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Thread: The Ending, your thoughts. (Spoliers duh!)

  1. #31
    The Quiet One The Ending, your thoughts. (Spoliers duh!) Andromeda's Avatar
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    Re: The Ending, your thoughts. (Spoliers duh!)

    In response to Zargabaath, I know that I was a little puzzled by why they awoke from crystal sleep after only a few hours. When they were waking up I was figuring that they would be waking up a few centuries later and we'd see what progress civilization had made. I was a bit disappointed because it seem a little strange to wake up so fast.

    I know what they were doing. They were trying to provide a happy ending for the remaining party members rather than having them be strangers in a strange land centuries later, which I think would have been far more interesting and emotional.

    But after the ending I came to his rationale. Ragnarok that was trying to be created by the fal'Cie Bart (something something long) was supposed to be only one person. He only needed one to do it, Ragnarok had that power. Unfortunately, something in Fang weakened or the Goddess stepped in centuries ago before it could be finished, I forget the exact details. But needless to say there was enough power in Ragnarok with one person becoming Ragnarok to kill Orphan.

    However, what actually happened was two people became Ragnarok, two l'Cie who at this point were significantly stronger than the last time it all happened. So the Ragnarok that was created this time around was at the very least twice as strong, but I suspect the power increase was significantly more than just being twice. As a result of that jump in strength Ragnarok gained probably what would be considered near god-like powers.

    So as a final gift to their friends that survived, they gave them back their life and chances to live a normal life. So making use of Ragnarok's god-like powers, Fang and Vanille pulled them all out of crystal sleep as their last act. It was their gift to them after saving the world.

    Is it a little Deux Ex? Probably so, but that is the way that I saw it happening. I find it quite unlikely that the Goddess decided to step down and grant the party a life after everything that happened because she felt sorry for them.

    As for civilization surviving. During Fang and Vanille's time they were able to make a living. I suspect most of the monsters that roam Pulse now were available back then as well. It was pretty clear that there used to be some great civilizations on Pulse before the fal'Cie screwed everything. So you just find the right place to build a home and I think civilization will survive.
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  2. #32
    I want to play a game. The Ending, your thoughts. (Spoliers duh!) Zargabaath's Avatar
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    Re: The Ending, your thoughts. (Spoliers duh!)

    Quote Originally Posted by Andromeda View Post
    But after the ending I came to his rationale. Ragnarok that was trying to be created by the fal'Cie Bart (something something long) was supposed to be only one person. He only needed one to do it, Ragnarok had that power. Unfortunately, something in Fang weakened or the Goddess stepped in centuries ago before it could be finished, I forget the exact details. But needless to say there was enough power in Ragnarok with one person becoming Ragnarok to kill Orphan.
    Well from what Orphan/Bart says Fang was a broken L'Cie and from that she could never become Ragnarok. Vanille alone was, supposedly, the one who could become Ragnarok that could destroy Cocoon/Orphan. Etro also played a part in Fang and Vanille's crystalization by taking pity on them turning them to crystal...

    Ragnarok took wing; made to smite Cocoon, and thereby deliver us our
    everlasting peace. But Her Providence would not let it be.

    The Goddess pitied the fools who so blindly bowed to Lindzei’s will, and so She
    robbed Ragnarok of power, putting the l’Cie to an early crystal sleep, Focus
    yet incomplete.

    -Sermons of the seeress Paddra Nsu-Yeul
    (The Heavenly Deceit Analect IV)

    From this we do learn that gods can crystalize L'Cie so if it was a god who branded the Lightning, Snow, Hope, & Sazh it could've turned them into crystal for completing their focus which may have been to save Cocoon from the beginning (I'll get into that soon). At the same time couldn't the god release them from their crystalization; as to why the god would crystalize them then free them is unclear but it is plausible. I've said before that the dream the party had of their focus at the end of chapter 2 happens when Fang and Vanille transform into Ragnarok and save Cocoon. In the dream though it is a very short version of what happens in the end so the party could have mistaken it for destroying Cocoon; this would have fooled Barthandelus as well. I would like to know how Barthandelus would've known, I theorized that the god would have leaked the dream to the Fal'Cie.

    Quote Originally Posted by Andromeda View Post
    However, what actually happened was two people became Ragnarok, two l'Cie who at this point were significantly stronger than the last time it all happened. So the Ragnarok that was created this time around was at the very least twice as strong, but I suspect the power increase was significantly more than just being twice. As a result of that jump in strength Ragnarok gained probably what would be considered near god-like powers.
    That's if the power of Ragnarok increases with how many users it takes to become it which is theoretical. It would have been nice if they divulged that information as I said in my previous post on the nature/intricacies of Ragnarok. If Fang and Vanille had a theory from some myth back in their day about Ragnarok that involves more than one person and the increase in power relative to how many fused that would have been cool, but we got nothing or nothing much.

    Quote Originally Posted by Andromeda View Post
    So as a final gift to their friends that survived, they gave them back their life and chances to live a normal life. So making use of Ragnarok's god-like powers, Fang and Vanille pulled them all out of crystal sleep as their last act. It was their gift to them after saving the world.

    Is it a little Deux Ex? Probably so, but that is the way that I saw it happening. I find it quite unlikely that the Goddess decided to step down and grant the party a life after everything that happened because she felt sorry for them.
    Well Etro took pity on Fang and Vanille so it wouldn't be farfetched to think she would reward Lightning, Snow, Hope, and Sazh with their normal lives - it could have been the god or entity that branded them in the first place as I truly believe it wasn't Anima. As I said multiple times I would have liked an explanation of Ragnarok's powers as to give the player a sense. Ragnarok was a creature of destruction why would it have that type of power? I would also like to know what Ragnarok is and how it came to be? The game doesn't go into that.

    Quote Originally Posted by Andromeda View Post
    As for civilization surviving. During Fang and Vanille's time they were able to make a living. I suspect most of the monsters that roam Pulse now were available back then as well. It was pretty clear that there used to be some great civilizations on Pulse before the fal'Cie screwed everything. So you just find the right place to build a home and I think civilization will survive.
    There are a few differences that I find noteworthy. They had some L'Cie to help them on occasion plus their advance technology. There will probably be no more L'Cie and there are none at that time. The advance technology of Cocoon was powered by the Cocoon Fal'Cie which have very little power making that tech useless. As I've said their military is pathetic. And how would they build a home when the Fal'Cie did everything for the people of Cocoon. They were pets, every need pampered by the Fal'Cie - do Cocoon citizens know how to build a city. Perhaps simple huts but Long Gui's can stomp on them. You know how hard it would be to move all those people, assuming that millions survived, if not tens or hundreds of thousands. Their would be death and probably a lot because they don't have survival skills and a great defense force to protect them.

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  3. #33
    GranFran The Ending, your thoughts. (Spoliers duh!) GranFran's Avatar
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    Re: The Ending, your thoughts. (Spoliers duh!)

    Quote Originally Posted by Zargabaath View Post
    While Cocoon Fal'Cie may have become weaker the game is not so clear about Pulse Fal'Cie, being they of a different line. Pulse Fal'Cie decimated the human population after the War of Transgression what is to stop them now? Also, I'm surprised nobody has mentioned this: nobody is a L'Cie anymore and the people of Cocoon have to survive against the dangers of Pulse by their own power. Yeah, good luck with that as they are probably going to get wiped. Suggesting that they have the Guardian Corps and PSICOM does them no good. Guardian Corps, while, more experienced aren't strong enough to tackle Pulse terrors. And PSICOM, the pitiful organization that had hardly any experience. The same PSICOM that when its leaders hit the field it was game over. Yeah, I liked how Yaag controlled the situation when they surrounded Lightning and Hope - he runs away. Or how when the smoke grenade goes off Yaag doesn't know what to do. Or Jihl's "trap" which was basically to throw a lot of troops in their way similiar to Yaag's plan in Palumpolum. We get to see the "brains" of PSICOM do their "fantastic work" in how they can stay calm and in control when things go south. I would say with that outlook Final Fantasy XIII has a very sad ending because humanity has little hope of surviving on Pulse unless all the big badies disappeared magically.

    This game had a very interesting world that had a lot of great things going for it, however it appears that Motomu Toriyama forgot to clear everything up involving the world; he made sure to go into detail with the characters, to cover their angles but even in a character-driven story the world needs to solid and there are many questions.
    Must disagree with you on your last statement here, hon.. Human Beings will not only survive just find and dandy on Gran Pulse, they will, in short order, bring about the extinction of most, if not all, the indigenous life forms without a moment's thought or hesitation.. Come on, hon, it's what we do best, we are GOOD at it, very good..

    Heck, it only took our ancestors less then 10,000 years to do the same on planet Earth here and they didn't have access to huge weapons of mass destruction like PSICOM and the Guardian Corp do, hell even the ordinary citizens of Cocoon will quickly pick up arms to join in the hunting..

    No, no, don't fret for the Cocoonites, they will soon take care of those big, bad beasties, including Titan and Atomos.. I have no fear for them, human's are natural born killers, mostly of innocents creatures that don't have the ability of fighting back against big guns.. After all, we call it 'sport' and they'll be lots of 'big game hunters' on Gran Pulse very soon.. Come back to Gran Pulse in just a few short years and see the big, dirty polluted cities, surrounded by farmlands as far as the eye can see.. Gone will be all the natural beauty, the wild animals, the untamed wilderness (except perhaps a few small parks and reserves).. It will be just like Earth is now, in deep doo-doo from over-population, running out of energy, in the middle of vast global weather changes (brought on too quickly by the ceaseless burning of fossil fuels) and all the little Cocoonites will be wishing they were back on Cocoon being taken care of by the nice Fal'Cie again..

  4. #34
    GranFran The Ending, your thoughts. (Spoliers duh!) GranFran's Avatar
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    Re: The Ending, your thoughts. (Spoliers duh!)

    Quote Originally Posted by Unknown Entity View Post
    Indeed you are a member. Like all of us here. Yet I resent newer members who come here and make personal accusations about older members whom they do not know. Especially if it's over a video game, with a fictional story, and having a different opinion on it.

    May I point out where I quoted you again?

    No one is taking your opinion from you. No one has jumped up and called you wrong. People have explained certain things in regards with your opinion, and you've taken that the wrong way.

    EDIT: I'm also curious as to who you'd have sacrificed instead?

    Fang and Vanille made the most sense to me. Perhaps their fate was their focus? What if becoming Raganark had nothing to do with the rest of the party? You have to take that into consideration too, because the focus was hard to work out for everyone involved.
    I would not have 'sacrificed' anyone, period.. Have never seen the need to do so.. The story could have been written with a far happier and better and 'longer', more enjoyable, ending.. I said it before and will say it again, Fang and Vanille, out of all the characters deserved, after all they had been through, to live a long and happy life..

    Saying they were 'out of time and/or place' to me, is simply a cop-out by the writers to make the story end abruptly and without much effort or thought.. The necessity of having them become 'Ragnarok' to 'save' Cocoon was too easy and, if it was necessary, why have them go back in 'stasis' again?

    Fang was Ragnarok once and it didn't kill her, it was a Fal'Cie that put her and Vanille in crystal stasis, not Ragnarok, right? So, if she or Vanille became Ragnarok in order to save Cocoon this time, then which Fal'Cie turned them into crystal? And why was it even necessary to do so?

    Once Ragnarok saved Cocoon, that should have been that.. They fullfilled their focus to become the beast and with no more Fal'Cie around their brands should have disappeared and they should have been free to rejoin their friends and 'family' and help settle the 'new world'..

    Nope, it was just too easy a way out.. I see absolutely nothing wrong with ALL the characters having a happy ending.. I guess I just don't like seeing anyone treated unfairly or unjustly, even in a video game..

  5. #35
    Lady Succubus The Ending, your thoughts. (Spoliers duh!) Victoria's Avatar
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    Re: The Ending, your thoughts. (Spoliers duh!)

    1. Don't double post; you've been told several times not to do it.

    2. If no one was to be sacrificed, Cocoon was going to fall on the planet and millions of people would die. You'd rather have that happen? Hm? I see no other outcome of what was going to happen. If you paid attention to what was going on in the game, you'd know that someone -has- to be sacrificed.

    Also, no Fal'cie turned them into crystal. They turned themselves into ICE to be a SUPPORT for the falling Cocoon. They are not in stasis whatsoever. They cannot be released from their support column less Cocoon crash onto the planet.

    In order for Ragnarok to 'save' Cocoon, it had to sacrifice itself to prevent it from falling. In case you forgotten, the Fal'cie were the ones keeping Cocoon afloat in the air.

    Without them, it would fall.

    That's why the ending makes sense.

  6. #36
    GranFran The Ending, your thoughts. (Spoliers duh!) GranFran's Avatar
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    Re: The Ending, your thoughts. (Spoliers duh!)

    Quote Originally Posted by Mistress Victoria View Post
    1. Don't double post; you've been told several times not to do it.

    2. If no one was to be sacrificed, Cocoon was going to fall on the planet and millions of people would die. You'd rather have that happen? Hm? I see no other outcome of what was going to happen. If you paid attention to what was going on in the game, you'd know that someone -has- to be sacrificed.

    Also, no Fal'cie turned them into crystal. They turned themselves into ICE to be a SUPPORT for the falling Cocoon. They are not in stasis whatsoever. They cannot be released from their support column less Cocoon crash onto the planet.

    In order for Ragnarok to 'save' Cocoon, it had to sacrifice itself to prevent it from falling. In case you forgotten, the Fal'cie were the ones keeping Cocoon afloat in the air.

    Without them, it would fall.

    That's why the ending makes sense.
    I'm not your child, so don't speak to me as if I were..

    I gave you my reasons for why I didn't care for the ending and why I thought it could have been better.. Your opinion is yours and mine is mine.. Enough said..

    I don't think I've ever belonged to any forum, gaming or otherwise where opinions are shoved down your throat and so many people pretend to be 'admins' simply because they have more posts then others.. It's a wonder you manage to keep any members at all..

    However, this is one member who simply doesn't need or have to put up with the aggravation and discourteous behavior I've been show by some of you on this site.. It's like being in high school all over again, the bullies, the cliques, how you all run to each others defense when someone doesn't agree with one of you, it's unbelievable..

    Thankfully I belong to several other FF sites where people are treated kindly by others, where opinions are welcomed and not seen as some kind of attack, the way they are on here.. The members, especially those that HAVE been around a long time and know better, make every effort NOT to lose new members by alienating them with pushy and rude remarks..

    You guys have fun, I have a feeling more people leave this site then stay and I can certainly see why.. Sending new members threatening messages is certainly not my idea of a way to treat people or keep them around.. I don't know who runs or owns this site but I'm forwarding them the message.. I don't care if they ignore it or what.. This is not my idea of a welcoming place..
    Last edited by GranFran; 05-21-2010 at 01:28 PM.

  7. #37
    Magically Delicous The Ending, your thoughts. (Spoliers duh!) Merlin's Avatar
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    Re: The Ending, your thoughts. (Spoliers duh!)

    I do think both sides here are a bit confused. If the entire ending was changed, then GranFran would be correct that nobody needs to be sacrificed. I would like to hear that version, but it has yet to be posted. On the other hand, if the only part changed was the actual sacrifice, then yes that is not possible, but I doubt that is what GranFran meant.

    On the other hand, I am curious why you are getting so upset. They are simply giving you constructive criticism. Also, the moderators here are allowed to tell you to stop double posting because that is their job. I encourage you to show your friends this thread. I believe they would concur that you are overreacting a bit. There is no need to get hostile. In fact they have been rather laid back. If it was me, I would have stopped this long ago. But I'm just observing.

    In other news, I really enjoyed this thread other than the disagreement. It really is making me think more about the ending.

  8. #38
    The Lone Dagger The Ending, your thoughts. (Spoliers duh!) Xithor's Avatar
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    Re: The Ending, your thoughts. (Spoliers duh!)

    Quote Originally Posted by GranFran View Post
    I'm not your child, so don't speak to me as if I were..

    I gave you my reasons for why I didn't care for the ending and why I thought it could have been better.. Your opinion is yours and mine is mine.. Enough said..

    I don't think I've ever belonged to any forum, gaming or otherwise where opinions are shoved down your throat and so many people pretend to be 'admins' simply because they have more posts then others.. It's a wonder you manage to keep any members at all..

    However, this is one member who simply doesn't need or have to put up with the aggravation and discourteous behavior I've been show by some of you on this site.. It's like being in high school all over again, the bullies, the cliques, how you all run to each others defense when someone doesn't agree with one of you, it's unbelievable..

    Thankfully I belong to several other FF sites where people are treated kindly by others, where opinions are welcomed and not seen as some kind of attack, the way they are on here.. The members, especially those that HAVE been around a long time and know better, make every effort NOT to lose new members by alienating them with pushy and rude remarks..

    You guys have fun, I have a feeling more people leave this site then stay and I can certainly see why.. Sending new members threatening messages is certainly not my idea of a way to treat people or keep them around.. I don't know who runs or owns this site but I'm forwarding them the message.. I don't care if they ignore it or what.. This is not my idea of a welcoming place..
    GranFran, Mistress Victoria does not mean to sound like she is scolding you, she just is doing her job of being a Moderator and informing you of the rules that are in place at this forum such as no advertising and no double posting. If you need to add to your post you can edit it at anytime. I don't think there is a limit to the length but I've never been a person that puts up a huge wall of text so don't quote me haha. This place is very welcoming just don't get so upset when some people don't agree with you, maybe you are outnumbered in the fact that most people believe someone needed to sacrifice themselves in order to save Cocoon but they aren't trying to force you to think the way they do, they are just looking for a debate, an intelligent discussion where you can argue about a topic. You and everyone else is welcome here and I hope you feel that way.

    Getting back on topic though I would like to say that I do wish that Square would've made the ending a bit longer. It was such a wonderful game to experience and I just wish the ending would have been a little more in depth. I agree with Andro that the only reason the remaining party was brought back almost immediately after becoming crystals could be explained by the God like power that the Ragnarok with two l'Cie, being Fang and Vanille, was able to bestow as their last act to help the world's. But I think the ending would've been much more interesting had they been brought out of crystallis much later in the time line to see how Cocoon was doing. I think that it was Square's way of giving us a happy ending with the reuniting of Dajh with Sazh and of course Snow and Lightning with Serah.

    As far as Fang and Vanille being the ones to become Ragnarok, I feel that they were not only the two that understood what Ragnarok was from their past but also the two that were hand picked by Orphan. Think about it, Orphan didn't grab Lightning, Snow, Hope, or Sazh as their target, it picked up Vanille immediately and only when Fang objected did it turn it's attention to her. Then the strength that the whole group showed when they convinced Fang to fight with them I think gave her and Vanille the courage to become Ragnarok. They were not forced to do it because as the group was forming their circle they looked for Fang and Vanille to join them but they had already made their choice and admirably did a very courageous thing to save the Worlds. Just think Bruce Willis in Armageddon throwing Ben Affleck back in the shuttle haha

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  9. #39
    I want to play a game. The Ending, your thoughts. (Spoliers duh!) Zargabaath's Avatar
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    Re: The Ending, your thoughts. (Spoliers duh!)

    Quote Originally Posted by GranFran View Post
    Must disagree with you on your last statement here, hon.. Human Beings will not only survive just find and dandy on Gran Pulse, they will, in short order, bring about the extinction of most, if not all, the indigenous life forms without a moment's thought or hesitation.. Come on, hon, it's what we do best, we are GOOD at it, very good..

    Heck, it only took our ancestors less then 10,000 years to do the same on planet Earth here and they didn't have access to huge weapons of mass destruction like PSICOM and the Guardian Corp do, hell even the ordinary citizens of Cocoon will quickly pick up arms to join in the hunting..

    No, no, don't fret for the Cocoonites, they will soon take care of those big, bad beasties, including Titan and Atomos.. I have no fear for them, human's are natural born killers, mostly of innocents creatures that don't have the ability of fighting back against big guns.. After all, we call it 'sport' and they'll be lots of 'big game hunters' on Gran Pulse very soon.. Come back to Gran Pulse in just a few short years and see the big, dirty polluted cities, surrounded by farmlands as far as the eye can see.. Gone will be all the natural beauty, the wild animals, the untamed wilderness (except perhaps a few small parks and reserves).. It will be just like Earth is now, in deep doo-doo from over-population, running out of energy, in the middle of vast global weather changes (brought on too quickly by the ceaseless burning of fossil fuels) and all the little Cocoonites will be wishing they were back on Cocoon being taken care of by the nice Fal'Cie again..
    First off, I'm not your "hon" or a "hon" and I'm asking you to refrain from calling me that in the future. Now onto business...

    I see that you did not read my evidence I used as to why I believe that the Cocoon citizens would not survive. From what you quoted is just part of my evidence because in my response to Andromeda I offered more.

    Quote Originally Posted by Zargabaath View Post
    Pulse Fal'Cie decimated the human population after the War of Transgression what is to stop them now? Also, I'm surprised nobody has mentioned this: nobody is a L'Cie anymore and the people of Cocoon have to survive against the dangers of Pulse by their own power. Yeah, good luck with that as they are probably going to get wiped. Suggesting that they have the Guardian Corps and PSICOM does them no good. Guardian Corps, while, more experienced aren't strong enough to tackle Pulse terrors. And PSICOM, the pitiful organization that had hardly any experience. The same PSICOM that when its leaders hit the field it was game over. Yeah, I liked how Yaag controlled the situation when they surrounded Lightning and Hope - he runs away. Or how when the smoke grenade goes off Yaag doesn't know what to do. Or Jihl's "trap" which was basically to throw a lot of troops in their way similiar to Yaag's plan in Palumpolum. We get to see the "brains" of PSICOM do their "fantastic work" in how they can stay "calm" and in "control" when things go south. I would say with that outlook Final Fantasy XIII has a very sad ending because humanity has little hope of surviving on Pulse unless all the big badies disappeared magically.

    Quote Originally Posted by Zargabaath View Post
    There are a few differences that I find noteworthy. They had some L'Cie to help them on occasion plus their advance technology. There will probably be no more L'Cie and there are none at that time. The advance technology of Cocoon was powered by the Cocoon Fal'Cie which have very little power making that tech useless. As I've said their military is pathetic. And how would they build a home when the Fal'Cie did everything for the people of Cocoon. They were pets, every need pampered by the Fal'Cie - do Cocoon citizens know how to build a city. Perhaps simple huts but Long Gui's can stomp on them. You know how hard it would be to move all those people, assuming that millions survived, if not tens or hundreds of thousands. Their would be death and probably a lot because they don't have survival skills and a great defense force to protect them.
    We, the players, catch a glimpse of how PSICOM and the GC handle the terrors from Pulse in chapter 12 - not well. Also, we are unsure as to what supplies they [Cocoon citizens, GC, and PSICOM] have at the end of the game, they may not even have any of that heavy equipment and that is if that heavy equipment works independent of the Fal'Cie powering it, otherwise as I've said it will be useless. I've said that they don't have any survival skills as all people on Cocoon were pampered; they wouldn't know what plants are poisonous and what part of an animal/monster are safe to eat (some parts of animals are unsafe to eat so I'm not stretching it there). Would it be too much to say that they could be decimated by disease? They have been sheltered in Cocoon for ages, there has not been a mixing of genes between Pulse and Cocoon so all the Cocoon citizens don't have an immune system to fight the germs, bacteria, and viruses of Pulse (similiar to what happened to the native americans when the Europeans came).

    But your biggest mistake is comparing the humans of Cocoon to us - the humans of this Earth. They are not the same as us as I've said. They probably don't have any great skills and their military leaders, which are dead, were never good to begin with. And I didn't see the GC or PSICOM take down a Long Gui or whatever variant that invaded Eden in chapter 12. The Pulse Fal'Cie should still be going strong and they may start their "survival of the fittest" program on the humans again (though I've said it is a bit unclear whether the Pulse Fal'Cie lost power as well since they were not dependant of Orphan). Cocoon citizens are not natural hunters; they got their food from Carbuncle - a Fal'Cie, one of many that pampered their every need.

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  10. #40
    The Quiet One The Ending, your thoughts. (Spoliers duh!) Andromeda's Avatar
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    Re: The Ending, your thoughts. (Spoliers duh!)

    The Adamantoise they attacked in Chapter 12 were just the regular child and adult types. The Long Gui and Shaolong Gui only appear after you've done the work for Titan to mutate them into stronger monsters.

    You make valid points that they are certainly not prepared for a incredibly hostile environment. However Long Guis are massive things and quite slow. I'm pretty sure they can find a place where the Long Guis or regular Adamantoise just can't reach.

    There are four experienced fighters remaining that it is certain. They made lack l'Cie boost talents, but they are probably going to help increase the survivability of the people. I doubt Lightning wants to be a leader, but I'd suspect that Snow would step to lead out in the wilds.

    There is also the fact that you mention past l'Cie on Pulse may have helped to protect the civilizations of the past. The fal'Cie on Pulse are still active and it was made clear by the 64 missions, that defeating Cocoon wasn't the only focus they gave to l'Cie. So I'd suspect that with a wonderfully large supply of humans for the fal'Cie to pick from there are probably going to be plenty of new l'Cie being picked up and used. Which would provide the possible protection that they may have done in the past.

    I'd suspect the odds of them surviving are better than you're giving them credit for. They are certainly in for rough times and quite screwed, but I think they will more or less end up surviving as a whole.
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  11. #41
    All is One.One is All. The Ending, your thoughts. (Spoliers duh!) Firefly's Avatar
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    Re: The Ending, your thoughts. (Spoliers duh!)
    Anyway on to business:
    I liked the ending,it was nothing compared to Final Fantasy 10 or 9 but it was still a keeper.I cried when I saw Dajh and Serah return and everyone was soo happy lol.I was sorta hoping that somehow Hope's mom would pop up somewhere in there,but oh well.ANyways it was a very good ending,not much to it,but still sweet and happy
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  12. #42
    Lady Succubus The Ending, your thoughts. (Spoliers duh!) Victoria's Avatar
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    Re: The Ending, your thoughts. (Spoliers duh!)

    .....Why would Hope's mom pop up? She died. People can't come back from the dead. >_<
    If you meant Hope's dad, then yeah that would have been nice.

  13. #43
    I want to play a game. The Ending, your thoughts. (Spoliers duh!) Zargabaath's Avatar
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    Re: The Ending, your thoughts. (Spoliers duh!)

    Quote Originally Posted by Mistress Victoria View Post
    .....Why would Hope's mom pop up? She died. People can't come back from the dead. >_<
    If you meant Hope's dad, then yeah that would have been nice.
    Yaag somehow survived getting lit up and we got no explanation as to how he managed that. Also, Snow survived the fall, why couldn't Nora? Probably because Snow got lucky, very lucky (that was a long drop). If they make a Final Fantasy XIII-2 I'm expecting Jihl to be the person behind what evil is going on.

    As for Bartholomew not showing up in the end, I was a bit sad for Hope - a rare feeling from me for Hope. Was there any reason given as to why he did not show up? Perhaps he did not survive since the Calvary was taking care of him.

    Speaking of Yaag miraculously surviving, wasn't it a bit lame and too happy that NORA and all the purged people survived the fall. And there re-entrance into the story was totalling random because their survival was perhaps a bit deus ex that their they piggy-backed on the party. The player would think that the entity that branded them would make sure to have the survive the fall, if they fell at all and it did not teleport them to the ground.

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  14. #44
    All is One.One is All. The Ending, your thoughts. (Spoliers duh!) Firefly's Avatar
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    Re: The Ending, your thoughts. (Spoliers duh!)

    Quote Originally Posted by Mistress Victoria View Post
    .....Why would Hope's mom pop up? She died. People can't come back from the dead. >_<
    If you meant Hope's dad, then yeah that would have been nice.
    Well I actually meant like Hope would have saw his mom's spirit smiling or something,but his dad popping up would have been good, I was also kinda hoping that Vanille and him would maybe kiss goodbye or, guess Im just weird or something.
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    Balaclavas on...let's go shopping!! The Ending, your thoughts. (Spoliers duh!) nickness89's Avatar
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    Re: The Ending, your thoughts. (Spoliers duh!)

    hmmmm, i don't think the wedding would be the first thing on the main characters' minds at the end, i think they would be more worried about planning humanity's survival on Pulse, since it is an untamed land with thousands of horrendous beasts, and thousands of Fal'cie that brand humans at will. If i remember correctly, the analogues and word of mouth from Fang and Vanille show that there are millions more Fal'cie on Pulse than on Cocoon, and they are relentless at branding humans, which is the reaso for humanity's extinction from Pulse to begin with.

    or is that looking too deep roflmao xP

  16. #46
    Final Fantasy Noob! The Ending, your thoughts. (Spoliers duh!) ZenMonkey59's Avatar
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    Re: The Ending, your thoughts. (Spoliers duh!)

    I didn't mind that the ending was short. There seemed to be about 30 minutes of cut scenes in between the last 3 bosses. So it felt like a pretty long ending to me. Also we're getting a sequel, so it makes sense that it wouldn't tie up all the loose ends.
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  17. #47
    G'day The Ending, your thoughts. (Spoliers duh!) NikkiLinkle's Avatar
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    Re: The Ending, your thoughts. (Spoliers duh!)

    I just finished and to be honest, I was disappointed. I know there were 3 final bosses, but I felt like they were too easy to defeat. Especially the last battle with Orphan. Considering it's ORPHAN the big bad final boss. I think Barthandelus in Chapter 11 was the most difficult boss to defeat.

    I also thought Ragnarok was some huge menacing monster.

    The actual ending was nice, not GREAT though. The song worked well. I think Serah and Lightning's hug could have been more passionate. I did tear up a little when they all reunited and when I saw Fang and Vanille crystalised together. That was a nice touch. I think they were each others greatest companions, so it is nice that they saved the world together.

    I do think it's silly that after the credits part, it asks if you want to save. Lol. Of course!

  18. #48
    Final Fantasy Noob! The Ending, your thoughts. (Spoliers duh!) ZenMonkey59's Avatar
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    Re: The Ending, your thoughts. (Spoliers duh!)

    Quote Originally Posted by NikkiLinkle View Post
    I do think it's silly that after the credits part, it asks if you want to save. Lol. Of course!
    If you "of course" want to save, why is it silly that it asks you?
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    Balaclavas on...let's go shopping!! The Ending, your thoughts. (Spoliers duh!) nickness89's Avatar
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    Re: The Ending, your thoughts. (Spoliers duh!)

    Oh yeah forgot to add, I felt sorry for Hope in the end, the way he looks expectantly as if to see his mum come running towards him ... I cried
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    Final Fantasy Noob! The Ending, your thoughts. (Spoliers duh!) ZenMonkey59's Avatar
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    Re: The Ending, your thoughts. (Spoliers duh!)

    Quote Originally Posted by nickness89 View Post
    Oh yeah forgot to add, I felt sorry for Hope in the end, the way he looks expectantly as if to see his mum come running towards him ... I cried
    Yeah...that sucked. Everyone else was having a reunion. Thank god for Lightning being like an older sister to him.

    But yeah...that was a very subtle moment, and it was extremely powerful.
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  21. #51
    Passing fair judgement The Ending, your thoughts. (Spoliers duh!) Judge Magistrate's Avatar
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    Re: The Ending, your thoughts. (Spoliers duh!)

    I think the end of FFXIII is a rather nice change to the norm for FF. Sometimes they have some very depressing stuff mixed in with something happy in the other FF, but in this one there was a ray of hope(no pun intended) for everyone.
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    Re: The Ending, your thoughts. (Spoliers duh!)

    Quote Originally Posted by Judge Magistrate View Post
    I think the end of FFXIII is a rather nice change to the norm for FF. Sometimes they have some very depressing stuff mixed in with something happy in the other FF, but in this one there was a ray of hope(no pun intended) for everyone.
    Agreed. I thought it was great!
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  23. #53
    Badass Military Agent The Ending, your thoughts. (Spoliers duh!) Linus Li Lelouch's Avatar
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    Re: The Ending, your thoughts. (Spoliers duh!)

    The ending was pretty good, although I do agree with the person that said the ending was a little vague with them showing what happened like 10 mins later (or was it 10 mins later?).

    I'm just sad that I won't see Fang again.... She was awesome

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    Balaclavas on...let's go shopping!! The Ending, your thoughts. (Spoliers duh!) nickness89's Avatar
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    Re: The Ending, your thoughts. (Spoliers duh!)

    Quote Originally Posted by Zargabaath
    If they make a Final Fantasy XIII-2 I'm expecting Jihl to be the person behind what evil is going on.
    Jihl was killed by Barthandelus (Dysley) on the airship.

    Quote Originally Posted by Victoria
    .....Why would Hope's mom pop up? She died. People can't come back from the dead. >_<
    If you meant Hope's dad, then yeah that would have been nice.
    Hope's mum fell, yeah, but you didn't see her actually die, and as Zargabaath said, Snow survived.

    I would have loved it if Vanille and Hope could have gotten together in the end ... but Vanille and Fang turning to Crystal was a fitting ending :')
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  25. #55
    Registered User The Ending, your thoughts. (Spoliers duh!) Oneesan's Avatar
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    Re: The Ending, your thoughts. (Spoliers duh!)

    This was one of the few FF endings that didn't make me cry (thank god!.....i'm such a dork) I was actually smiling big time when the credits started rolling. Yeah it sucks for Fang & Vanille, but they seemed fairly content with their decision, so it didn't bother me at all. Maybe i'm just heartless though?!?

  26. #56
    Balaclavas on...let's go shopping!! The Ending, your thoughts. (Spoliers duh!) nickness89's Avatar
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    Re: The Ending, your thoughts. (Spoliers duh!)

    Quote Originally Posted by angelmarie190515
    I was actually smiling big time when the credits started rolling. Yeah it sucks for Fang & Vanille, but they seemed fairly content with their decision, so it didn't bother me at all. Maybe i'm just heartless though?!?
    No, you're definitely not heartless lol. When Vanille and Fang were crystalised, and the others were set free on Pulse, and the Vanille and Fang were doing that little narrative with Leona Lewis playing in the background, it was a very happy moment I feel, and I was beaming too :') Although I still found it sad for Hope :'(
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  27. #57
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    Re: The Ending, your thoughts. (Spoliers duh!)

    It was Vanille's and Fang's gift to everyone that they save the planet after what they caused 500 years earlier. It was like they felt remorse from what happened back then and by saving Pulse from Cocoon was their way to show redemption.

  28. #58
    Memento RK The Ending, your thoughts. (Spoliers duh!) Yoko's Avatar
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    Re: The Ending, your thoughts. (Spoliers duh!)

    Since this thread is about the ending, I will keep this on the topic of the OP.

    I loved the ending. To all of you who thought it sucked, I might understand where you're coming from, only because it was short. However, for me, that is not the case. The ending started when you started the fight with Bart. The cut scenes were leading into the ending. The ending itself may have seemed short, but you needed to take the final bosses into account. They were challenging final bosses, but it only took me two tries. After I found out that Orphan was weak to poison, it was a sinch. At least it wasn't like Yu Yevon where you can kill him with a Phoenix Down. That was lame.

    "My Hands" was a perfect fit. I had heard that from many people, but honestly, I was kind of skeptical. I needed to see for myself. It made so much sense to have that song there.

    It was a happy ending. I found myself smiling for most of it. When Serah and Dajh came running in, it was a relief to me. And the looks on their faces. I love PS3 graphics.

    As for Titan, most of it has already been answered, but I skimmed over it. He has an interesting story as well. I started some of the quests before going back to fight the final boss. I plan on going back and completing them later.

    Overall, it was/still is a great game. I don't think I'll ever reply it though. It took Waaay too long to finish everything. I'll finish the rest of the side quests and call it a day.
    Last edited by Yoko; 08-25-2011 at 06:18 AM.
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  29. #59
    Registered User The Ending, your thoughts. (Spoliers duh!) Alex's Avatar
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    Re: The Ending, your thoughts. (Spoliers duh!)

    I thought the ending was great!
    It made me really happy when everyone got reunited, except Hope though :'(
    And I gotta admit it ... I cried when "My Hands" were played in the background.
    I was like "**** YOU ALL LEONA LEWIS HATERS!"

  30. #60
    Registered User The Ending, your thoughts. (Spoliers duh!) Yuffinara's Avatar
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    Re: The Ending, your thoughts. (Spoliers duh!)

    To tell you the truth, I kind of didn't like the ending. Sure it seemed like a happy ending, but wasn't their first intention to save Cocoon? It seems like they really should be unhappy with it. Nonetheless, the ending was amazing.

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