Yeah, it is a specific route, since you had found him, I thought you knew that part. You have to take the long way around. And double posting is not repeating the same post, double posting is simply posting twice in a row regardless of content. Especially when there is only 8 minutes between the two posts. It covers all forms of posting twice.
But I would imagine that if you do not have Behemoth King available then it is because you do not have a requiste, whatever that might be. You may need a higher ranking. If you passed the Lighthouse then you should be fine on story, since he is in the area before Giruvegan.
You also have to fight the 5 Mandragran Brothers a second time before facing Behemoth King. They are a pain in the neck and you will die a lot of times. I was switching in other people a lot just to revive one person. You'll also want to have someone that has more than 9999 HP, or otherwise they will one shot you with their attacks. It buys you the time heal. They are cowards, but vicious ones at that. It is like a 30 minute process to kill them.