A: Going with False on that one. Honestly don't remember the combination but I remember there being a "down" in it.
Q: What boss fight do you get to see Seymour's Overdrive.
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A: Going with False on that one. Honestly don't remember the combination but I remember there being a "down" in it.
Q: What boss fight do you get to see Seymour's Overdrive.
A. Sinspawn Gui
Q. List all monsters found in the Thunder Plains and their Magic stat.
Come on people, stop the spamming, and keep asking questions. Thank You.
Q. What are the coordinates you need to input to find Bajj Temple?
A. X: 11~16
Y: 57~63
Q. What monsters in the Monster Arena drop stat spheres, and what do they drop?
A. By "stats", you mean spheres that increase you character's strength, magic, etc?
Earth Eater: Luck Spheres
Fenrir: Agility Spheres
Greater Sphere: Luck Spheres
Hornet: Accuracy Spheres
Jumbo-Flan: Magic Spheres
One-Eye: Magic Spheres
Ptreyx: Evasion Spheres
Tanket: Defense Spheres
(If missed any or wrong, feel free to correct.)
Q. What items do you need to mix to create a Freedom X?
Freedom X - all party members; 0 MP Consumption
Potn + Twin Stars
Elec Mrbl + Twin Stars
Twin Stars + Mag S.
High Potn + Twin Stars
Lit Mrbl + Twin Stars
Twin Stars + Mag Def S.
X-Potn + Twin Stars
Lit Gem + Twin Stars
Twin Stars + Agil S.
Mega Potn + Twin Stars
Fish Scl + Twin Stars
Twin Stars + Evas S.
Ether + Shn Gem
Drgn Scl + Twin Stars
Twin Stars + Accr S.
Ether + Bless Gem
Wtr Gem + Twin Stars
Twin Stars + Clear S.
Ether + Suprm Gem
Anrc Wind + Twin Stars
Twin Stars + Return S.
Ether + Stmn Tblt
Arc Wind + Twin Stars
Twin Stars + Friend S.
Ether + Twin Stars
Ice Gem + Twin Stars
Twin Stars + Teleport S.
Ether + Musk
Frag Grnd + Twin Stars
Twin Stars + Warp S.
Ether + Pendulum
Slp Pwdr + Twin Stars
Twin Stars + Map
Ether + Amulet
Dream Pwdr + Twin Stars
Twin Stars + Rename Card
Ether + Door Tmrw
Sln Grnd + Twin Stars
Twin Stars + Musk
Ether + Wings Disc
Smk Bomb + Twin Stars
Twin Stars + Hypello Potn
Ether + Gmbl Sprt
Shdw Gem + Twin Stars
Twin Stars + Shn Thorn
Ether + Undrdg Scrt
Psn Fang + Twin Stars
Twin Stars + Pendulum
Ether + Win Frml
Slv Hrgls + Twin Stars
Q. What can you steal from Penace? And what can he drop when killed?
A. Having not faced him personally I can only go off what I have seen in videos of him being beaen, but I have seen Elixir and Megalixir stolen from the main body and Dark Matter and a Master Sphere stolen form the arms.
I know the arms also drop the same items, and the body drops three Master Spheres once defeated.
Q. Where do you fight Evrae Altana?
A: in bevelle underwater
Q:what monster in the monster arena gives you str. sphere
A: Juggernaut
Q: What are all the commands you can give the Magus Sisters and what do they all do?
- Do as you will. | Lets the sister decide.
- Fight! | Attack with physical or special attack.
- Help each other! | Casts supportive magic.
- Go, go! | Attack with magic/skills.
- Offense! | Attack or use magic attacks.
- Defense! | Defensive skills.
- What happened to you? | Use Drain.
- Combine powers! | Sisters combine for an Overdrive attack.
- Dismiss | Send the aeons away.
And of Course their overdrive: Delta Attack
Q. What are Cindy, Mindy, and Sandy's own personal attacks?
A: Sandy- Razzia, Attack
Cindy- Camisade, Drain, Cura, Dispel, Mighty Guard, Shell, Protect, Regen, Holy
Mindy- Passado, Flare, Watera, Waterga, Thundara, Thundaga, Fira, Firaga, Blizzara, Blizzaga, Ultima
Q: What item and how many are needed to teach Aeons Double Cast?
A: Cindy - Camisade, Mindy - Passado, Sandy - Razzia
Q: What are the actions of these three attacks?
A: Camisade - A geyser comes out of the ground and lauches Cindy into the enemy.
Razzia - Blades of fire come out of Sandy's arms and attack the enemy
Passado - Mindy shoots 15 bullets at the enemy.
Q: What item and how many are needed to teach Aeons Double Cast?
A. 3 Three Stars are needed
Q. How many Speed Spheres are needed to teach an aeon Reflex?
Man, I'm everywhere, huh, Phantom?
So, free question, huh? Let's see.
Q: What do all the Yu Yevon possesed Aeons say when you scan them? For example, one said "Strike me down."
Valefor: "Strike me down."
Ifrit: "Extinguish me."
Ixion: "End it right here."
Shiva: "Please.... Defeat me."
Bahamut: "Soon.... Eternal rest."
Yojimbo: "Take my life."
Anima: "Thus I atone."
Cindy: "Stop the suffering."
Mindy: "Gotta say goodbye."
Sandy: "Don't cry."
Q. List all monsters encountered in the Moonflow along with their HP.
Ochu- 7200 HP
Garm- 240 HP
Bite Bug- 200 HP
Bunyip- 400 HP
Snow Flan- 600 HP
Gandarewa- 148 HP
Funguar- 540 HP
Q. What are all the items you can win from the Magic Urn?
A. You can get a Stamina Tonic, Phoenix Down, Soul Spring, Elixir, Frag Grenade, ot Lunar Certain.
Q. What are all the names of all the monsters in the Zanarkand area and what are their strength stats?
It's been over a week, so lets make a new question.
Q. Where can you obtain your first lvl 1 Key Sphere?
A: If I remember correctly I think you get them from defeating the Chocobo eater.
Free Question if I'm right
I'm too slow. :(
Q. Where do you get the 24th Al Behd Primer?
A: 16 Lake Macalania Agengy Front. 25 The Calm Lands Cavern of the stolen Fayth
Q:Whose Legendary Weapon can you get at Baaj Temple?
A. If I'm correct I'm pretty sure it's Lulu's.
Q. Whose legendary Weapon can you find in Bikanel Desert? And how can you find it?