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Thread: Paradigm/Crystarium Discussion

  1. #31
    I iZ CoOl =] Paradigm/Crystarium Discussion TLO's Avatar
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    Re: Paradigm/Crystarium Discussion

    For me, well now that I'm in post-game, I use the three girls, where I have Fang or Lightning as my party leader and Vanille as either medic, sabatour or synergist, but I'm also working on other diagrams aside from the three they started with, those are maxed.

    What I've come to find out is when Lightning has Sentinel along with the skill Elude, and the accessory Nimbletoe boots, she becomes pretty untouchable. If you finish her diagram and get to Reprieve, it allows you to survive with 1 hp if the attack would have otherwise killed you. So if she gets hit she will still be alive.

    Fang is best suited for Commando due to her Highwind ability which works best with a high str stat and a staggered enemy.

    Vanille is pretty good when it comes to medic, her magic stat is high and for some reason I prefer her over Hope, maybe because she looks better

  2. #32
    Balaclavas on...let's go shopping!! Paradigm/Crystarium Discussion nickness89's Avatar
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    Re: Paradigm/Crystarium Discussion

    Some of them have nifty abilites and I don't want to wait for them to use what I want them to (say, I don't want Protect, I want Shell... but I have to wait for Protect to be cast first THEN shell) unless there's a way to change it, that I've missed?
    I think the best way to get around this is if you have used Libra and gotten all the info on an enemy. If you have and your AI's use protect before they use shell, this usually means that the enemy has stronger physical attacks than magic attacks, so its better to just let the AI do as they please rather than trying to change anything.

  3. #33
    Registered User Paradigm/Crystarium Discussion Oneesan's Avatar
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    Re: Paradigm/Crystarium Discussion

    I have a question before I go any farther and get my a** whooped, I am on the sixth teir of taejin's tower with fang as my party leader, hope in the middle, and alternating vanille and lightning on the end; how far exactly should I fill out my crystarium before I move on. Also, do the role level crystals increase my stats at all, I keep forgetting to check before I move on. Please and Thank you!!!!

  4. #34

    Re: Paradigm/Crystarium Discussion

    I'd say it's not very important how far you should fill it - if you have the right strategy, you won't need it. It also depends on how strong you are right now. I, for example, always filled the whole crystarium before moving on - but that isn't necessary. If I were you, I'd try if I can beat the next boss. If you're not able to: lvl up. If you are, you definitely know how to play the game.
    I don't think there's some kind of guide which says how good levelled you have to be when beating a boss. So I can just tell you how I've done it. :>

    9x-7i > 3(3x-7u)

  5. #35
    Registered User Paradigm/Crystarium Discussion Oneesan's Avatar
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    Re: Paradigm/Crystarium Discussion

    thanx, I thouhgt that was the answer but I was afraid since I didn't hang out in gran pulse that i would end up lacking at a point where it would just be that much more annoying to level up. I have been somewhat dilligent in upgrading my weapons abd accesories, and play around a lot with strategies, it's just that I will run into one or two enimies that i feel are giving me too hard a time and end up getting frustrated. My main strategy has always been a defensive one outside of stagger, but I suppose I will just have to play around with it some more. Thanx again!!!

  6. #36

    Re: Paradigm/Crystarium Discussion

    Just a short answer. I think the Paradigm system is pure unadulterated genius!!! It is original and really, really cool!!! I also like the Crystarium too because first off it reminds me off the Sphere Grid/Licence Board (10 and 12) and also will require a lot of work to max out which will be a challenge and I love a challenge!!!

  7. #37
    Passing fair judgement Paradigm/Crystarium Discussion Judge Magistrate's Avatar
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    Re: Paradigm/Crystarium Discussion

    I also thought it was an excellent addition to the games. It really tied it all together.
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  8. #38
    Registered User Paradigm/Crystarium Discussion Coolmcdum's Avatar
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    Re: Paradigm/Crystarium Discussion

    On chapter 13 i had to start relying on haste and really just ticked me off because i didn't wanna feel this low class to have to rely on it. But i do agree with everyone about the X Button Mashing because once you have all your classes setup just perfect there really is no need to go through but yeah...
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