A. You can get Zombie Powder by:Originally Posted by Lunasa
- Refining Blood Soul's card.
- Defeating Forbidden
Q. What magic can be drawn from Melbore?
You can Card the Shumi Tribe card from Grats.
Name 2 different ways (Besides Angelo Search) that you can retrieve a Zombie Powder.
Last edited by Lunasa; 01-10-2008 at 04:41 PM.
"Let oneself make oneself a fool. Blind. Senseless. Confused."
A. You can get Zombie Powder by:Originally Posted by Lunasa
- Refining Blood Soul's card.
- Defeating Forbidden
Q. What magic can be drawn from Melbore?
A. Melbore? Is that meant to be a Malboro? Because I do believe I've never heard of that monster. If it's a Malboro then the drawn magic is Bio, Quake and Demi. If I'm wrong then please correct me. And tell me where to find this monster so I can take a look myself
Q. How many hidden draw points are there on the Island Closest to Hell?
Wait! There must be some misunderstanding! You're right! Its Melboro not Melbore..What a stupid mistake >_>.Originally Posted by FFGuru89
Let me remember..28!Q. How many hidden draw points are there on the Island Closest to Hell?
QF If I am right.
Thanks manOriginally Posted by FFGuru89
A.Ultima Weapon at lvl 100...Exactly 160000. You can summon Cactuar (at lvl 100 too) 16 times to defeat him and that is what I did.Originally Posted by FFGuru89
QF..Sorry but I am running out of questions..
Lol you've got me again! So that it means I'll try again!
Q. Who can you win the Alexander Card from?
Piet, from the Lunar Base.
Quee Frestion.![]()
[ Spaghetti ] - [ Petition for FFVIII Remake ] - [ Lily's LiveJournal ]
"Everything dies."
Sig and av are, as usual, made by me.
Member of the FF Cult.TFF Family, Quotes and Awards:
This signature was last accurate circa 2010. Keeping for posterity/lols.
Time to get serious!
Q.There is only one Meltdown draw point in the game, Where can you find it ?
You stumped me on this for a bit. But after some exploration (and pure chance, actually), I found it in the Art Gallery of Ultimecia's Castle on the second floor.
Good Question.
Where is the only place in the world where the monsters do not level up with you?
"Let oneself make oneself a fool. Blind. Senseless. Confused."
Lunatic Pandora.Originally Posted by Lunasa
Q. Fill the blank below:
The first "Ultima" draw point in the game can be found in ________________
Last edited by Omega Weapon; 01-15-2008 at 09:37 AM.
A. I have no idea, but i'll take a guess, In the mayors house at Fisherman's Horizion underneath the stairs??
Q: How many chocobos had to be found all up before the chocobo garden subquest was completed?
[ Spaghetti ] - [ Petition for FFVIII Remake ] - [ Lily's LiveJournal ]
"Everything dies."
Sig and av are, as usual, made by me.
Member of the FF Cult.TFF Family, Quotes and Awards:
This signature was last accurate circa 2010. Keeping for posterity/lols.
A. 24
Q. Name all the portraits in the Art Gallerey in Ultimicia's Castle.
Last edited by Craven; 01-17-2008 at 03:06 AM.
Ohhh Geez... These Latin phrases. I apoligize for any misspellings as far as my memory serves me.
...Forget it. *switches on game again*
In order from first floor to second floor, left to right.
1st Floor:
2nd Floor:
Last edited by Lunasa; 01-17-2008 at 03:41 PM. Reason: Spelling Errors
"Let oneself make oneself a fool. Blind. Senseless. Confused."
I'm guessing it's a FQ??
Q. Name every rule in the card game "Triple Triad" lol?
Click for proof I was actually here in 2008:
- Same
- Plus
- Combo
- Same Wall
- Elemental
- Open
- Random
- Sudden Death
- One
- Direct
- Diff
- All
Qf. ^^
[ Spaghetti ] - [ Petition for FFVIII Remake ] - [ Lily's LiveJournal ]
"Everything dies."
Sig and av are, as usual, made by me.
Member of the FF Cult.TFF Family, Quotes and Awards:
This signature was last accurate circa 2010. Keeping for posterity/lols.
Q. Name all of Diablos's original abilities.
Click for proof I was actually here in 2008:
- Mag-J
- Abilityx3
- Magic
- GF
- Draw
- Item
Q: List all of Eden's original abilities.
[ Spaghetti ] - [ Petition for FFVIII Remake ] - [ Lily's LiveJournal ]
"Everything dies."
Sig and av are, as usual, made by me.
Member of the FF Cult.TFF Family, Quotes and Awards:
This signature was last accurate circa 2010. Keeping for posterity/lols.
- Hit-J
- Eva-J
- Spd-J
- Magic
- Draw
- GF
- Item
- Devour
Q. Name all of Ultimecia's Guardians in her castle, and at least 1 special attack or 1 weakness from each monster.
Last edited by Craven; 01-18-2008 at 02:04 AM.
Click for proof I was actually here in 2008:
SphinxaurOriginally Posted by Crav3n
Special Attack : Summon
Weak Against : Holy
Special Attack : --------
Weak Against : Wind
Special Attack : Mega Spark
Weak Against : --------
Special Attack : Mega Pulse Cannon
Weak Against : Wind
Special Attack : Counter Twist and Evil Eyes.
Weak Against : Holy
Red Giant
Special Attack : Nothing, Ordinary physical attacks.
Weak Against : Thunder
Special Attack : Dark Flare
Weak Against : --------
Special Attack : Thunder Summon
Weak Against : --------
Omega Weapon <- ME!!
Special Attack : Megido Flame, Terra Break and Light Pillar
Weak Against : NOTHING
Q. How long will it take to fill this Petition??
Q. Name the order of draw points on The Island Closest To Hell in a clockwise direction. (Start anywhere you please)
Click for proof I was actually here in 2008:
My bad- was editing the question, but got disconnected.
Geez, all these Disk Four questions. All the easier to do the research. *switch on*
Bear in mind that running around the skiny tips of the island might be slightly off.
Starting from the Devil-Fingertip/Scythe of the Island:
Meteor, Holy, Aura, Triple, Meteor, Aura, Ultima, Flare, Aura, Holy, Meteor, Full-Life, Triple, Ultima, Flare, Aura, Triple, Meteor, Full-Life, Aura, Flare, Full-Life, Triple, Holy, Ultima, Ultima, Triple, Triple, Meteor, Holy, Full-Life and Ultima.
*wipes brow*
My question:
In the confines of Disk One, Balamb Island only, name every monster and Draw point in which Fire, Blizzard, and Thunder may be drawn from.
*watches research*
For a rep point, give the amount of money needed for a train trip from Balamb to Timber.
"Let oneself make oneself a fool. Blind. Senseless. Confused."
A. wow, tough question...... >.<
Draw Points :
- Blizzard : Garden Traning Center
- Fire : Fire Cavern
- Thunder : Outside the weapon's shop in Balamb City
Monsters :
- Bite Bug : Fire
- Jelleye: Blizzard
- Caterchipillar : Thunder
- T-Rexaur : Thunder and Fire
- Red Bat : Thunder
- Bomb : Fire
- Buel : Fire, Thunder and Blizzard
I think thats it......
Train Ride costs 3000gil ^^
QF.....*puffs and pants*
Last edited by Craven; 01-18-2008 at 07:58 PM.
Click for proof I was actually here in 2008:
You forgot just a couple, inside Fire Cavern:
Fastitocalon-F: Blizzard *dododo*
Buel: Thunder, Blizzard
Bomb: Fire
Red Bat: Fire
Ifrit: Fire
Another question for a mindful soul. Geez. *Thinks about this one*
Righty then. Scavenger Hunt time.
Tell me(within the same confines as above) which monsters drop the items(some of these MAY be rare drops):
M-Stone Piece(Name two monsters)
North Wind
Water Crystal
Spider Web
Fury Fragment
Krysta Card(Must be carded, only)
"Let oneself make oneself a fool. Blind. Senseless. Confused."
You mean Glacial Eye.Originally Posted by Crav3n
M-Stone Piece : BiteBug and Jelleye.
North Wind : Snow Lion.
Water Crystal : Chimera and Fastitocalon-F.
Spider Web : Caterchipillar.
Fury Fragment : Ruby Dragon, Blue Dragon and Grendel.
Krysta Card : Bomb and Buel
Q. Which enemies(monsters and bosses) drop the items:
Ultima Stone ( Name 3 enemies )
Regen Ring ( Name 2 enemies )
Holy War
Red Fang
Royal Crown
Power Wrist
Giant's Ring
* For a rep point, Which monster drops Healing Mail?
Last edited by Omega Weapon; 01-19-2008 at 08:41 AM.
A. *Phew* Right ok. I may be wrong on some but I'll certainly have a stab at it.
Ultima Stones: Propagators on Ragnarok, The #1 Sorceress at the beginning of Time Compression and of course... Ultima Weapon.
Regen Rings: Chimeras and Lefty ( from the Lefty, Righty, Visage fight)
Holy War: A Tricky one but I think Seifer does. 3rd form?
Red Fang: Chimeras can also drop them too.
Royal Crown: That comes from the 2nd Edea battle at the end of Disc 2.
Power Wrist: The Raijin and Fujin battle from the Lunatic Pandora? And I think it's Rai's drop.
Giant's Ring: That has to be Behemoth.
And for the rep? Healing Mail can be dropped by... Mesmerize!
FQ: I need a nap now lol
*gives rep*
Huh!?! It seems I must spread some reputation around before giving it to you again.
You owe me one!
Another question:
Q.Which monsters drop the items:
Windmill ( Name 2 monsters )
Royal Crown
Power Wrist
Black Hole
Rune Armlet
Strength Love
Good Luck!
Q. Windmill: Hmm, Death Claws and definitely Thrustaevis
Royal Crown: I wasn't aware of a monster that dropped onebut if it was meant to be a Hypno Crown then that's a Marlboro.
Power Wrist: I think if you Mug Abadon you get one... but technically that's a boss..
Black Hole: That'd be a Gesper
Rune Armlet: Blobra's at a high level?
Str-Love: Ahh. That be a Wendigo.
Yet another FQ for you all![]()
What the hell I was thinking aboutOriginally Posted by FFGuru89
! You're right, I was asking about Hypno Crown. However, Tonberry King which I don't consider it as a boss drops "Royal Crown".
The correct answer is Grendel.Power Wrist: I think if you Mug Abadon you get one... but technically that's a boss..
Anyway, The rest of your answers are correct
Yet another question:
Q. Which magics, items and command abilities have the ability to remove the effect of Curse ?