here is a recommendation dount do it.most girls do not have good shot.
any recommendations for an all-girls team ?
here is a recommendation dount do it.most girls do not have good shot.
I have got brother above 70 level and have not lost any match. brother can get the whole opposite team behind him and get a clear shot rangehe can do a goal at the midfield ...gasp...
he has been always the best scorer over 110 goals in tournament
I have played over 250 blitzball games
Last edited by Cain Highwind; 09-25-2005 at 11:06 AM.
my team sucks
i can win
all i do is get the ball score and hide behind my golie
the other team is so stupid lol
the sit right next to me
I want to get the Status Reels, the new overdrive for Wakka, I have: Lakkan, Graav, Linna, Wakka, Tidus, Jumal in my team, i keep winning with the Nap pass of Lakkam (to Tidus) and I use Tidus to make the Jecht S. but I just don;t get the new overdrive
I'm an expert at blitzball - I lived to play this game hours on end. I loved it so much. My team consisted of
Zev Ronso
I have no backup players at all and I usually win 10-0 or so, no matter what team. Nimrook has the best Catch in the game, at the highest possible level, Eigaar and Blappa, both have good shot, pass, endurance, and block, and both also have pretty good attack. Tidus is the main character with jecht shot and jecht shot two, making him an awesome shooter. Zev Ronso, I use him to defend because he has a decent attack and an amazing block, with good endurance. He may be slow, but when he passes, he usually puts the opponents to sleep or whatever pass you do, making him quite an effective character. Wakka is known for his shot and endurance. It took me a long time to get such a wonderful team, but when i did, i can never lose. I don't think i've ever lost. Try this team out and you'll never lose. Set it up as, Tidus, Zev Ronso, and wakka up in the front, doesn't matter who is where. (I usually put Zev Ronso in the middle so he can attack first). Then i put Blappa and Eigaar in back on defense and Nimrook in the goal. If I am on defense first, I play center attack to get the guy in the middle. When on offense, i choose the option where the front 3 move forward and the defense stays back. Then, when i'm on normal defense, i play the defense play. Overall, it works ALL the time. Its the best team out there. I've played and won at least 500 or so games. Its addicting.
Yeah, Chocobo. Zev is a good choice for beginning: he's available early, he's a good passer, and has high resistance and shot for a forward. But, Wakka overpowers him. Nimrook is by far the most popular choice, because of his high CA rating: yet, I've seen him not catch most shots, mostly when the teams change players. I've been thinking that, whenever I undust my FFX copy, I'll make Vuroja my midfielder: he seems like a right choice. Brother's good with speed, but lacks something.
One more thing: Nap techs are good. All people should have Nap Pass and Nap Tackle at highest level, and goalie should have all catching skills and status defense skills.
P.S. Good to see the ol' Blitzball forum is not dead yet!!!
Brother is too good to pass down. Even if you do not use him, other people can. A suggestion? Grab him so no one else can, even if you let him sit there. I find him to be the best on my team. I think almost all of his stats are insane. Wedge is really good once he gets much higer level to make goals, but if you pass it to him, don' plan on passing it to anyone else. Tidus is just a pretty well balanced character with Sphere Shot, Jecht Shot One and Two. My defenders are Nadia and Tatts. Greaaaaat Endurance and Throw. Nimrook isd my goalie but he is so low leveled because he never gets the ball hit to him :-/.
Omnislash, please don't post more than once in a row, that's SPAM. And just use the edit button.Originally Posted by Omnislash:)=
I was never good at Blitzball, I only played it that once, when they forced you. I don't really understand how to play it I guess, I mean, the tutorial explains it, and I just don't see what I am supposed to do. And the other team always seems to get the ball from me when they confront, but you know Heaven forbid I get it from them.
I got my team once up to lvl 59 once... my team was a cool team which includes Tidus, Wakka, Brother, Jumal, Tatts and Letty. I got up to some point where I found out that blitzball is getting boring...I decided to reset the team data and remain with Auroch team...except that I've replaced Datto for Wakka.... at first when I play my first game with a new reseted data...I played against Al Bhed...Keepa allowed him to score around 2 points at the first five minutes..I so wanted to jump into the game and kill him personally. But later on I've decided keep passing the ball around my team until the time finishes. At the end I've scored a lot of exp.... Blitzball is one of my favourite part of the game...
hey i'm trying to max out my characters and i got everything i need except wakka's sigil. i was wondering where to find brother and nimrook. any help would be greatly appreciated![]()
nevermind i found em'
i can't figure out how to play this mini game. i played about 55 games, and lost each one. i wish for someone to tell me how to level up the charactors.
are u playing exhibition matches cuz those will get u no where. u have to play league games and tournaments![]()
I have only loss one match and that was with the orginal team
I haven't play much. Want to see the ending of the bloody game first before spending oodles of time on.
My greatest achievement was beating the Goers that first time without getting the Jecht shot. Them bastards were tough!
Originally Posted by OnOneRyder
I agree, the damn minigame can get boring as hell, the ending is what you really want but you don't, know what i mean?
I have only lost one game and that was the first match vs the Luca Goers,man that was tough with the sucky team that was the aurochs with the original players.
In my first file of FFX i lost all of my Blitzball games. But i the second one i always kicked ASSss hahahhahahaha
I have the same people on the team but they are all like level 12 and tidus DESTROYS when he shoots.
I have yet to lose, even the first match against the goers =/
I even still have the normal people, except I replaced someone with Wakka (His shot was better and he was better for confrontations). The Besaid team gets far better at higher lvls. I still have Tidus of course, and he has Jecht Shot 2, now my games are typically 18-0 when I kinda try. When I try they go to 22-0.
Keepa is lvled up as well, with as many techs as he can get for goalie. You'd be surprised... I let him get fired on alot when I kickass so he can level up so he BECOMES hard to shoot against, though I haven't played for awhile, I can't remember if you can pass to him or not, but if you can I'm pretty sure I do that too.
I got everything for the game by 29 and everything else by 40. I'm still missing a few novelties at 70 though... =(
<img src="">
Bliztball isn't my thing! I have tried so many times to win a match but I normally fail miserably. I nearly won once but the other team got a couple of goals in in the last couple of minutes or so. It was such a huge disappointment. I guess I need better players for my team. I got a Ronso player for my team, he/she is pretty good but I still lose! I don't know how I do it! I just can't play it. I have re-read the instructions on the game a few times and I still can't win a match. Instead of a winning streak, I have a losing streak lol. It's terrible. I'll have to spend more time practising to see if I get any better at it. I don't think anything can help me lol. The game just doesn't interest me all that much! It's probably because I suck badly at it. Wish me luck! Perhaps I'll get better at it some day.![]()
Left Forward: Tidus
Right Forward: Wakka
Midfield: Vuroja
Right Defence: Kulukan
Left Defence: Irga Ronso
Goalie: Nimrook
left forward: tidus
right forward: eigaar
mid field: brother
left back: naida
right back:deim
i still want to kno how to get jecht shot 2 i have tidus maxed out but it still says no besaid aurochs team member can learn this ability i have heard you have to get all KEY TECHNIQUES is that true
Last edited by sdruk12; 04-13-2006 at 08:44 AM.
Yeah, once you learn all of the Key Techniques that are listed on the bottom of all the techniques you have gathered for Tidus, additional slots will appear on his tech pages, and you will be able to learn the Jecht Shot two. All players have key techniques and all should open additional tech slots.
Left Forward: Tidus
Right Forward: Nedus
Midfield: Vuroja
Left Back: Kulukan
Right Back: Lakkam
Benchwarmers: Wakka and Datto
I love my team as I always put Tidus/Nedus together and Wakka/Datto together as this gives my team good speed and strong technical abilities.
Wakka and Datto go together well for me because I have the Aurochs Spirit ability and that maxes out Wakka's shot to 99 when Datto is on the field.
Because at the end of the day, I don't want to be scared half to death... again.
sdruk12 im glad to see you use eigaar as well he is awsome!!!
LF: tidas
RF: basik ronso
M: eigaar
LB: zalitk
RB: one of those women from luca goes (cant remember her name but she's pretty good with techs and moves)
G:a woman from the moon flow who is by a bench (she also makes a good defender and i also cannot remember her name)
<a href=""><img src="" border="0" width="567" alt="Image Hosted by" /></a>
<a href=""><img src="" border="0" width="500" alt="Image Hosted by" /></a>
Father of Ushiku and OutLwDragon
92% of people have now gone insane and listen to either Hip Hop, Rap or R&B. If you are part of the 8% that still listen to decent music then put this in you sigy!!!
I have just the Aurochs and added wakka again and i've only lost 3 games of blitzball. I haven't got them them like lvl 99 or anything but im sure keeping them will make the best team in the end.
im so confused
.:\~`My TFF Family`~/:.
Setzer = Father~Crazy Chocobo~= Mother$Nanaki$ = UncleRikkuffx = SisterSelphieTilmitt = Auntperfect shadow = Uncle
Yea I'm back. After three years. So my family is probably dead or don't remember me.
RF - Tidus
LF - Brother
MF - Blappa
RD - Kyou
LD - Jassu
G - Jumal
Aiming For:
RF - Tidus
LF - Brother
MF - Blappa
RD - Berrik
LD - Jassu
G - Nimrook
My current teams is:
Zev Ronso
I haven't played blitzball for a while, I only ever played it to get wakka's stuff because I found it too easy. The only thing I am uncertain of is the zanarkand abes. Can you get them in FFX. I know you can get them in X-2 or X but I don't know which one. Whichever one it is they are the best in the game, whichever game that is. (Could be just a rumour but I want to ask the experts of the game to find out.)