Squall - Like you, Skwall.
Quistis - I'm guilty of saying it like Qwiss-tiss. Just feels better to me xD.
Zell - Just like it's written.
Seifer - I pronounce is Cy-Fur. Always been that way for me.
Rinoa - Rin-No-Uh. Basically like it's typed.
Irvine- Err-Vin. I think... it's hard to type it out as how you say it.
Selphie - That would be for me like Sell-Fee.
Fujin - Foo-Jin
Quezacotl - Qwoz-Ee-Cot-Tal. I say it wrong but it is what I'm used to haha.
Shiva - Umm She-Vur
Ifrit - If-Rit (XD)