After a conversation with the Occuria, what is the name of the sword they hand down to Ashe?
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After a conversation with the Occuria, what is the name of the sword they hand down to Ashe?
A) Treaty Blade ( I think lol )
FQ (not thinking to well atm.)
Name three non-judge characters who dual-wield weapons. Bonus points if you can name more.
A. Reddas, Larsa, Gilgamesh.
Q. What treasures can you obtain in the Tchita Uplands with a Diamond Armlet equipped?
A. When equipped with a diamond armlet, all treasure chests will have either gil, hi-ethers, or megalixers.
Q. If you donate all 30 hunt trophies to Blok at the Hunter's camp, what items will he sell?
I dunno.
What is the name of the ultimate esper?
@Firaga: If you're going to reply to someone's question, at least make a guess or look it instead of saying, "I dunno."
A. Zodiark.
As for James K. Polk's questiion, You get the Maximillian.
Q. What item do you get when you donate 30 items to Atak at the Hunter's Camp?
Firaga, Thats not on. Don'e be bloody stupid or you'll get kicked off.
A) Gungnir
Q) Where do you find the monster "Migardsormr" And what two items can it drop?
A. Greataxe (Wait a second, that is if Atak gets the most trophies! Whoops!)
Q. What is the most powerful weapon in the game?
Firaga was wrong so my question still stands.
The answer to Firaga's was: The Zodiac Spear.
Mine is:
Q) Where do you find the monster "Migardsormr" And what two items can it drop?
Please firaga, dont take random guesses, if you dont know, dont say it, or look it up.
A. The Midgardsormr appears in the Golmore Jungle- Paths of the Chained Lights. It drops Snake Skins and Sakura-saezuri.
Q. What rare game appear in the Bhujerba Mines?
A. The Aeerial.
Q. What rare game monsters appear in the Golmore Jungle?
You forgot Disma, Gemhorn, and Bombshell. Sorry, I meant the entirety of the Lhusu Mines.
A. Biding Mantis, Midgardsormr, Grave Lord, Phyllo
Q. Which rare game drop ultimate weapons, and what do they drop?
Really? No one? Okay, since it's been over a week...
Q. What equipment does Basch start with when he enters your party as a normal member (not a guest)?
hmmm ill say mithril blade? or mithril sword one or the pther
Q.what is the highest quickening accurance(i cant spell) and how much damage does it do??
Not very close, but as I can't answer my own question at the moment without starting a new game, I'm gonna give a big old "Whatever" and answer.
A. Black Hole- 253 Attack.
Q. What conditions are needed to summon the rare game Negalmuur in the Stillshrine of Miriam?
A. You must stay in the Stillshrine for at least 30 minutes, have all enemies in the area cleared, and once you do these two, you'll find the Negalmuur where you can originally find the Miriam Guardian.
Q. What are the Negalmuur's attacks?
A. Physical Attack
Tier 3 Black Magick: Firaga, Blizzaga, Thundaga
Q. What enemies in the game can use the ability Annul?
A: Gazer, Gespenst, Etém, Reaper, Reaper Claw, Oversoul, Ixtab, Deathscythe, Dustia, Isheen, Vorres, Negalmuur (tell me if there are any more).
Q: What is the button sequence for catching the King of Nebra?
A. R1, L2, Up, Square, R1, L1, X, Right
Q. What are all possible ways to obtain the Defender greatsword?
Wow! It's been ages since someone posted a question here!
1.) Get one of the cockatrice(forgot which one) home.
2.) Buy from Balfonheim Port
3.) Dropped by Leynirs in Nabreus Deadlands
4.) Not sure but I think you can bazaar it.
Q. What are the maximum possible stats for Fran at Level 99?
A. HP- 5290
MP- 333
PWR- 71
MG. PWR- 59
VIT- 53
SPD- 36
Q. Under what conditions must the summoning character need to be in for Zodiark to perform the "Final Eclipse" attack?
The summoner must be Petrified.
Which Espers' Final Attack can exceed 9999? Also, how much?
A. Zodiark, 50,000 damage.
Q. Name all monsters found in the Nebreus Deadlands, and also, if they drop a piece of equipment, name it.
Well, it's been almost a month and nobody has answered Polk's question so...
Q: How many map urns are there in the game?
finish the hunt and get all the stuff in the pirate clan
Q:how old is ashe
Q.Name all of the races in FF XII
A. Hume, Banga, Moogle, Viera, Garif, Occuria, Aegyl and the race of the Grand Kiltias. I forget that name. I sink zat iz all of zem.
Q. What race is the Grand Kiltias? =P
Helgis I beleive.
What are the names of all of the gates located within the great crystal?