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Thread: auron should have more respect

  1. #1

    auron should have more respect

    i think auron should have more respect i mean come on he did not even talk in the ending

  2. #2
    Consistently Average auron should have more respect Kurt Zisa's Avatar
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    Re: auron should have more respect

    Auron has a ton of respect. I wouldn't be suprised if he was the most liked/respected character in X. He sure has my vote in that matter. Unless you're meaning that he needs to give others more respect but why should he, he's Auron . I'm not too sure if you've seen the ending yet or what you mean by he doesn't talk but there is a very good reason for him not doing so.
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  3. #3
    All is One.One is All. auron should have more respect Firefly's Avatar
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    Re: auron should have more respect

    Quote Originally Posted by Kurt Zisa View Post
    Auron has a ton of respect. I wouldn't be suprised if he was the most liked/respected character in X. He sure has my vote in that matter. Unless you're meaning that he needs to give others more respect but why should he, he's Auron . I'm not too sure if you've seen the ending yet or what you mean by he doesn't talk but there is a very good reason for him not doing so.
    I agree ^. I believe that Auron was highly respected in FFX,by fans and characters in the game. I mean,people called him," Sir Auron" <- Respect and ," The Greatest/Best Guardian " <- Respect .The only person who might not have respected Auron would probaly be Seymour,but whatever lol. Anyways,as Kurt Zisa said,there was a reason for him not talking in the very end.
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  4. #4
    Heroine of Justice! auron should have more respect Super Tifa's Avatar
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    Re: auron should have more respect

    I think Like you guys. He's very respected, by the fans and by the characters in the game.
    For me he's the most badass char of the game. Just because he is not talkative, that doesn't mean he's being Disrespectful. I believe he only says the necessary, when it's necessary
    about the ending... Well, he had his reasons.
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  5. #5

    Re: auron should have more respect

    Yeah I mean the guys neck snaps and hes like hmm now is not the time

  6. #6
    Jack of all trades auron should have more respect Red Mage's Avatar
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    Re: auron should have more respect

    He's to badass to talk.Thats how badass he is. Hell out of all the characters in the game i felt the most respect for him. I don't know why, maybe because he was a BAMF.

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  7. #7
    The Lone Dagger auron should have more respect Xithor's Avatar
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    Re: auron should have more respect

    I definitely respected Auron the most out of all the characters in the game and I thought that Auron had a great way out as far as his ending. Sure he wasn't involved in the big AMV at the end save
    when he claps hands with Tidus at the end

    but he went out very well. I would say that his lines were appropriate for his last few scenes.

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  8. #8
    Death Before Dishonor auron should have more respect Josh_R's Avatar
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    Re: auron should have more respect

    The fact is he is a badass, and doesn't have to respect anyone, but should be respected by all. Much like Che

    Sitting here waiting for Rocky, and Che to notice me!!

  9. #9

    Re: auron should have more respect

    I don't think it's a lack of respect when it comes to Auron as everyone above me has clearly state. I think Auron should've just had more involvement in the game, but I'm sure they didn't touch up on him like gamers would've like because then the game would've drifted a bit too far from the main story line; Auron is too badass and would've obviously stolen the lime light xD but that's just how I feel on the matter ^.^

  10. #10
    My life stinks! What's your excuse? auron should have more respect jerseyteufel's Avatar
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    Re: auron should have more respect

    Auron has uber respect. He may not show or express it but he does have it. Heck, I even have respect for Auron.

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