I wasn't double-posting, I thought. The first post was concerning Fafnir (how to get it to appear), and the second concerning Behemoth King (why the hunt hasn't appeared in either the Notice Boards or Montblanc's Elite Hunt list). I know I repeated some of the same things in both (concerning where I am currently in the hunts), so maybe that's why you saw them as double-posts.Quote:
Originally Posted by Andromeda
I found out that you have to take a specific route to get there. I was taking the shortest route. The route I'm supposed to take is as follows:Quote:
Anyway for Fafnir, you need to be heavy snow throughtout, which I imagine you got. The easiest way and possibly the way you need to do it for the hunt is talk to the Viera that is part of the hunt. Talk to her, it will make it heavy snow outside and just follow the normal path you did last time to fight Fafnir.
1. Leave Mt. Bur-Omisace.
2. Go right in Freezing Gorge (back towards Golmore Jungle).
3. Continue into the Head of the Silverflow area, then turn south (before you get to Golmore Jungle).
4. Continue south into Icebound Flow, and leave there via the second exit (southmost) to the left (leads to Karydine Glacier).
5. Enter Silverflows End and find Fafnir there.
I found this info at FF12Maps.com (http://www.m4lu.de/ff12maps/).
I'm still checking on this one. I'll post here if I find the answer.Quote:
As for Behemoth King, I'm not sure. I beat him, so I know it appears. All I can think of is that you need to get Fafnir killed. But I am pretty sure I had Behemoth King before that. You are finished with all of the storyline right? Because some of the things in the game are based on that. You just have to fight the final boss right?