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Thread: Your shittiest work experience

  1. #1
    Mr. Person Taco-Calamitous's Avatar
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    Your shittiest work experience

    I was talking with a friend about this yesterday. One time, when I was working for Labor Ready, I went out to the site of a county fair to help take down the rides and such. We had been guaranteed by LR to work for four hours. Well, when we got there, the people there acted like they hadn't hired us yet. Me in particular, who stood there waiting for a half hour after the other people had been taken to do something else. When they finally assigned me to some work, the guy who took me to the guy I was going to work under said, "Here's another boyfriend for you." And the guy I was working under yelled at me for the most minuscule things. And then two hours later, they told us to leave. We still got paid for four hours, and at the time, I was just glad to be working, but looking back, I don't think I'd ever want to work with those people again. Those people were kinda douchers. (My friend said they could "smell the noob on me.")

    I liked working at a local gas station even worse, running around in the freezing cold, pumping people's gas without breaks, and working for a company that felt its employees should bend over backwards for it in all cases (I found something new within 5 months of working there.) Also, I've frequently (and currently) worked as a janitor. So, what are your shittiest work experiences? Anyhoo...

    Wuv, Yer Mom

  2. #2

    Re: Your shittiest work experience

    Not saying it's a bad job because it's pretty easy and the management is usually pretty good, but when I worked at McDonalds a few years ago people would complain about the dumbest shit. They would get pissed at you and get in your face like you purposely did something wrong to them. It's like they had a bad day at work and decided to come to McDonalds and bitch to make themselves feel better because if you complain about anything at McDonalds they give you another item for free to replace it. People would abuse this shit all the time to get free shit. We had a lady that did it every day for a week until our manager caught on after a few days and told her not to come back. "Uh yeah I just came through and ordered blah blah blah and they gave me the wrong thing so I want a free meal." Then we'd look at order history and there was no meal like that.

    One guy complained that his cheese wasn't melted, and our store manager told him the cheese is never melted, it's put on the burger and the heat melts it. The guy insisted that the cheese is always melted, so our manager told the guy in the grill to put the cheese in the microwave thingy to heat it up. Rofl.

    People would also drive to our McDonalds on Saturdays during lunch when it's busy as **** and they'd order large ass orders through the drive-thru instead of coming inside and when they got their order they'd check to make sure everything was there in the drive-thru line before leaving, while the line is wrapped around the building.

    Also, on rainy days people would come through the drive-thru with their wipers still on, and they'd unload all the water on their windshields directly on me.
    Last edited by Che; 05-10-2010 at 01:00 AM.

  3. #3
    Your shittiest work experience Jin's Avatar
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    Re: Your shittiest work experience

    I used to work at Canadian Tire and there was this one East Indian guy that would always come in and complain about prices for things he would never buy. He'd go out of his way to ask for 'help' from an employee and then just tell them how he could get car part X at some garage he had a connection in for less. He was really rude as well, snapping his fingers when he wanted service, even when we were serving other customers and swearing like a sailor.

    Then he started to get creepy. He once decided to tell this story to me and another employee about how back in India he knew this guy that screwed a goat and then nine months later, he said, the goat had a baby. I thought it was a funny joke at the time, then he started getting all weird with some kind of creepy man crush on me. He came in once to get a gas cap as someone had stolen it, and I kind of chuckled at how petty some thieves are. I don't know if he took it to mean I was laughing at him or what, but he then told me that I was "pretty" and that he got confused whether I was a guy or a girl. I thought maybe this were an insult at first (I figured he meant to say effeminate, rather than pretty), but then every time he came in, he'd ask for me.

    It was freaking creepy and I avoided him at all costs. Worst experience on the job ever.

    Until now!

  4. #4
    ...means nothing to no way Furore's Avatar
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    Re: Your shittiest work experience

    For me, most jobs as store security in supermarkets.
    You don't appreciate just how bad some people can be until you've worked in a retail environment or one where you're expected to remain nice to those who shouldn't be wasting valuable oxygen.

    The lowest point? Having to explain to a man that he couldn't walk out of the store with the frozen steaks he'd stashed in his underpants. To make matters worse, he proceeded to pull down his pants and then take the steaks out of his underpants revealing much more than anyone would want to see.
    victoria aut mors

  5. #5
    Death Before Dishonor Your shittiest work experience Josh_R's Avatar
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    Re: Your shittiest work experience

    I was working at GameStop, and some guy came in with a stack fo games to sell. No prob right. I started going through checking out damage and whatnot. I come accross a few games that had a Ashland Public Library Sticker on them, bar code all that shit. I told the guy that store policy won't allow me to buy the game from him. He starts freaking the f*ck out. I tried to calm him down. I explained to the guy that the game he was selling was only worth $4.50. I then said if you need that money that bad, go to the parking lot and look around. I got bitched at for saying that.

    A few months ago I was cutting a tree down for a customer. Big ass tree. As I was chain sawing it the guy comes to me, and says "What are you doing stupid ass. You are sawing on the wrong side. If you go all the way it'll fall on my f*cking house." I don't work for a company so I didn't take that. What I said, "How many trees have you sawed in your life shit for brains. You see that I am cutting on the side facing your house, which mean the tree will fall away from your house. If you are so dead set on me sawing the other side then by all means i'll switch. If you know so much about trees then why did you call me to di, why didn't you do it yourself." Boom!!! I cut it down, the tree fell away from his house, and I walked away with his cash flow.

    Sitting here waiting for Rocky, and Che to notice me!!

  6. #6
    Registered User Your shittiest work experience
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    Re: Your shittiest work experience

    When I was new at the restaurant where I work/ed, I had a pretty long day and was ready to leave. Before I could though, I had to finish up my side duty, which part of it was rolling up a bunch of silverware into some napkins. While I was doing that, a (now former) coworker of mine was hitting on me, and I didn't want him to, so I pretty much ignored him. His friend was not too far away from us, and he turned to the guy that was hitting on me, and said "Man, she don't like you. She's a racist!". He replied (direct to me) "Oh, so you're racist?"

    That was my breaking point. I had a long day as it was, and I didn't really appreciate being called something I wasn't, so I broke down and started crying. The two guys freaked a little bit, and said that they were just joking around, but I didn't care. I was also much younger then, so I didn't really have the confidence I do now to stand up for myself. I managed to finish my work, and then clock out and leave. One of my managers saw that I was upset and wanted to know why, but I didn't tell him. I just kept it to myself.

    It's not the worst story, but it's one that made me realize that if something/someone bothers me, I need to speak up about it, and not let people just walk on me.
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  7. #7
    Sparkly Beanie Baby of Doom! Your shittiest work experience Tallulah's Avatar
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    Re: Your shittiest work experience

    Che, I totally feel you about everything about McDonald's. Though I do enjoy my job.

    I think my worst job was the week I worked at an amusement arcade. I worked my arse off making fries, microwaved meals and teas for ingrates and gambling addicts, cleaning the fruit machines with a foul-smelling spray, and washing the toilet walls with bleach, or mostly standing around bored. Anyway, after a week they decided to 'let [me] go', because I was 'surplus to requirements'. Two weeks later I walked past the place, and there was another 'Help Wanted' sign there. Also, a young man came in with an application form, and the nasty old b***h who worked there said 'That's going straight in the bin; we don't employ men.' That particular woman pretended to be so pally-pally with me, but couldn't even look me in the eye when I came to collect my pay, such as it was.

    My next job, six months after that, was a 10 hour a week between 6-8 in the morning) cleaning job at a Somerfield's supermarket about 5 miles out of town. I had to ride my pushbike, leaving the house at about 5.20 every morning. The people I directly worked with were great (although the first lady got fired for pilfering toilet rolls, of all things, but her replacement, Andy, was just as nice), however the Somerfield staff were really stuck-up, and wouldn't even speak to me, as I was just 'the cleaner'. The Somerfield 'cleaner' was a hateful old b***h as well. She was part of the reason why I left; I nearly came to serious blows with her, and was very close to reporting her. Then I got a new job, closer to home with better, more sociable hours. What a relief that was!

    I feel grateful that I'm in a job I semi-enjoy now.
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  8. #8
    Defender of Freedom Your shittiest work experience Darnell's Avatar
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    Re: Your shittiest work experience

    My shittiest work experience would have to be about two years ago on my first ship I was in a pump room about 4 decks straight down a shaft where I was replacing a valve in a fire main system. I had a pipe wrench and was tightening the coupling back together when I stepped forward to get better leverage I stepped into a spot where the deck plate was pulled up which caused me to fall. There was a hose on the deck which caught my other foot not allowing it to turn with my body and causing my knee to pop out of place. I set on the ground looking at my knee cap on the side of my knee and my buddy who was there with me was freaking out asking what I wanted him to do. I must have been in shock cause I was just like "ummmm....Put it back in place." he asked me how like I was some kinda expert. I told him to straighten my leg and hit it back in place.

    That fixed my knee so I sat down there for a bout 30 min. while he finished up the job and I let the pain subside then I had to climb up the ladders 4 decks up (that wasn't fun.) I went to another space called the log room because I had a spot check on some maintenance I had done earlier and after that my divisional officer asked me what happened so I told him and they made me go to medical which then made me go to the hospital and I had physical therapy for 6 months. Yep that would be the shittiest one.
    Unleash the MONSTER inside!

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