32 hunts alot of clan points
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32 hunts alot of clan points
32 hunts
A. The names of the gates in the Great Crystal are the names of the 12 zodiac signs. So...Aries, Leo, Capricorn, Pisces, Virgo, Gemini, Sagittarius, Cancer, Libra, Taurus, Scorpio, and Aquarius.
Q. What status effect does Omega Mark XII randomly inflict with his laser attack?
That would be Berserk status ;)
Name all the entites and their locations.
A. Gnoma Entite - Dalmasca Westersand
Leshach Entite - Paramina Rift
Leamonde Entite - Nabreus Deadlands
Diakon Entite - Giruvegan
Salamand Entite - The Sandsea
Mardu Entite - Giza Plains (during the rainy season)
Sylphi Entite - Ozmone Plains
Undin Entite - Cerobi Steppe, Pharos at Ridorana
Q. What legendary beast was freed due to the death of the Gran Kiltias?
Elemental time again: Name all the Elemental monsters (those flying things which swirl around everywhere) and their locations.
A. Storm Elemental - Giza Plains (during the rainy season)
Water Elemental - Garamsythe Waterway
Ice Elemental - Paramina Rift
Fire Elemental - Mosphoran Highwaste
Air Elemental - Phon Coast
Holy Elemental - The Feywood
Dark Elemental - Necrohol of Nabudis
Earth Elemental -Tchita Uplands
(and for the record, I don't like the tedious "list" type questions, so don't expect me to answer them very quickly)
Q. Where do you get the Matamune? (not Masamune, Matamune, with a t)
where does zodiark Weapon found?
u get it from a side quest called gone fishin
Q: What materials do you need to find and sell, in order for the Tournesol (spelling?) two-handed sword to appear in the Bazaar and how much Gil does it cost to purchase it from the bazaar?
Name every guest character that joins your party throughout the game.
You're forgetting Vossler.
Q. How do you get the Whale Whisker?
Who is the only monster in the game that has a chance to drop a mythril sword when defeated?
Though I have never gotten it personally, Omega Mark XII drops it!
As mentioned before, to create the Sunflower or Tournesol, you need three Empyreal Souls, three Gemsteels, and three Serpentariuses. Now, how do you get those three items, and how much does it cost to buy them?
Gemsteel - you can get one from Montblanc for getting 8 espers or you can buy it for 29997 from Bazaar Goods after trading 1x Scarletite, 2x Damascus Steel & 2x Hell-Gate's Flame.
So you can buy all 3 or receive one and buy the other 2.
Empyreal Souls - is another reward fromMontblanc for attaining the High Guardian Clan Rank or you can buy it for 29997 gil after trading 1x High Arcana, 1x Soul Powder,
2x Wargod's Band at the bazaar.
So once again you can buy all 3 or receive one and buy the other 2.
Serpentarius Is yet another reward from Montblanc for getting all 13 espers or you can steal it from Zodiark. Giving you the chance of 2 out of the gates.
Or you can buy it for 19998 gil from Bazaar Goods by trading 2x Serpent Eye,
4x Snake Skin, 1x High Arcana.
so you options are
1: receive from Moniblanc then buy 2 at 19998 each
2: steal from Zodiarc and buy 2 at 19998 each
3: get both of the above and buy one at 19998
Name all Grimoires + the Canopic Jar, how to get them, what to sell for the Canopic Jar, how much they cost, and which hunts and marks are needed for the materials for the Canopic Jar? Whew, understood?
Sage 25000 - Talk to any merchant 100 times
hunter 18000 - must defeate Thextera, collect reward, then talk to clan provisionar
Knight 19000 - Talk to weapons merchant 30 times
Dragoon 22000 - read notice boards 50 times
Mage 21000 - talk to magic merchants 25 times
Warmage 20000 - read message boards 25 times
Scholar 22000. - talk to armor merchant 20 times
Canopic Jar 250000? - you must sell the following after defeating the following
Phobos Glaze - Complete Gil Snapper hunt
Deimos Clay - Complete Trickster hunt
Horakhty's Flame - Complete Orthos hunt
FQ, if it is another list question I swear I will make the one after it damn near impossible....
LIST all weapons that start with the letter B
Broadsword Blood Sword Bastard Sword Battle Bamboo Betelgeuse Bowgun Broadaxe Bronze Mace Bhuj.
Also the other responce to this question could easily be just the word "bow" but seeing I know you want to see my actual question I figured I would step into your little game
Name all of the weapons that attack powers are greater the 15 but lower then 68 with evasion greater then 5, also list everything that contains the word leather, give the added effects where they can be found at and also how much they can be bought for. Now onto the real question, are there any items that are of equal value and which ones, list the prices.
It's been far too long! New question!
What enemies drop Moon Rings?
A: Ash Wyrms
Free Question
What's the strongest bow in the game?
What's the bow's attack power?
How much LP does it take to acquire the license?
What do you need to sell to unlock it in the Bazaar?
How much does it cost?
What is its name in the Bazaar? (For example, Tournesol is The Sunflower)
How much does it cost?
Yeah, no one's answering so...
How many characters come to the party equipped with some kind of sword?
Ashe,Vossler and Reddas I think..
Q: how can you find the monsters: Onion Queen,Mandragora Prince etc.?
hmmm is it the sochen caves?
Name the esper that is found in the zertinan caverns
A: Adrammalech
List all of the enemies you can encounter in the Phon Coast.