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Thread: Does FF10 work with PS3?

  1. #1

    Does FF10 work with PS3?

    Just got a PS3 and I've always wanted to play this one, does it work on PS3? Cuz I heard that PS3 is only backward compatible with PSX games which is retarded.

  2. #2
    HRH Albha Does FF10 work with PS3? Aerif's Avatar
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    Re: Does FF10 work with PS3?

    If you just got a PS3, then no, there is no backwards-compatability with FFX or any other PS2 games.

    Only the very earliest models supported PS2 games, and those models are now discontinued.

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  3. #3

    Re: Does FF10 work with PS3?

    The only PS3 systems that were backwards compatable were the old fat 60gb version. You can still pick them up on places like ebay but they cost more because of this function.

    Aparently Sony decided it simply wasn't cost effective to include the sowtware required to make all PS3 systems backwards compatable... However you could always find a PS2 really cheap.

  4. #4
    Magically Delicous Does FF10 work with PS3? Merlin's Avatar
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    Re: Does FF10 work with PS3?

    Oddly enough, I bought my PS3 to play PSOne games. My memory cards no longer functioned so I had to go with a reaally expensive memory card, known as a PS3... heh. Speaking of which, I should grab some PS2 memory cards before they all vanish off the planet as well. Not being able to replay PS2 games would be rather annoying, unless the PS4 lets you download them. I have no interest in paying for them again though.

  5. #5

    Re: Does FF10 work with PS3?

    If you find your PS3 dosn't play PS2 games (as it likely will not) do as TheBusterSword said. Buy a PS2. Seriously, you'll likely find one cheaper then FFX costs.

    I think I read somewhere that PS2 is the most sold game system EVER so they are not really going to go up in price due to rarity like working Super Nintendos or anything. Plus Despite many people owning them for so very long, very little I have ever heard of breaking without gross mistreatment. And its not like FFX is the only game you will ever like for it, go to any used store and I guarantee PS2 games are their biggest selection.
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  6. #6

    Re: Does FF10 work with PS3?

    Yea but I bought a PS3 and I was almost positive they'd have backwards compatibility, well its true, I can buy a PS2 easily enough... But I can also buy the newest final fantasy game for a lot cheaper. I actually think that PS2 games on PS3 was a no brainer and its ridiculous why they had it before but not now... Seems like a microsoft move to me, oh wait 360 is compatible with most xbox games....

    Lame sony just lame....

  7. #7
    The Old Skool Warrior Does FF10 work with PS3? LocoColt04's Avatar
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    Re: Does FF10 work with PS3?

    The emotion engine chip that allows PS3 systems to play PS2 games costs $200 to manufacture and install. When the PS3 launched at $600 and nobody wanted to buy it because of the cost, Sony had to start scrapping extras in order to bring down the cost. Then everyone bitched and whined about how it didn't have PS2 compatibility. Well, you can't get the low prices AND the full functionality...
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  8. #8

    Re: Does FF10 work with PS3?

    That makes sense, I didn't know it cost so much to make... I just thought that these days backwards compatibility was kind of a no brainer.

  9. #9

    Re: Does FF10 work with PS3?

    Only works on the original 6O GB version otherwise no it don't work on a PS3.

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