started a new game so my team is still pretty mediocre here it is
LF- Shaami
LD-Miyu (once better will make gk)
GK-Kyou (Used to be MF but got rid of Jumal)
Well call me old fashioned but i felt the need to stick with the aurochs all of themm except for datto i replaced him with wakka and just kept leveling them up and i maybe lost two games it just takes careful planning and good strategy to win.
started a new game so my team is still pretty mediocre here it is
LF- Shaami
LD-Miyu (once better will make gk)
GK-Kyou (Used to be MF but got rid of Jumal)
I love Blitzball! I have a file dedicated to Blitzball, whenever I feel like Blitz-ing. My team is as follows.
RF- Tidus
LF- Argai Ronso or Bickson
MF- Lakkam (her passing and endurance are rediculous!)
RD- Jassu (I had him released from the team, and got him back when his contract expired, and he became awesome!)
LD- Kyou
GK- Keepa
My team is as follows:
RF- Tidus (of couse)
LF- Blappa (had some amazing techs after playing for the Psyches for years)
MF- Can't remember name (short-haired, goggled Al Bhed)
RD- Ropp (*drools at power*)
LD- Again forgot the name, but he's a Guado, and I don't use him for standard defence, but he gets given the ball, speeds away into open water while my forwards move close to goal, then long range passes for the alley-oop
GK- Jumal (though nothing gets past Ropp)
That first game of Blitz had grinded my gears for multiple playthroughs, until I consulted some online tips, and managed to get two goals with Tidus, and one with Wakka (Hint: the key is Letty).
Anybody who thinks Blitzball is easy should just keep a B-defence player, and sub them in for a greater challenge (provided your opposition has decent offense to begin with)
I just spam Jecht Shot at lower levels...
Makes Tidus level up fast.
i did not play blitzball for between six months and a year yet when i played it again i was able to kill the other team with about a 6-1 victory. but i have only one of the aurochs left but i have zazi guado for one of my wings because he has decent shot but he does he sleep shot and i also have pah guado because he has a really good area of passes that just increase his already great pass but i cannot remember the name of my gaolie but i found her at the calm lands i believe.
Is their a way of getting really quick easy EXP? I want to get a few of my players to max level, I heard something about a passing trick, but not sure what the details are....Help would be appreciated![]()
I think I'm beginning to understand. An answer from the Planet, the Promised Land...I think I can meet her...there.
I thought that passing to them would get them exp. but only when they had to break tackles or defend against someone did my defense get exp. My front three get their exp from shooting and scoring but other then that I'd say pass to your defense bring them up, let them take on one or two people then pass.
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