A. Potion, Hi-Potion, and Black Belt if lucky.
Q. At what point in the game are you able to go after the Carrot mark?
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A. Potion, Hi-Potion, and Black Belt if lucky.
Q. At what point in the game are you able to go after the Carrot mark?
You can do it once you've reached Mt Bur-Omisace, aslong as you have a clan rank of Brave Compainion.
Q) What level is Ixion on, and what is it's HP?
A. Level 58 and 306559 HP.
Q. Name all of the measures in the game and the added effect they cause.
Gilt Measure - Protect
Arc Scale - Shell
Multiscale - Bravery
Cross Scale - Vanish
Caliper - Haste
Euclid's - Sextant
Q) Name all the Maces with an added element or ailment on them.
Bronze Mace -Nothing
Thorned Mace-Poison
Choas Mace-Confuse
Mood Mace-Doom
Zeus Mace-Nothing
Grand Mace-Nothing
Q. What is the attack power of all the maces in the game?
A. Mace- 24 atk
Bronze Mace- 30 atk
Bhuj- 36 atk
Miter- 42 atk
Thorned Mace- 48 atk
Chaos mace- 54 atk
Doom Mace- 60 atk
Zeus Mace- 66 atk
Grand Mace- 72 atk
Q. Name all mark hunts that take place in the Necrohol of Nabudis.
Q.What are the stats that Vaan originally starts with when you first play the game?
To get the Clan Rank, Knight of the Round, you must defeat all the Regular and Elite Marks in the game, and acquired all of the Sky Pirate Den tokens
Next Question: - A CHALLENGE!! :D
Name all the Magicks you can learn in the game according to classification (eg/ White, Green, etc.) AND where they can be purchased from (if they can be purchased from more than one place name the first place that they can be bought from)
Hey Benny you didnt answer Fishies question !!
BTW When you beat all the marks in the game and collect every character in the Sky Pirates Den you dont get the clan rank Knight of the Round,you get the highest rank in the game Order of Ambrosia !!!
Fishies question still stands !
Vaan's stats look like this:
HP: 82-84
MP: 25-27
PWR: 23
VIT: 24
SPD: 24
Q. Which boss battles have guest characters in them? Name the guest character, also.
ummm im not sure anyothers are there but maybe there is more
FQ I think
Q:how many characters are there in the Sky Pirates Den?
umm is it like 45
Q.what is the highest lv. thing in the game to kill
Yeah. A lot more.Quote:
Originally Posted by firevaan
Imperial Cutter- Basch and soldiers
Firemane- Amalia
Mimic Queen- Basch
Garuda- Vossler
Demon Wall (both)- Vossler
Tiamat- Larsa
Elder Wyrm- Larsa
Hydro- Reddas
Pandaemonium- Reddas
Slyt- Reddas
Fenrir- Reddas
Hashmal- Reddas
Judge Gabranth- Reddas
Dr. Cid and Famfrit- Reddas
Originally Posted by firevaan
I don't want to sound like an ass, but if you're going to post, please try to take this more seriously.
As to the question at hand:
A. Omega Mk. XII at level 99.
Q. Name all guns and their attack power.
Nah James you weren't being an ass, condsidering the title of his name, you'd excpect more knowledge of the game..
Altair +6
Capella +10
Vega +14
Sirius +18
Betelgeuse +22
Ras Algethi +26
Aldebaran +30
Spica +34
Antares +39
Arcturus +44
Formalhaut +50
Q) What is Dr. Cids FULL name?
Dr.cidnufulus im not sure on spelling....
Q.What sword can u get from killing the 1st demon wall.its in the secret treasure chest in the stairs after u kill him it could be a sword(but what kind!!!) or random loot or nothing at all
Judge Ghis-battle
Judge Bergan-battle
judge Gabranth-battle
Judge??????-dont battle
Q.Where do you find Amalia and who is she
you find her in the sewers and she is princess Ashe
Look, your new so i'm going to cut you some slack. but seriously, dont post in this thread if you dont know the answer, it is spamming, if your just going to act stupid and not take it seriously, then dont do it at all. Or at least TRY to find out the answer. Also dont do it just for another post to your count.
ANYWAY time for a gooden.
Q) What is Larsas fathers full name, and how many children does he have?
A. Emperor Gramis Gana Solidor is Larsa's father, and he has 4 children. Two if them are never named, but the other two, Larsa and Vayne, feature heavily in the storyline.
Q. What are the full names of Larsa and Vayne? Also, say what number Emperor they were/are.
Larsa: Larsa Ferrinas Solidor - 13th
Vayne: Vayne Carudas Solidor - 12th
(I'm not sure about these numbers but considering that there father was the 11th, I am fairly sure the go like that. Correct if wrong.)
I was just replaying the game again and you missed Judge Drace. I think that was your ????Quote:
Judge Ghis-battle
Judge Bergan-battle
judge Gabranth-battle
Judge??????-dont battle
Q) What is Judge Draces last request?
A. To protect Larsa, or "the young lord."
Q. List all 13 Scions of Light.
Loghrif, the Transcendent.
Mitron, the Chastiser.
Emet-Selch, Angel of Truth.
Pashtarot, Knight-Star.
Fandaniel, the Protector.
Ultima, the High Seraph.
Halmarut, the Arbiter.
Nabriales, the Majestic.
Igeyorhm, the Martyr.
Deudalaphon, the Benevolent.
Emmerololth, Holy Queen.
Lahabrea, Abyssal Celebrant.
And the 13th being Zodiark, Keeper of Precepts.
Q) Who is the leader of the Occuria, and which Dark scion tried to create and uprising?
this question is for a long time here and the rules are that if this happens the question must be changed.
Q: Why did Square-Enix give the legendary monster the name Yazmat? (Yiazmat in the north american version)
Lol...I love this question
Yazmat is named after Yasumi Matsuno, a former video game director at Square. His colleagues reffered to him as "YAZZ." He wrote and directed FF XII, though it was listed only as "Story and Concept." Due to health reasons, he had to leave the team, though his work was still credited. Honoring his legacy,(no, he's not dead), the development team placed a secret boss in FF XII named Yazmat. It's a combination of YAZZ and MATsuno. The title of the mark in the game is "Farewell to a Legend."
hehe nice....its rare to someone that knows that
Q: where are the places you musnt open boxes in order to become a Zodiac Spear?
1) Treasure chest in Lowtown, outside of Old Dalan's place.
2) When sneaking into the palace (Before getting the Goddess Tear), there are several chests in the Cellar. Do not open the two chests in the southeast corner.
3) All treasure chests in the Confiscatory must stay closed (this is the place where you get your weapons and armor back after being captured).
4) In the Phon Coast, later in the game, there is an island with 16 chests all near each other. The 4th chest that must NOT be opened is among these, so it is best to leave them all alone. If you're worried about missing out, these chests only contain Gil.