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  1. #1

    Mission 47

    Does someone give me all possible strategies for this guy? If you can, of course and...because I'm really in PAIN! And as you can see by the number of the Mission it is indeed Raktavija that I'm talking about, I already tried to follow this strategy:

    YouTube - ‪Final Fantasy XIII Video Walkthrough: Raktavija (Mark Mission 47)&#x202crlm;

    But it did not work for me, unfortunatelly. And I even have more HP than those characters after all. Sometimes I think maybe I should have bought some accessories or something but the problem is that I am not sure if I have money and I really don't want to go back and do the trial once again just to finish with this mission 47, named Raktavija.

    I thank you, for those who are able to help me.


  2. #2
    Balaclavas on...let's go shopping!! Mission 47 nickness89's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2010

    Re: Mission 47

    I personally think that the best way is to have Hope, Fang and Lightning on your team.

    Have these Paradigms:
    (In order of Lightning, Hope then Fang)

    Rav/Syn/Com - to keep the stagger bar slightly up while buffing your characters

    Rav/Rav/Com - after you are all buffed up, this will quickly get Raktavija staggered

    Com/Rav/Sab - rav will boost the chain percentage, allowing com to do more damage while Fang debilitates Raktavija with Debuffs

    Com/Rav/Com - change to this paradigm after you have debuffed Raktavija, make sure he is still staggered, the two coms will do huge damage

    Med/Med/Com - Use this when you are low on health or have status ailments

    So start with rav/syn/com to buff you up, then rav/rav/com to stagger Raktavija, then com/rav/sab to debuff him, then com/rav/com to do as much damage as possible.

    I use this method with most enemies, and I kill most bosses and missions in the first stagger.

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