anyone else have any glitch issues with ff8? at all?
anyone else have any glitch issues with ff8? at all?
"There is a special providence in the fall of a sparrow" -Shakespeare
Back when I played FFVIII on my PS1, I had problems getting the ending FMV to play. It would freeze up when Squall was walking around in that weird grey world. It doesn't do it when I played it on my PS2, so I think that my PS1 was just getting old. I got rid of my PS1, since I really didn't need it anymore.
Idk if that constitutes as a "glitch", but that's what happened to me.
Click at your own risk.:
What kind of glitches? It could be a number of things.
The discs could be scratched, or if you're playing on a PS2 (and maybe PS3) and chose the fast loading and smooth texture options, that can also cause some problems. It has for me in the past.
If you could be a little more specific about the type of glitches and at what point in the game they're happening, it might help us to help you.
SOLDIERcHoSeNCrao Porr Cock8- Rebels, Rogues and Sworn Brothers
I don't know if this thread is just about your glitches, but my disk one was scratched many years ago and then I had to get a new disk since the FMVs didn't play. I'm not sure if this would count as a glitch, but it did force me to buy FFVIII twice.
I haven't had any problems with VIII, if anything though, I would have to agree with" Your disc is probably scratched". If not that, I guess it might depend on the system you are using.
Last edited by GypsyElder; 10-21-2009 at 12:48 AM.
My game froze every time in disc 2 when using the Balamb Garden as a ship.
When I saw something like a gray island my game automaticly froze.
Maybe we are having the same glitch thenBack when I played FFVIII on my PS1, I had problems getting the ending FMV to play. It would freeze up when Squall was walking around in that weird grey world. It doesn't do it when I played it on my PS2, so I think that my PS1 was just getting old. I got rid of my PS1, since I really didn't need it anymore.
Idk if that constitutes as a "glitch", but that's what happened to me.![]()
SoD: What should I give to my girlfriend for Valentines Day?
Pete: My suggestion is two presents. Get her something of meaning to the both of you, and a dildo. If she doesn't like the first gift, she can go **** herself.
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Actually, my glitch is that when I got to disk two on my ps2, when the garden went mobile, it would let me move the garden, but it wouldn't let me out. I read somewhere that there was a glitch with the ps2 ff8 if u didn't send renoa to the missle launch that it would glitch the mobile garden. And instead of restarting and losing 25 hours, I got a ps1 and tried using it. It finally let me out of the mobile garden, but whenever I was in a battle on the world map it would freeze. The start button and escape buttons still did something but I was stuck in the battle, the gauges were not moving at all. So I switched back to the ps2 when I had saved outside the garden, so I wouldn't have to worry about being stuck in it anymore using the ps2, but the gauges still won't move in battles. I can't fight and every time I have to restart the console. That's what I mean by glitch.
"There is a special providence in the fall of a sparrow" -Shakespeare
That sounds more like the game file or memory card got corrupted than anything. If one little glitch gets saved, it could potentially lead to more glitches like the ones you mentioned. You MAY have to restart your game, or try loading and then saving onto another memory card.
I had a similar problem with Brave Fencer Musashi WAY back in the day, and I essentially put the file from my PS1 card to my PS2 card, and then onto a new PS1 card and it was fine.
SOLDIERcHoSeNCrao Porr Cock8- Rebels, Rogues and Sworn Brothers
Galbadia Missile base , where you are trying to keep the them from hitting Tribia Garden right? I don't remember too well. I know for a fact though that I didn't send Rinoa,
That's strange, because I've played FFVIII on both my PS one( which I don't have anymore) and my PS2. Well, if you can't fight through the game, your pretty much screwed. The only thing I can say to do would be to just start a new game ? I'm sure that's what you're trying to avoid though
25 hours really isn't that much, I guess it depends on what those 25 hrs. are.
Last edited by GypsyElder; 10-21-2009 at 07:33 PM.
Its allot considering im borrowing the game and barely have time to play it. So I can move ps1 game files to a ps2 memory card? I thought the game could only save on a ps2 card. Im gonna try to switch.
"There is a special providence in the fall of a sparrow" -Shakespeare
Yeah, you can just go into the browser on your ps2 and transfer the file. You can't access the save file while playing a ps1 game, but you can transfer the file from the ps2 card to another ps1 card, also in the browser.
it's not a guarantee, but it might help, since it's worked for me in the past
SOLDIERcHoSeNCrao Porr Cock8- Rebels, Rogues and Sworn Brothers
On my first copy of disc 2 of the game, it wouldn't let me summon Shiva. I had to fight T-Rexuars without Shiva![]()
Last edited by ZantetsukeN; 10-27-2009 at 11:41 AM.
My glitch was when I was riding around in the Garden, I got stuck under the Horizon Bridge. I tried constantly pushing the d-pad in a circular motion to try to get unstuck but I could break free.
In the end I just had to restart the game and lose 3 hours of playing time, I had to find loads of synthesising items again for my new Gunblade again...
My things:
My disc 4 was scratched to the point that when I went to fight Adel, that if quake was used, the characters were sent into a constant loop of bouncing.
It looked funny just to see them bounce over and over with no end in sight.
I couldn't get past that part so I had to buy a new copy of VIII.
Funny youshould say that, on my copy (on Disc 3 at least) when someone casts Quake, the soundtrack stays constant but the visuals slow down for a couple of seconds.
Also, on occasion, particularly Disc 2, I enter a battle, the battle music will kick in, but the screen remains blank. This is sometimes resolved with patience, opening the disc tray (I use a PS2), or by pressing buttons, but sometimes I just have to reset.![]()
i have a verry annoying glitch on my psp dowmload.. it cuta to the psp menu screen asking if you want to guit the seems to do it whenever i swith areas most but it will do it whenever ocasionally
Yeah i once also had the space freeze thing. Then i got myself another disc and was excited about finishing that for the first time![]()
Not a glitch, but in disk related issues, just about everyone I know has had to buy another copy of FFVIII because their Disk 3 either didn't work or failed at some point. Mine, I never even touched and it refused to boot up the game. It was all clean too.
And so I was another victim. On the plus side, I got new disks in case my other ones decided to stuff up.
[cue swapping crappy disk 2 with good disk 2 when a FMV fails]
In my game on disc 4 Adel was invincible. I literally fought her for 2 hours thinking she was just really strong. By hour 3 I dubbed her unbeatable and went to my online strategy guide only to find out I should have beaten her 2 hours and (at least) 30 minutes before.
Lawlz Sephy so Smaht!!
This is where my name comes from for anyone who cares. Btw please don't get the wrong idea. I love Final Fantasy more than any other game series in the whole world.
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