How do you get Deathbringer?
Wait until you get to the secret area of Henne Mines after you obtain enough espers to go after the final one. My party is 80's now and the monsters in there are HARD!!!! They each give well over 4k experience for every kill though. If you get 3 on you at the same time you will most likely bite it. Some bats in there hit for over 3k and sometimes will hit you multiple times.
I'm doing the Fafnir hunt, the one that requires a Blizzard in a specific area in order to bring it out.
I have had NO LUCK getting a Blizzard. I could EASILY beat the hunt but I just can't beat the weather! Is there some kind of trick to getting the weather the way you want or do I just keep wandering in and out?
"I am matter...
I am anti-matter...
I can see your past...
I can see your future...
I consume time...
And I will consume you!!!"
-Culex, Super Mario RPG
When you first talk to the petitioner, the Viera and then leave there is already a blizzard. However, if you take the wrong path, the blizzard ends. If the blizzard ends, you have to go back to the Viera and talk to her again to restart. If I remember correctly the path from Mt. Bur-Ominace is West from the initial zone, then south and south again. That should get you there, I think.
Deathbringer is found in Port of Balfonhiem.
I've taken on 16 of the Abysteel Bats you are talking about all at once, a few Scathes does the trick nicely. They are not hard, I was killing them with relative ease in my mid 70s. What is hard in the Henne Mines is dealing with 5 Evets and them turning into Necrofiends. Thankfully I had Ribbons on had, so they were not as hard as it could have been. Henne Mines does not require much to get through it, though a solid gambit improves things.
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Ok.. Balthier has Poison, Sap, and Slow.. I saved the game like 5 times and tried to cure him with all my magics, etc. and he STILL has all of the defects. I can't get rid of em!!!!! I use Antidote for Poison, nothing, I use Esuna, Nothing, I use save crystal (orange, blue) Nothing. Does anyone know what this could be?
Ok figured out my problem.... I got the Ensatuated shield (spelling might be wrong) in the Henne mines. Evade goes up a TON!! But, it casts Poison, Sap, and Slow on the character who equips it. LOL. So, my hours long problem was just unequipping the damn shield
I just tried Zodiark. OMG. The fight lasted about 45 minutes and I still wiped. I got him down to about 1/4, even less. Near the end, I couldn't hit him with my weapons, nor magic. Every 10 seconds he would cast, I guess it's darka, that killed my whole party in one hit. I had to keep replacing my team members and raising them, to have them just die again. This guys is HARD!!
If anyone has any clue as to defeat him please share lol...
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My main three characters are at level 33 right now and I'm at the underground passageway to Archades. I know I'll have to fight Dr. Cid soon; so my question is, what level should I have my characters for this battle and maybe some tips on how to beat him and prepare for the him?
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Here is my advice.... Atleast, this is how I beat him.
I started the battle with a quickening chain. I always do. I chained about 12 together, then swapped out 3 new party members and hit him for like another 7. I was at level 38 I think. By that time, 80% of his HP was gone and I just attacked like mad, and healed when necessary. Slow works well, so does bio I think. I never got a SAP on him, but it was still effective....
To make it short and sweet, just grind away. Heal when necessary. Cura is your friend.
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Alright. Thanks! btw, how do you get your chains so high? The highest I've gotten was six... but then again I use characters with 1-2 quickening levels... is that why I can't get that many or do I need to practice more?
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It just takes a lot of practice... Just keep flipping as fast as you can until you get the coordination down. Its a bitch at first, but it gets easier....
It also helps to have a couple level 2 and 3 Quickenings. The building where you fight Cid has a few save crystals and is an awesome place to grind out some LP's. There are a couple golden amulets for sale in the Viera village so take advantage of that also, if you haven't already.
Listen To Your Heartbeat Flow And Imagine
Become Jackson Pollack Airbrush Chinese Dragons
Ok. Thanks for all the help!
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Rumrunner, its sounds like your fighting strategy is going okay if you managed to get his health down to 1/4 before dying. Try equipping all of your characters with Black Masks to absorb damage from Darkja. Hope this helps somewhat.
How do I get the loxley bow or complete the Viera Rendezvous in Rabanastre.
hey guys. Its been awhile. I just got 12 about a week ago. I love it! I must admit though I'm a little confused at some parts so I came to my good friends at TFF! Keep in mind that Im not that far in the game so yeah.
1. Why do the fighters attack more than one time randomly, can I do it whenever I want , or is it just random?
2. What is Mist,what is a Mist Charge, and how the heck do I use them to my advantage, and how do I use quickenings.
Thanks for your guys' help. I do have the guide book but it seems like it just confuses me when I read about the Mist Charge part.
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The Loxley Bow is in Mount Bur Omisace for 5200 gil.
Sell 3 water magicites, 1 yellow liquid, and 5 bat fangs to the bazaar for it to be available there, where it costs 6280 gil, but it comes with Bamboo Arrows which have poison touch and attack +2.
As for the Viera Rendezvous, talk to the guy near the fountain in the Southern Plaza (in Rabanastre). Go to Southate and talk to the Viera. Go to North End and enter the Gambit Shop -- talk to the Viera there. Go to The Sandsea in East End and talk to the Viera there. Go back to the man at the fountain in Southern Plaza. Go back to the Viera at The Sandsea -- she should leave, which means you're doing well so far. Go to the fountain in Southern Plaza and talk to the man and the Viera. You will receive a Loxley Bow and two high potions.
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-Slow the battle speed will help you know when the barriers goes down...Originally Posted by Rumrunner
-When the magic barrier goes down, cast scathe, flare.. I prefer scourge (it can cast fast enough before the barrier goes up again)
-Don't forget to cast haste on your character each time they revive.(or you can equip the accessory for auto-haste. you don't need the Bubble Belt since he cast Darkja very often=> Die often))
-Equip Demon Shield/ Black Mask
- let your characters stay far from each other (in case that he cast scathe or any destructive spells)
Fafnir Rank VII Hunt in Paramina Rift - Silverflow's End, (Thanks to Djinn for the correct spelling and placement of the mob hunt) how much hp does it have? (spent about 30 min trying to kill it and took off about 1/25th of the bar.. lol ran out of mp to many times and figured if I were to continue it would take me like 2 hours to beat it. ) and what level should your team be, my highest characters are both 73 while the others are all 53 (the max my characters hit on it was anywhere from 2000-6000).
Last edited by nullifier; 12-06-2006 at 12:07 PM.
Are you talking about Fafnir? Rank VII Hunt in Paramina Rift - Silverflow's End.Originally Posted by nullifier
He has around 1,400,000 hit points i think, although with the right stuff on most of his attacks won't do too much damage. For example Maximillion Armor i think is good against him, and Ice Shields will reduce one of his attacks by quite a bit (even though he ignores the Evade stat, so the shield is useless without the ice absorb). Also he's not immune to slow, and his attacks/movement are pretty slow in the first place, so that should help you keep up with healing a bit.
Yes, but he does do alot of damange =\ least 1-4k and most of my people only have 4k hp (I usually use the accesory that has bubble with it so my charactesr have roughly 9k hp. Even then I'm still having extreme dificulties.), and I usually cast slow/dispell at the start. (Although I have few peices of maximillion armour mainly because I don't have the guy yet that sells it, the only armour I've obtain so far is from Nabudias.) What level were your characters roughly when you fought?Originally Posted by Djinn
Can someone guide me how to defeat the boss after the viera part?The elder wyrm is tough.My characters are.Vaan lvl 29,basch lvl 27,ashe lvl 25,penelo lvl 25 fran lvl 14,balthier lvl 23.
That boss always casts spore and its damn irritiating.On 2 occasions,i managed to beat it down to about 15% of its hp,but after that it keep casting fireball,ea doing about 2.2k dmg.
Someone help me please.
I've just reached the Tomb of Raithwall and am trying to fight this Pheonix. I'm having slight problems. I use all my quickenings and it still don't kill the damn thing, and it always heals back to full. Does anyone know a good method to kill this thing????
Did you obtain that plant by helping those little guys out? I believe you get it by killing that giant turtle. When you get it, use it on him. That should help. I'd use quickenings first, then use that plant on him, then charge up mp if you can. If not, then use quickenings only with characters that don't require the use of mp in battle. I don't know if that'll help much... that's how I beat him.
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Originally Posted by hottdiamondgurl
If you're talking about the first boss (forgot its name) when first entering the entance to the Tomb, then I'd suggest that you're characters are around level 19. Make sure that you have the strongest weapons and armor available at this point and as for quickenings it shouldn't be a problem if you make combos out of them.
I did not have any problem with the phoenix.. Since it flying so I use my Dark spell. It does good damage on him (I killed him when I was around 15, I did not even know what was quickening by that time.)
for dallana, who asked about the elder wyrm. when i beat him for the first time, i didn't really use any gambits. i had used all of everybody's quickenings and barely damaged him*.
the reason his fireball does so much damage is because his sporefall causes the oil status, which makes fire more damaging to you.
with your character levels, you should vaan, basch, and either ashe or penelo. make sure you have the best weapons you can for them. if you don't have the license for the weapons, ozmone plain is a good place to level up [just walk from the jungle to jahara and back a few times].
in the first slot for the gambits for everyone have Ally=Any or whatever it is and the item a phoenix down. that way whoever dies isn't dead for long. try and buy a few smelling salts and setting up a gambit for Confuse, alarm clocks for sleep, and hankerchiefs for Oil. remember that those status gambits go before the attack gambits.
you decide which ones are more dangerous and rank them from there. once you have good weapons and armour, and the gambits set save and fight.
just concentrate on getting rid of oil, sleep, and confuse. if you have any warp motes, they work wonders on the two treants or whatever they are called. if you have none, kill those first.
after they are dead, start on the elder wyrm. just attack him with weapons or magic, however you use your characters**. keep at least one character with a quickening in reserve. when his health gets really low, bring in that character and use a quickening. try to get three chains so you get a concurrence [finishing move].
just keep trying this fight.
*before i completed the henne mines, everyone had all three quickenings so i had one less thing to worry about during the game.
**all of my people were physical fighters, vaan, basch, ashe, and penelo had the best swords, and balthier had guns, and frans with bows and arrows.
***the license augments such as inquisitor and martyr, which restore mp when you deal physical damage, recieve physical damage, deal magickal damage, and recieve magickal damage are extremely useful on everybody and are worth getting as soon as possible.
have a good fight.
Hey all my characters are around lvl 38-37, each either the double lp or thief cuffs, all of buffs and magicks accessed and whatnot but I can't this damn carrot stalk hunt, I'm in Salikawood where I am suppose to be but the mark won't show up and can anyone help?
Carrot shows up in the Feywood I'm pretty sure. You had to go a long way away from the Viera village to get to the mark. I don't remember exactly where in the Feywood, but that is where you are going to find it if I'm not mistaken.
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Are you talking about Carrot hunt rank VII?
If you talk about that then I think you should lvl up more (he's trong for your current lvls.)
He's only appear in Salikawood If you don't kill anything before seeing him on your screen.
I think you're mistaken the Carrot with the other malboro hunt (sorry for misspelling)Originally Posted by Andromeda
Last edited by ksdsdf; 12-13-2006 at 05:21 PM.
Okay, I need help. I'm going crazy!
How on earth do I get into the hidden part of the Henne Mines??? I read somewhere that you "go north from the save crystal, then east" then boom! you're there.
So I do that. I teleported to the save crystal, went north. Went east. Saw the area that I want to get into. However, the gate is "firmly shut". I have no idea how I'm supposed to open that gate.
I made it in through the other side (the entrance to the Feywood) and there looks to be a gear shaft there, but I don't know if that's on the area that I was in (everything was blocked, couldn't get further). I'm going nutty trying to figure it out!
Help, please?![]()
Do you have 10 Espers, if so have you spoken to the Geomancer in Jahara, because those are requirements for having access to the secret areas of the Henne Mines. Once you have that you will be allowed enter the place.
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