Bumping this, because I wouldn't mind a little advice on where to take my characters next in the Crystarium, and this seemed like an alright place to ask instead of just creating a new thread on the subject.
Okay, so I haven't beaten the game
yet, but I have my main 3 characters main roles completed (or at least as far as they'll go at the moment): Fang - Sen, Com, and Sab; Hope - Med, Syn, Rav; Lightning - Com, Rav, Med
So my questions are:
1.) Should I just complete the game to open up the last level of my character's Crystarium or should I go ahead and start on other roles
before I beat the game?
2.) If I start on the other roles first, which roles are best to start working on with Fang, Hope, and Lightning?
Thanks to whoever has any input!
