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Well, I haven't played since last night, but I did get about three and a half hours in before I went to bed. I did a LOT of exploring (talking to everyone, visiting every area available to me, etc.), so I haven't actually done much yet in terms of the game. I'm still in Rabanastre right now, just about to walk into Old Dalan's door. I'm not sure what comes next.
Vaan is my only party member, level three.
Clan Rank is Moppet with 807 points.
Highest chain so far is six.
I'm moving Vaan into daggers and light armor, and will continue to build his thief-like skills. I'm really liking the character so far. A pleasant surprise, if you will.
...what about yourself, Andro?
Also, I think I'll sticky this. I doubt Alucard or Djinn would argue.
And now Vaan is level five. I had Penelo in the party for a while, but now that I'm at the sewers, she's gone. (Well, actually, I'm past the sewers and into the castle now, but I won't give any more details than that.)
Clan Rank (henceforth CR) is still Moppet;
Clan Points (hencefort CP) are 2879.