boy?
    Driver: Oh, no.
    Foster: Then why you laughing, Mister... Larry Johnson?
    [Foster stares at him.]
    Foster: All right meow, where were we?
    Driver: Excuse me, are you saying meow?
    Foster: Am I saying meow?
    Driver: I thought...
    Foster: Don't think boy. Meow, do you know how fast you were going?
    [The man laughs.]
    Foster: Meow. What is so damn funny?
    Driver: I could have sworn you said meow.
    Foster: Do I look like a cat to you, boy? Am I jumpin' around all nimbly-bimbly from tree to tree? Am I drinking milk from a saucer? DO YOU SEE ME EATING MICE?
    [The man is uncontrollably laughing.]
    Foster: You stop laughing right meow!
    Driver: [Stops and swallows hard.] Yes sir.
    Foster: Meow, I'm gonna have to give you a ticket on this one. No buts meow. It's the law.
    [Rips off the ticket and hands it to the man.]
    Foster: Not so funny meow, is it?
    [Foster gets up to leave, but Mac shakes his hands at him, indicating only nine meows.]
    Foster: Meow!

  3. #3
    Yanqui UXO Best and Worst Films of 2010 charliepanayi's Avatar
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    Re: Best and Worst Films of 2010

    I'm going by my favourite films which came out in the UK in 2010:

    Still Walking
    Hirokazu Kore-eda is a fantastic director, and this was another beautifully done film by him in its quiet depiction of a family remembering a dead son. The moments where the facade of politeness cracks revealing raw emotion are especially good.

    Up in the Air
    It gets a little unstuck towards the end but this is a very funny film in places, and George Clooney is excellent (even if he is just playing himself).

    Toy Story 3
    Confirms Toy Story as one of the great film trilogies, a fitting end to the series. And the ending is wonderful. But it's Pixar, what did you expect?

    The Social Network
    People who deride this as just being a film about Facebook rather miss the point. It touches on themes that are universal, and charts the rather sad breakdown of a friendship. Sorkin's whip-smart dialogue crackles at times.

    Another Year
    Mike Leigh has been making great films for years, he's maybe the master of the bittersweet. The relationships between the characters are sketched out perfectly and the slow descent of Lesley Manville's character into depression as her life crumbles is painful to see.

    Honourable mentions: Inception, The Illusionist, Scott Pilgrim vs the World
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  4. #4
    Mr. Person Taco-Calamitous's Avatar
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    Re: Best and Worst Films of 2010

    I didn't watch any bad movies this year. I only saw good movies. What the hell came out this year anyway?

    Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World still is fresh in my memory, perhaps because I got the entire graphic novel set for Christmas (though I don't own the movie still... maybe I should change that.) Actually Dodie, you'd be surprised at how fast Scott and Ramona get together in the book. It's pretty much the same, really, if I remember the movie correctly. But yeah; loved all the video game references and the music references and cultural references. I feel like I fall exactly into the niche it was trying to fill. Unfortunately, I think that niche is very small...

    Yeah, Toy Story 3 was pretty good too. Felt very nostalgic for the earlier movies when watching it, and it was kinda sad in places. Think it might be my favorite one in the series.

    Tron: Legacy was also a lot of fun. Just a popcorn action flick. Didn't make a lot of sense, but that's okay. Plus, it had The Dude. Twice. Jeff Bridges is such a good actor.

    Um, if I were gonna list some movies that were subpar that I saw...

    Jonah Hex was alright. It was pretty much what you would expect, if you knew what the length of the movie was, and that it was based on a comic book, and if you saw the previews at all. There wasn't a lot to it. About the only thing it had going for it was Josh Brolin as Jonah Hex. Every other roll was kinda meh, even John Malkovich (who dialed in his performance) and Will Arnett (who was tragically underused.)

    Chronicles Of Narnia: Voyage of The Dawn Treader was also kinda "meh." I can feel for them that their source material doesn't really translate well into a movie, but they probably could've put forth a better effort to make it more faithful and less rushed feeling. The best parts are Eustace and Reepicheep.

    Both of those two, I'd still probably give like a 3 out of 5, or perhaps a 2.5 out of 5. ...maybe a 2.75 out of 5, so that they're still passing, but just barely. Can I do that? I dunno...

    Feels like there were some other movies I saw early in the year that were good and that I'm forgetting. Don't remember what they would be. Maybe I'll come back and edit this later. Anyhoo...

    Wuv, Yer Mom

  5. #5
    the psycho in me wants pie!!! Best and Worst Films of 2010 kurohime's Avatar
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    Re: Best and Worst Films of 2010

    Resident Evil Afterlife was my favorite
    I didnt see any movie i did not like.
    i also liked saw 7 3d, but i think that they really overdid those movies.
    The cake is a lie!!!!!

  6. #6
    艶かしき安息、躊躇いに微笑み Best and Worst Films of 2010 ZantetsukeN's Avatar
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    Re: Best and Worst Films of 2010

    That's where I differ. Resident Evil: Afterlife was by far the worst film I have seen all year. I know that the films have always been different to the games, but it has strayed waay too far from them.

    Toy Story 3 was the best film for me. I loved the first two films, and I felt this one was better than those. A great story, and sad moments. Brilliant cinema-going experience for me.

    Since it came out this year in the UK, I am nominating Ponyo. It was the typical, beautifully made Miyazaki/Ghibli film. I loved it.

  7. #7
    Registered User Best and Worst Films of 2010 winterborn86's Avatar
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    Re: Best and Worst Films of 2010

    Being a HP fan I thought Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows was a brilliant film, can't wait to see the next part.
    Also Toy Story 3 was really good, I loved the other two and I'm glad the greatness of the films wernt ruined by a third, it was nice to see the toys get a happy ending

    Inception was also a great film, I liked the ending where you didn't see the spinning top actually stop it just wobbled, I think it left the ending open for people to make their own decision as to wether or not the ending was part of a dream.

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  8. #8
    Badass Military Agent Best and Worst Films of 2010 Linus Li Lelouch's Avatar
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    Re: Best and Worst Films of 2010

    Best - UnThinkable - Starring Samuel L. Jackson....

    Epic movie, probably going to add this one to being one of my Top 10 of all time.

    This movie is the perfect example of why people with feelings can't be in positions like that to prevent something that dangerous from happening.
    If you seen the extended version of the film, you know that at the end of the movie, there is a fourth bomb that blows up just because she wanted to save 2 children from being tortured. So my theory is that woman can explain to the tens of thousands friends, and family members alike why their children is dead and hope they don't kill her ass.

    Some will call me heartless, oh well I've already accepted that about myself, I'll be on the President's Plane on my way to hell

    Worst - Haven't found one in 2010 yet.

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  9. #9
    attempting to bribe the Mayor of Lambeth Best and Worst Films of 2010 Xanatos's Avatar
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    Re: Best and Worst Films of 2010

    I could only think of two, Inception, and The A-Team. There were few more I enjoyed watching, though far from best really.

    Inception - two words, Christopher ****ing Nolan. But seriously, probably the best movie I've seen last year, though competition was rather slim. Nevertheless, it's heading straight into my top movies list, excellent cast, superb soundtrack, and great story with few well done twists, and mind blowing ending as well.

    The A-Team - not really fan of action genre movies, but excellent cast with Liam Neeson on top won my attention. Miles ahead compared to it's competition, decent story for an action flick with well implemented humor.

    As for the worst movies...

    The Last Airbender - you really don't have to be fan of the animated series to see how awful this movie is. Worst acting I've seen in a long time, no to mention the 103-minute mess known as story. Shyamalan did few things right, though, special effects are more then well done, and movie is true to it's source at some degree.

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  10. #10
    Boxer of the Galaxy Best and Worst Films of 2010 Rowan's Avatar
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    Re: Best and Worst Films of 2010

    Last edited by Rowan; 03-10-2011 at 06:22 PM.


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