I was around the same level. As long as you have ok weapons the boss should be a cakewalk, I can't stop saying how dissapointing the last boss was.
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I was around the same level. As long as you have ok weapons the boss should be a cakewalk, I can't stop saying how dissapointing the last boss was.
I beat the main story line and now doing all the side stuff. In Henne Mines there's a gate that leads to a "darkened tunnel." I'm guessing this is where you can get to Phase 2 dig, but don't know how to get the gate open.
How do you get to Phase 2 in Henne Mines??
im having trouble doing the bloodwing hunt, i cant find the key to the passage. can sum1 plz tell he how i get the key so that i can complete my 2nd to last hunt? after this hunt ima do the seerer and be done with all the hunts.
After a very long time, I came back and well
How do you defeat Demon Wall? Is there some type of trick to do it? Or I am just completely clueless?
You have to get all possible Espers and then go to a certain Geomancer in the Garif village and he'll be able to lead you down to get Zodiark. I haven't done it myself yet.Quote:
Originally Posted by Kyreaan
You have to do the "Patient in the desert" sidequest. It's a fetchquest between Dantro in the Estersand, and his wife in Southbank villiage.Quote:
im having trouble doing the bloodwing hunt, i cant find the key to the passage. can sum1 plz tell he how i get the key so that i can complete my 2nd to last hunt? after this hunt ima do the seerer and be done with all the hunts.
It wasn't too hard for me once I was at a fairly high level (I'd say 5-10 levels above the standard when you first enter the Tomb; Merlin would brag otherwise) And from there it's just matter of quickenings and switching party members out.Quote:
How do you defeat Demon Wall? Is there some type of trick to do it? Or I am just completely clueless?
Hope that heps my FFXII knowledge is already becoming quite rusty.
yeah but you can also press thoes switches and demon wall will stop for a certan amount of time.
LMAO go figure, the hell wyrm is really startn to piss me off. can anyone recommend a good gambit config for my chars?
btw hes a lil under half life and my mine body is 70ish
One good gambit I like using is have one party member with:
Ally: Party Leader--Bubble
and your third character with:
It's a simple one, but always gives your party double HP and always see monster stats. I also like to have up top:
Ally:HP -40%-------Curaja
Sometimes I'll switch out other gambits on or off like:
Ally: Party Leader--Brave and/or Faith
Ally:Any-------------Protectga, Shellga, and/or Hastega
and since I haven't gotten Teleken. tech. I'll put somewhere at the bottom:
Foe:Nearest Visible-Attack
thank all of yall who have responded to to the few questions that i have posted. just bout all the info was found very useful. i just completed the hell worm now trying to figure out a good setup to whoop this guy, but i think it will be taking me a while. this is one strong MOFO. hell be kinda hard for me atm, but im trying a challenge here. my lvls are vann:69 balth:67 basch:98 fran:37 asch:42 and penelo:40. if ne1 would have some ideas on this plz feel free to post them up.
thanks again
In my opionion it is necessary to level up all characters. A good way to level up is by whooping on some Espers if you haven't already. A very good place to level up is the secret area of theQuote:
Originally Posted by drydrong
Henne Mines, which you can only unlock after you gather 10 or more Espers AND
complete the Mindflayer hunt.
Naturally, it would be easiest to defeat everything but the three hardest
ones, which are Chaos, Ultima, and Zodiark, so that is what I recommend. And
of course, you can't even reach Zodiark before unlocking this area anyway.
If you don't want to wait that long (i.e. until after the Pharos, since you'd
need Hashmal and Famfrit), you pretty much have to beat Chaos and Ultima
first. Neither is particularly difficult at Lv 70, although you should make
sure you get Telekinesis before you fight Chaos, since the Attack command is
sealed for that fight.
Regardless, if you do some quick counting, you'll realize that this area
cannot be accessed until after you clear Giruvegan and obtain the Treaty-
So do your thing however you like and then speak with Geomancer Yugelu in
Jahara to open up this area (he's across from the shop). Before entering this
extremely dangerous place, you must have the following:
- Arise
- Curaja
- Disable OR Sleepga, although Sleepga is preferred
- Bubble
- Protectga
- Float
Faith, Hastega and Shellga are nice, but not necessary.
Teleport to the Henne Crystal. Now cast Protectga, Bubble and Float on your
whole party and start running through Phase 2 Dig (east of where you fought
Tiamat). Head straight all the way to the end, where a Gizamaluk is duking it
out with a couple of Abysteels, and grab the map. You might have to fight the
creeps, but the bats should be weakened and the Gizamaluk is pretty easy. Now
open up the map and locate Pithead Junction C. This is where you want to go,
so keep running all the way until you get there, refreshing Float as is
Take a breather for a minute once you reach Pithead Junction C. This is a
very suspicious four-way junction with a blue-red gate switch. The suspicion,
of course, stems from memories of about twenty Jelly enemies dropping down on
you when you hit the switches in other areas of the Henne Mines.
Here, you get to deal with about twenty Lv 65ish Abysteels when you hit the
switch. But that's GOOD news for us. Why?
- Abysteels are undead and therefore can be damaged by healing spells.
- Abysteels are weak to Disable (credit leeboo1211) AND Sleep (credit Garbo).
- At Lv 65, Abysteels give out 3000+ Exp each. That's when you have three
party members. That's without factoring in Embroidered Tippet.
So basically, Disable/Sleepga + three waves of Curaja = tens of thousands of
experience in about 20-30 seconds. The actual numbers come out to something
like 3 million per hour. Believe it!
Of course, keep Bubble and Protectga up at all times because even one bat can
still kill a vulnerable character. However, once your gambits are set, you
don't really have to do much of anything. With your Warmage and Headhunter
augments active, the rate at which you regain MP by beating up on Abysteels
is utterly ridiculous, so MP is essentially a non-issue.
If you want to play it extra safe, buy three Demon Shields from the shop in
Nabudis and equip all of your characters with measures. This will give them
+65 to Evade, so the bats will barely touch you. You can even reasonably risk
not using Disable/Sleepga, although the damage still piles up very quickly if
the bats do hit you. By the way, Abysteels drop Demon Shields themselves, and
you can sell a bunch of them for a huge chunk of cash.
The first time you flip the switch, it will turn from blue to red. After you
kill the Abysteels, take the east exit. Make the first left (it isn't very
far) over to another area. Now double back and head back to the switch room.
Hit the switch again, which makes it go from red back to blue. The Abysteels
come down again. Mop them up and then hit the switch, turning it red again.
Now exit out east, take the first left, return to the switch room, and so on.
Very, very fast.
Well, I can't think of a better note to end on. Happy trails and all that. I
hope that by following this guide, you will be able to do everything in the
game in MUCH less time than if you simply progressed through it normally.
Be aware that this is copied from a guide, I just wanted to tell you good way to level.
curious, i completed the requirements to enter the hene mines phase 2 and also talked to the geomancer and he stated that one would be sent to open it up but when i went it was still blocked, am i missing something? 10espers, and all hunts complete except seer and yazimut.
any advice would be apricated
you must have all 12 espers and then the way will be unblocked
Does anyone happen to know how to get to Nalbina Fortress after defeating Judge Bergan? The strategy guide I bought shows a map and I've been to Nalbina before, but I've never seen this part of it. Does it even exist? I'd really appreciate any help anyone could give me. I'm new to role playing games too, but my boyfriend convinced my to try this game and so far I really like it.
Never mind. I guess I've already been to this area and didn't recognize it. But why would the strategy guide show this map and tell you you have to go through this area (that I can't seem to find to re-visit) to get to the Mosphoran Highwaste?
its only 10 that you needed to enter the phase2 dig. i was trying to go in through the wrong entrance. in order to remover the wreckage from the feywood entrance you must defeat the zobiak (however you spell it) esper. the feywood entrance will stand for the quickest entrance for the fast a@# leveling point as described in an earlier postQuote:
Originally Posted by Shadow Of Darkness
also, shadow could you please "quote" the post that you are trying to answer, it would make it alot eaiser to see which question that you are answering, thx
OK, now I know what you're asking. The Brady Guide has an error there. They display the wrong map. Nalbina Fortress (the place where you fought as Reks), and the Nalbina Dungeons are not available after you leave them.Quote:
Originally Posted by bluechica16
The place you are looking for is Nalbina Town. On the map in the game (in the Dalmasca Estersand), the place where you leave the Estersand to enter Nalbina says Nalbina Fortress, but when you enter there it is a "road" that passes by the entrance to Nalbina Town and proceeds into the Mosphoran Highwaste.
Hope that helps.
Jeez thanks! I can't believe there would be a mistake in there like that. I really appreciate your help. No wonder that didn't make any sense!
What does it mean (when you are trying to get the Gabranth sky pirate figure) when it says "Awarded for initiating every fusion technique."? What the heck is a fusion technique?
@ Hannya: It must mean something about the concurrences(Black Hole, Inferno, etc.). Since the only way to get a Gabranth Sky Figure is by performing every one of them must mean that.
Does anyone know how to find Zodiark? Pretty much everything I read just points me to "lots of Etems". I noticed that there are gear switches in the Site B Dig area and I'm sure the developers wouldn't have stuck them in there without a reason. Also, is there anyway to really inflict heavy damage on the Etems? My highest weapon right now is the "Save The Queen" sword. Is it worth trying to make the stronger weapons? My highest character, Vaan, is a level 86; Balthier and Fran 85, and everyone else is in high 50's. If anyone could help, I'd really appreciate it. Oh, and I can't get the Zodiac spear because I accidentally opened one of the chests early on in the game. I started a new game but it'll take me well over a month to get to where I am now.
Zodiark eh?
First get all espers, then beat the hunt that all the Garif's give you.
After that hunt go the the Garif Geomancer (or whatever the name is) he will thank you for killing that monster and also tell you that the path in the mines is now open.
Then go the place where you battle Mjrn(you know that Viera) and you will see a route to Zodiark.
But be aware that the enemies are VERY powerful.
[QUOTE=bluechica16] Oh, and I can't get the Zodiac spearQUOTE]
I would like to know as well.
Where is the Zodiac spear and even the zodiac shield?
There are 4 places with treasure chests that must NOT be opened in order for the Zodiac Spear to appear.
1.treasure chest in lowtown,outside of old dalans place.
2.when sneaking into the palace(before getting the goddess tear),there are several chests in the cellar.do not open the two chests in the southeast corner.
3.all treasure chests in the confiscatory(the place where you get your weapons and armor back after being captured)
4.in phon coast,later in the game,there is an island with 16 chests all near each other,leave them alone.
if youve left all these treasures be,youll find the Zodiac Spere in the Necrohol of Nabudis.
I dont know about the shield though,sorry
I have a question. When a neutral monster goes aggro is there any way to get it back to neutral? I accidentaly used magick (cured some party members) near an elemental in the Yensan Sandsea and now I can't get any further because there is always one somewhere in the way.
Well i am stronger and i now need to know where i can find "man of mystery" after he escapes the first time.
Spoiler: BTW is the first sword he uses clouds? I think it is.
Ok I want to beat the game, I am just past the Pharos so I want to know what I should do, what I need to finish ie:
- The Best Place to Level Up
- A Good Level to be at
- The Best Weapons (Missed out on the Zodiac Spear) and where to get them
- Best Equipment (I think I had a few of them from those Ruins)
- Any important sidequests...
I don't want to do all the hunts or anything unless its for useful weapons as I may eventually start a new game to get a perfect file. I am mostly just concerned about beating it... thanks in advance.
In all honesty, you don't need any of that to complete the game. It may make the battle longer, but you can manage just fine with average gear. I defeated the final boss in the low-mid 60s without any of the best equipment.
That said, many of the best weapons and armor come from the Bazaar. If you don't already have them, I highly recommend acquiring as many monographs as you can, as they are very beneficial for getting loot.
The Ultimate Equipment Guide lists the easiest way to get all the best gear. Note that you can still get the Zodiac Spear even if you opened some of the chests, it's just a very very very low drop rate, and you must have the Diamond Armlet equipped.
An easy way to level, in my opinion, would be to equip Embroidered Tippets while you're hunting for all those Bazaar goods for double exp. It does take a very long time to get some of those drops, especially the ones that require chaining rare game monsters.
Where am I supposed to find the LindWyrm. How, and what are the conditions to fighting it.
The Lindwyrm is in the Tchita Uplands. But in order to fight him, it must be cloudy. If its not, then you can't face him. Keep re-entering the place till its cloudy. Don't know which area he's exactly in but when I faced him, I was about around level 46 at least. When you first fight him though make sure to dispel his buffs like every other hunt mark that has them. After that, just kick his ass. Cast some strong magick and some quickenings and he'll be down. Hope this helps.
Ok, I know this has been adressed on here before. But I'm fighting the King Bomb. I have silenced it, so it doesn't call for help anymore. But it still cast Fira. I get it down past the halfway point on it's HP, and then it casts RENEW!!!! I am getting sooooo frustrated at the moment. Is there a way to get it to stop casting Renew? Or a way to kill it before it casts Renew?