Being technical, from Reks' story, you fight some random Imperial. But, from Vaan's story, the first enemy you fight is a Dire Rat, I think...
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Being technical, from Reks' story, you fight some random Imperial. But, from Vaan's story, the first enemy you fight is a Dire Rat, I think...
What r the name of all the enemies for the bounty hunt quest?
I have no idea about it.
nachiket, don't just say "I don't know" because that doesn't at all even answer the question. At least take a guess, or don't respond at all. And because it's been over a week, let's start a new one.
What weapon does Vaan come equipped with when the game begins?
Yes, no spamming, please, nachiket.
A: I think, the Mythril Sword?
What are the name of the three shards in the game? (i.e. the nethicite that everyone's after)
A: The Dawn Shard, the Dusk Shard, and the Midlight Shard.
Q; Which shards were given to which kingdom?
I know the Dusk Shard was entrusted to House Nabradia(or was it the Midlight Shard? it's been a while...) And I definitely know the Dawn Shard was kept in King Raithwall's Tomb. However, I don't know about the other dusk.midlight shard, depends on which was in House Nabradia.
So, from this, where's the third one at?
A: I'm pretty sure that it was the Dusk Shard that was given to Dalmasca, the Midlight Shard that was given to House Nabradia, and the Dawn Shard that was kept in Raithwall's Tomb.
Q: What is Rasler's full name?
And quite a name it is.
Rasler Heios Nabradia
Q: Where does Ashe first encounter Rasler's "ghost?"
Was it when Ashe goes to grab the Dawn Shard? She sees him, Vaan does too, and then he walks off.
When Vaan sees Rasler's ghost, what does he see?
Name every loot, every item that can be obtained in the bazaar, its requirements, its cost, and what the package is called.
Yeah... I see that's a bit too hard. New question now!
Which monsters have at least 10000000 HP?
Omega Mark and Yizmat
BTW it wasn't that your last question was to hard, it was just to rediculously long.
A: The Orrachea (spelling?) Amulet.
Q: How much HP does the King Behemoth mark have?
A: 1,668,491 HP
Q: To begin the hunt for the Behemoth King, what other mark must you have defeated first?
Hmmm..I think it is Gilgamesh,but I am not sure.:shake:
Nope, the answer is not Gilgamesh, so my question still stands:
Q: To begin the hunt for the Behemoth King, what other mark must you have defeated first?
Pyralaster?Sry if I mispelled
You have to post a question......
hmm I haven't been on here so don't blame me if I repeat a question.
Q: When do you first see the Strahl (My mind was blank)
I believe when you head to Bhujerba,please forgive me if I am incorrect once again.
What is the first mark u hunt?
A: Rogue Tomato.
Q: How many squares (including espers and quickening squares) are there on the entire license board?
Q: How much health does the final boss have?
Ha, I haven't played this game yet, so sorry if this is a repeat question:
What character do you recieve in the Sky Pirate's Den if you learned every Technick, and also what title do you earn as well?
A. The character you recieve is Vossler and you earn the title Jack-of-all-Trades.
Q. What character do you get when you use every concurence, and what's the title you get?
A-> you will get Gabranth. and the title is "Mist Walker"
Q-> what character will you get in Sky Pirate's Den if you learned every license board?