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Thread: Hardest Boss Battle?

  1. #1
    Registered User Hardest Boss Battle? Chocobo_Lover17's Avatar
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    Hardest Boss Battle?

    what do you all think the hardest boss battle in FFX was? and why?
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  2. #2
    attempting to bribe the Mayor of Lambeth Hardest Boss Battle? Xanatos's Avatar
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    Re: Hardest Boss Battle?

    Depends, which version? International version of Final Fantasy X features Dark Aeons and Penance, all tough nuts to crack, Penance in particular as it's biggest challenge you can take. Otherwise it's Nemesis, though I personally never faced him.

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  3. #3
    Registered User Hardest Boss Battle? Vogue Star's Avatar
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    Re: Hardest Boss Battle?

    Hrm... For me it would have to be Seymour Flux, on the grounds that the first time I fought him, he completely floored me That's what I get for rushing through areas...

  4. #4

    Re: Hardest Boss Battle?

    As for "normal" bosses: This dragonthing you had to fight on the airship. I think it took me two days to finally beat it, just because I wasn't prepared for the fight and lost about five times. (Should've levelled my party up more before fighting it, but I didn't know the damn monster was that strong! >.< Oh and I probably was too stupid to beat it, I didn't use any tactic at all. ^^")
    And, as I didn't use Wakka and Rikku that much: All underwater monsters. I hate them. There was one right at the beginning of the game and I really sucked at fighting it. Lost about four or five times, I think.

    As for the not so normal bosses: the dark aeons. I haven't beaten Dark Bahamut yet, although the party I use most of the time has almost completed the sphere grid. Some of the others I only beat by chance or using... zanpaktu (was it called that? You know, Yojimbo's special attack he only uses if you give him LOTS of money!).

    And I've faced Nemesis... once. I died almost instantly. I never tried it again. XD"

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  5. #5
    Registered User Hardest Boss Battle? Chocobo_Lover17's Avatar
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    Re: Hardest Boss Battle?

    Quote Originally Posted by Freya View Post
    As for "normal" bosses: This dragonthing you had to fight on the airship. I think it took me two days to finally beat it, just because I wasn't prepared for the fight and lost about five times. (Should've levelled my party up more before fighting it, but I didn't know the damn monster was that strong! >.< Oh and I probably was too stupid to beat it, I didn't use any tactic at all. ^^")
    And, as I didn't use Wakka and Rikku that much: All underwater monsters. I hate them. There was one right at the beginning of the game and I really sucked at fighting it. Lost about four or five times, I think.

    As for the not so normal bosses: the dark aeons. I haven't beaten Dark Bahamut yet, although the party I use most of the time has almost completed the sphere grid. Some of the others I only beat by chance or using... zanpaktu (was it called that? You know, Yojimbo's special attack he only uses if you give him LOTS of money!).

    And I've faced Nemesis... once. I died almost instantly. I never tried it again. XD"
    I too had a lot of trouble with Evrea the first time, he is one boss that you have to level your characters up really well to defeat, also there is some strategy required when moving the airship and choosing which characters can attack him when in different places.
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  6. #6

    Re: Hardest Boss Battle?

    In regards to storyline bosses, i'd have to pick Seymour Flux. I thought i had trained my team to be nigh uber powerful, and i still managed to get my ass handed to me by him. Aside from him, that giant dragon creature thing that guards Bevelle was also quite a tough challenge for me.
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  7. #7
    Registered User Hardest Boss Battle? Roz's Avatar
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    Re: Hardest Boss Battle?

    First time I played through the game, I just couldn't get past the Seymour you fight in Mt. Gagazet, whichever that was. I was quite underleveled, because I just rushed everywhere, wanted to see what would happen next. I had to farm the monsters around the save point for a long while before I tried again.

  8. #8
    Consistently Average Hardest Boss Battle? Kurt Zisa's Avatar
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    Re: Hardest Boss Battle?

    While Penance is definately the hardest boss, i've never gotten that far in the game so i've yet to challenge him. So for me the hardest boss battle that i have taken part in would have to be Dark Shiva because, well, she sucks. Dark Valefore was kinda difficult too but once i bothered to fully power up some of my Celestial Weapons, ie Auron's, it wasnt too hard to beat.

    Boss battles that occur duing the main story don't give me much trouble anymore as i've played through it countless times so I know what to expect and how to beat them with little-ish trouble. Despite that Seymore's second and third battles were a real killer on my first run through all those years ago.
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  9. #9
    I will save the world Hardest Boss Battle? Hero without a Name's Avatar
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    Re: Hardest Boss Battle?

    Acutal story line...I'd need to go with Evrae or might ask why I thought Yunalesca was evil, because I was stupid, I kept curing myself...force of habbit and I died because I left the zombie enough because *SPOILER ALERT* you can't really win without being a zombie unless you have deathproof armor. Nevertheless, the red carpet at bevelle with teeth...freaking evil man

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  10. #10
    Consistently Average Hardest Boss Battle? Kurt Zisa's Avatar
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    Re: Hardest Boss Battle?

    Quote Originally Posted by Hero without a Name View Post
    Acutal story line...I'd need to go with Evrae or might ask why I thought Yunalesca was evil, because I was stupid, I kept curing myself...force of habbit and I died because I left the zombie enough because *SPOILER ALERT* you can't really win without being a zombie unless you have deathproof armor. Nevertheless, the red carpet at bevelle with teeth...freaking evil man
    Auto-Med and Holy Waters can be useful too along with Aeons Summoned at the right moment. Yunalesca's battle was more of a challenge than Braska's Final Aeon and Yu-yevon combined which isn't how it should be.
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  11. #11
    R-K H、有名な侍の戦争の神ソウル刈り取り手 Hardest Boss Battle? Ryu-Kentoshii Hirokima's Avatar
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    Re: Hardest Boss Battle?

    Yunalesca Was Pretty Tough For Me, But I Was Able To Beat Her With A Certain Strategy I Found On The Net. All Other Boss Fights Were Simple In My Opinion, She Was The Only One I Had Problems With.

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  12. #12
    All is One.One is All. Hardest Boss Battle? Firefly's Avatar
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    Re: Hardest Boss Battle?

    The Second form of Yunalesca,I had all kinds of trouble with! I ended up having to use cheats to give my characters like 9999 hp and 9999 strength? Other than that,I had mere problems with the dragon on Cid's airship before Seymour and Yuna's wedding
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  13. #13
    Passing fair judgement Hardest Boss Battle? Judge Magistrate's Avatar
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    Re: Hardest Boss Battle?

    It would have to be Seymour, not sure why but it was. I should have blown through him with the levels my people were.
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  14. #14

    Re: Hardest Boss Battle?

    The battle with Seymour at Mt. Gagazet had me stuck for a while...then I simply got bored, used my Aeons against the enemies in the zone so that all of them would have their Overdrive full, summon them against him one after another and blast him away.
    Funny thing is, I didn't die even when Bahamuth(the last one I had summoned) used Megaflare. But his little assist robot did. As usual, he absorbed some energy from Seymour to keep himself alive. That killed him.
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  15. #15
    Everyone needs a savior Hardest Boss Battle? the_savior21's Avatar
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    Re: Hardest Boss Battle?

    My first time through it was definatly seymour flux but i figured out a great stratagy for him then when i got to yunalesca i thought it was eaasy but it turned out there was more then the first form so i blew all my ODs nowadays there really isnt a "hard boss" storyline wise i make it a point to capture monsters as fast as i can because i like to fight the original creations i have beaten them all at least once but very few more then that, sadly i dont have the international version but i wish i did i love the game and really wanna be able to fact the dark aeons/penence.
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  16. #16
    Sargeant Tastycakes Hardest Boss Battle? dustinpro's Avatar
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    Re: Hardest Boss Battle?

    Seymour Flux seemed to have owned everybody's backside...nice to have some company.
    Evrae was easy-peasy.(Just ignored the airship stuff unless absolutely neccesary.)
    Yunalesca was balls-out hard.(Took several tries,which added a new dimension of suck since the FMV that precede the battle was like 5 minutes long, her voice got so annoying...)
    Nemesis was even easier that Evrae since my Sphere Grid was pretty much maxed out by then.(Summon Valefore, stomp on Nemesis,watch Valefore die.Summon Ifrit,stomp on Nemesis,watch Ifrit die,continue 'till victory.Boosh.)

  17. #17
    Registered User Hardest Boss Battle? tetsu346's Avatar
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    Re: Hardest Boss Battle?

    hardest boss for me was seymour in mt. gagazet he kept getting rid of my aeon so easily and that move he had for a chance of instant always basically got me

  18. #18

    Re: Hardest Boss Battle?

    Not going to lie, I really think there was not one boss that even came close to being difficult its kinda shocking

  19. #19
    a daydreamer Hardest Boss Battle? aerospark08's Avatar
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    Re: Hardest Boss Battle?

    i think i'm different from the others.. the hardest boss for me is sanctuary keeper and spectral keeper, which sanctuary can heal itself, and spectral can make one of the char become berserk and out of control.. but far away before i fight them, i found evrae was totally difficult. but after i found the weakness of it, i can defeat it easily

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  20. #20
    The White Wizard of Fynn Hardest Boss Battle? Mindu's Avatar
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    Re: Hardest Boss Battle?

    On my last run I made no conscious effort to grind at all, and out of the bosses in the storyline the only ones that gave me any difficulty were Braska's Final Aeon, and following that when you fight your own aeons. BFA took me two or three attempts but was by no means a mismatch. When I fought my own aeons their high evasion meant I could only damage them with magic and overdrives. As I had used all my overdrives on BFA, I had to use my aeons against each other or just had Lulu and Yuna casting Flare.

    There weren't any fights in the game that made me need to grind. Although I'll never forget about when, after beating Sin, I flew back to Besaid for some reason not knowing about the Dark Aeons. Valefor wiped my party out with one attack and I had to do the whole fight with Sin all over again.

  21. #21
    Registered BRUISER Hardest Boss Battle? Nidogod's Avatar
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    Re: Hardest Boss Battle?

    Seymour Flux because the first time I played this game I was convinced I'd never see the end because he was unbeatable. I of course now take pride in running his common ass into the ground, but it wasn't always like that.

  22. #22

    Re: Hardest Boss Battle?

    Penance plain and simple still have to defeat him without using Zanmato.

  23. #23
    Registered User Hardest Boss Battle? Lychai's Avatar
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    Re: Hardest Boss Battle?

    The dark aeons :'(

  24. #24
    Dynast-King Hardest Boss Battle? Lockduck's Avatar
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    Re: Hardest Boss Battle?

    Quote Originally Posted by Freya View Post
    Some of the others I only beat by chance or using... zanpaktu (was it called that? You know, Yojimbo's special attack he only uses if you give him LOTS of money!).

    And I've faced Nemesis... once. I died almost instantly. I never tried it again. XD"
    Forgive me, but I thought this was incredibly cute. It's Zanmoto

  25. #25
    Registered User Hardest Boss Battle? TheLastAdventAuron's Avatar
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    Re: Hardest Boss Battle?

    I would definately have to say that Yunalesca's guardian was the hardest boss in my opinion... well.... or it could have been Yunalesca herself due to the insta-death (Mega Death) thingy that she does when she enters her third form.

  26. #26

    Re: Hardest Boss Battle?

    Has to be Penance. Reason: it took me ages worth of preperation to defeat him. When I did finally beat Penance, I actually managed to defeat him before defeating Sin. I then recorded it and put it on youtube.

  27. #27
    Stream Crosser Hardest Boss Battle? Ann's Avatar
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    Re: Hardest Boss Battle?

    Seymour Flux in Mt Gagazet. I even got stuck again in my second playthrough, thanks to him. He's just so hard to beat. The Lance of Atrophy, if I'm not mistaken, brings me so much trouble because after that I always have to heal every party member from poison stat, which is such an annoying way to waste your MP -_-

    And Sin Head, man, enough already. If only someone told me about Trio earlier I wouldn't have to spend every single day playing the same battle over and over again for almost one week straight.

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  28. #28
    Registered BRUISER Hardest Boss Battle? Nidogod's Avatar
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    Re: Hardest Boss Battle?

    As long as Lulu has bio, Seymour Flux is a complete pushover. He takes a ridiculous amount of poison damage.

  29. #29

    Re: Hardest Boss Battle?

    Quote Originally Posted by Nidogod View Post
    As long as Lulu has bio, Seymour Flux is a complete pushover. He takes a ridiculous amount of poison damage.
    Yeah With Lulu Bio Spell, It make that boss fight with Seymour a lot easier. I have to retry that battle several times cuz he kept killing me

  30. #30

    Re: Hardest Boss Battle?

    definatly the dragon when get on to the air ship...most annoying fight and i died like 5-6 times even with using a strategy guide finally got lucky one time when he didn't do one of his attacks that much during a fight

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