Originally Posted by
It's solely up to player in which manner will he set the gambits, bitching, and blaming the game for something you did, something you chose to do is ridiculous to say the least. Want more control over entire party, than goddamn it, set the goddamn gambits that way. Instead Dan558, and o0Odin0o chose the lazy path, characters do everything on their own, and they don't like it, well, if that is not your cup of tea than chose other flavor. Game doesn't play itself because it want's too, it's because you, the player, chose it that way, and yet somehow the game is one to blame.
o0Odin0o, I don't see how junction, and materia system can be in same sentence with gambits, after all gambits are there to set your AI behavior, while junction, and materia have direct influence on both current stats, and character growth. Throw gambits out game can still be played in same manner, this time though you have total control over your party, throw out junction, and matertia system and you have a cheap way to make the game harder than it already is, hope you see difference here. As for overall difficulty, I really don't need to mention how easy is to exploit both junction and materia system, thus making both games a laughing stock...