When you speak to a moogle even after giving or receiving a letter, talk to them and select mogent again. The moogles sometimes have other letters to be delivered.
The "stuff" that makes Artemition's (I think that's how you spell it) coat shiny is a tiny side quest, But it's really just talking to someone and they give it to you. You take it to Mogent Central after finding it and then Mogent is complete. I don't want to give it away unless you specifically want to know what to do.
Also make sure you buy Stiltzkin's item pack every time you see him.
I always figured it was just a little extra fun and more story. The kuponuts you get from delivering mail are used to get rare armor "clothes" from the moogle couple in Gizamalukes Grotto. The armor and weapons you get from them don't give you any techniques though.