Playable Content
- Quests
By defeating the numerous rapidly spawning enemies in the quest "You Have Selected Regicide," players were able to acquire excessive experience in a short period of time. To preserve game balance, these enemies will no longer yield experience or items.
The following revisions have been made to beast tribe quests:
An additional quest has been added to the sylph tribe quests available at rank 3.
The population of beast tribe enemies has been increased.
The spawn rate of beast tribe enemies has been increased.
- Guild Leves
In battlecraft escort leves, emotes used to guide NPCs will now be effective from longer range. To preserve game balance in light of this, the difficulty of the following guildleves has been increased.
Wonder Wine / Little Lost Lamb / Someone's in the Doghouse / Pets Are Family Too / One of Our Naturalists is Missing
* Escort guildleves in addition to those listed above may be subject to adjustments in the future.
- Guildhests
Due to the increased participation of level synced players, completion of guildhests has become easier than anticipated. To restore game balance, the level cap for all guildhests has been reduced by one.
The following changes have been made to beast tribe quest FATEs:
The rate at which FATEs appear has been increased.
Players who receive a gold or silver rating will be rewarded with quest items regardless of completion for the following FATEs:
A Wrench in the Works / What a Boar / Quenching the Flame
Difficulty of the following FATEs required to unlock the Labyrinth of the Ancients has been decreased:
The Storm Caller / He's a Firestarter / Making Waves / Stopping the Shakes
- Dungeons
The following changes have been made to the Labyrinth of the Ancients:
When queuing to join a party in progress, the party's current progression will no longer be shown by the Duty Finder.
In the event all but one party member leaves the instance, the remaining party member will not receive loot until they have cast a lot on said item.
* In the event no one lots on an item, it will be lost when all party members leave the instance.
On rare occasions, a fourth treasure chest may appear upon defeating the last boss of the Labyrinth of the Ancients. This fourth treasure contains a Dimension Blade fragment that can be used to create the Savage Arc of Triumph furnishing.
Should this fourth treasure chest appear, all members of the alliance are allowed to cast lots.
* Players can only obtain one Dimension Blade fragment per week.
In order to prevent RMT abuse, bronze beetles in the Wanderer's Palace will no longer yield gil.
- Trials
The difficulty of Thornmarch has been decreased.
- Grand Companies
The following items can now be redeemed for company seals:
Item |
Type |
Seals |
Rank |
Miniature Aetheryte |
Furnishing |
14,470 |
Second Storm Lieutenant |
Miniature Aetheryte |
Furnishing |
14,470 |
Second Storm Lieutenant |
Miniature Aetheryte |
Furnishing |
14,470 |
Second Flame Lieutenant |
Players can now place a miniature aetheryte in the garden of their estate.
Once a miniature aetheryte has been set, Estate will be added to your list of teleport locations.
* Although the miniature aetheryte cannot be set as a favored destination, the cost of teleportation will be the same as that of favored destinations.
The aesthetician will now offer additional face paint options.
Battle System
As an adjustment to overall game balance in both PvE and PvP, the "decrease HP recovery via curing magic" additional effect of Storm's Eye has been reduced in potency from 50% to 20%.
As an adjustment to overall game balance in both PvE and PvP, the "decrease HP recovery via curing magic" additional effect Miasma and Miasma II has been reduced from 50% to 20%.
The following balance adjustments apply
only to the Wolves' Den:
The PvP action Weapon Throw will trigger additional effects regardless of positioning.
Arcanist and Summoner can no longer use the spell Resurrection.
The status effect Disease no longer inflicts the heavy effect.
In order to prevent unbalanced party compositions when using the duty finder, the following changes to party requirements have been made
only for the Wolves' Den.
Before |
After |
DPS:2 |
→ |
Melee DPS:1*
Ranged DPS:1* |
* Melee DPS: Pugilist / Lancer / Monk / Dragoon
* Ranged DPS: Archer / Thaumaturge / Arcanist / Bard / Black Mage / Summoner
It has been determined that pre-formed parties of three often have an unfair advantage in the Wolves’ Den. However, the addition of a solo-matching category would not only increase queue times, but hinder smaller parties that wish to participate together. Therefore, the following adjustments have been made to rewards based on party composition:
Players who register for the Wolves' Den solo or in a party of two will receive increased PvP Exp and Wolf Marks regardless of the match's outcome.
Players who register for the Wolves' Den in a light party (four players) will receive increased PvP Exp and Wolf Marks regardless of the match's outcome.
* Gear-related balance issues between beginning and advanced players will be addressed in patch 2.2.
The cost in Wolf Marks for the following items has been reduced.
Item |
Before |
After |
Cactuar Foot Materia I |
1,250 |
→ |
375 |
Coeurl Eye Materia I |
1,250 |
→ |
375 |
Coeurl Eye Materia I |
1,250 |
→ |
375 |
Bison Hoof Materia I |
1,250 |
→ |
375 |
Funguar Shriek Materia I |
1,250 |
→ |
375 |
Treant Root Materia I |
1,250 |
→ |
375 |
Chocobo Down Materia I |
1,250 |
→ |
375 |
The Fury's Anthem |
4,950 |
→ |
1,485 |
When exchanging Wolf Marks for items at the Wolves' Den Pier, a message will now be displayed when attempting to purchase gear that exceeds your current rank.
In order to prevent harassment during PvP matches, emotes will no longer appear in the chat log when inside the Wolves' Den.
New items have been added:
Item |
Type |
Description |
Dimension Blade Fragment |
Part |
A fragment of the Dimension Blade, Acheron's fell scimitar. Can be used to craft a unique furnishing. |
Savage Arc of Triumph |
Furnishing |
A memorial gate made using the fell blade of Acheron.
* Cannot be retrieved once placed. |
A new recipe has been added:
Item |
Ingredients |
Crystals |
Savage Arc of Triumph |
Electrum Ingot x6
Darksteel Ingot x2
Dimension Blade Fragment x1
Tourmaline x4 |
Wind Cluster
Fire Cluster |
The purchase and sale prices of the following items have been adjusted:
Purchase Prices
Item |
Before |
After |
Bronze Rivets |
4 |
→ |
13 |
Iron Rivets |
24 |
→ |
73 |
Steel Rivets |
104 |
→ |
313 |
Mythril Rivets |
194 |
→ |
583 |
Sale Prices
Item |
Before |
After |
Iron Rivets |
1 |
→ |
2 |
Steel Rivets |
2 |
→ |
6 |
Cobalt Rivets |
5 |
→ |
14 |
Darksteel Rivets |
6 |
→ |
18 |
Brass Rivets |
1 |
→ |
2 |
Silver Rivets |
2 |
→ |
5 |
Mythril Rivets |
3 |
→ |
9 |
Iron Nails |
1 |
→ |
2 |
Steel Nails |
3 |
→ |
7 |
Cobalt Nails |
5 |
→ |
14 |
Iron Joint Plate |
1 |
→ |
2 |
Steel Joint Plate |
3 |
→ |
7 |
Cobalt Joint Plate |
5 |
→ |
14 |
Steel Hinge |
2 |
→ |
6 |
The following changes have been made to gathering points (GP).
Players will now also accumulate GP when playing as a Disciple of War, Magic, the Hand.
GP will no longer reset when changing to a non-gathering class.
The Vote Abandon function has been added, making it possible to abandon a duty without penalty if the following conditions are met:
Light Party
Two players (not including the initiating player) must vote Yes to disband and end the duty.
Full Party
4 players (not including the initiating player) must vote Yes to disband and end the duty.
1. While in a duty, open the Duty Finder interface under Duty on the main menu, then select Vote Abandon.

2. All party members will be presented with a window to vote. If the majority votes Yes within 30 seconds, the duty will be abandoned.

To prevent abuse of Vote Dismiss when casting lots on items, the Vote Dismiss function can no longer be used when an item is in the loot pool.
Duty Roulette: Low Level has been adjusted to improve matching for mid-level dungeons.
Resolved Issues
The following existing issues have been addressed:
An issue with the guildhest Annoy the Void wherein the enemy Buso did not take damage from certain actions.
An issue wherein during the FATE Fallen Corpses Writhe in Style, dapper zombies could chase players beyond the designated FATE area.
An issue wherein the dragonflies in the FATE "Judge, Jury, and Executioner" mistakenly yielded gil.
An issue wherein the corrupted petite puddings in Pharos Sirius mistakenly yielded items and gil.
An issue wherein the invincibility effect of Atomos in the Labyrinth of the Ancients could not be dispelled.
An issue wherein the increase enmity effect of Shield Oath would persist when switching to Sword Oath.
An issue wherein the spellcasting of pets would be interrupted when taking damage even outside of the Wolves' Den.
An issue wherein melee attacks did not hit jumping targets in the Wolves' Den.
An issue wherein Warriors could be knocked back even while under the effect of Holmgang.
An issue wherein the game client would crash when attempting to remove items from the company chest.
An issue where in the cost of Teleport displayed when inside an estate was incorrect.
An issue wherein the rate at which gear durability decreased was incorrect.
An issue wherein the game client would crash when canceling item synthesis.
An issue wherein graphical slowdown would occur in the Howling Eye (Extreme).
An issue wherein certain gathering points could not be targeted using a gamepad.
An issue wherein various in-game text is displayed incorrectly.
Also, as mentioned in the link below, we will start the reimbursement of company credit for all Free Companies that are rank 5 and over along with the start of this maintenance.
FINAL FANTASY XIV, The Lodestone | Issue Regarding Incorrect Company Actions (Dec. 17)
Confirmed Bugs
The character becomes uncontrollable by using the bibulous bomb twice on a same location in the daily beast tribe quest “Moxia’s Magnum Opus.”
* Please shut down the game client and log in if this issue occurs.
The client may crash by opening the fishing log using the shortcut key.
If Cordial is used while the class is not being Disciples of Land, the GP will not recover.
The stackable HQ item cannot be transferred to the retainer if the retainer’s bag is full.
The location of cursor will reset by selecting the Quick Synthesis option after switching the recipe on the crafting log.
The screenshot cannot be taken on certain cutscenes.
The Demagogue Mask may be dyed to a different color.
Lacovie will not spawn in the daily beast tribe quest “Luring Lacovie” if the PC moves to a certain distance after defeating the third Bronze Tortoise.
NPC “Kuplo Kopp” may no longer respond and the quest “You Have Selected Regicide” will not progress.