Garoupinha, you aren't alone in not realizing about both areas of the License Board, I went all the way into the uh... jail, all the way trying to figure out a way to equip those damn weapons.
I also tried my hand at killing the T-Rex with Vaan and Penelo at level 5, but that didn't get me anywere, hah!.
Since I'm not very good at stealth, I didn't fare too well while following the judge in the jail (can't remember the name of the place, it was very late when I did that!), so I just run, constantly escaping all the way through.
Those soldiers quickly gang up on you; I wonder If I could have taken them all on with better equipped weapons?.
I left it at the point in which I'm supposed to get a fuse to open the gate.
As far as I remember; Vaan is level 5 while the rest are level 6.
I did get a mark at the Sky Pirate's Lounge or whatever the name is, for killing over 300 enemies but, for all I know, that ain't nothing, really, especially considering that I'm still at level 5-6.
As for the License Board, well, I'm keepping everyone with their original kind of weapons and I have not delved too much into classes yet, except for giving Fran a few black magic licenses; I'm unsured of what do I want to assign to each one yet or if I want to make them distinctive at all.