I personally think that the best way is to have Hope, Fang and Lightning on your team.
Have these Paradigms:
(In order of Lightning, Hope then Fang)
Rav/Syn/Com - to keep the stagger bar slightly up while buffing your characters
Rav/Rav/Com - after you are all buffed up, this will quickly get Raktavija staggered
Com/Rav/Sab - rav will boost the chain percentage, allowing com to do more damage while Fang debilitates Raktavija with Debuffs
Com/Rav/Com - change to this paradigm after you have debuffed Raktavija, make sure he is still staggered, the two coms will do huge damage
Med/Med/Com - Use this when you are low on health or have status ailments
So start with rav/syn/com to buff you up, then rav/rav/com to stagger Raktavija, then com/rav/sab to debuff him, then com/rav/com to do as much damage as possible.
I use this method with most enemies, and I kill most bosses and missions in the first stagger.