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Thread: Final Fantasy VIII Trivia (POSSIBLE SPOILERS)

  1. #301
    Courage, Character, Confidence. Final Fantasy VIII Trivia (POSSIBLE SPOILERS) Lunasa's Avatar
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    No takers? Hrm...

    For Angel Wing, speed is multiplied by five, magic by four, and is similiar to the Berserk effect, for it increases strength and disables the command list. Her magic is drawn from her inventory for the purpose of specific spells cast, but is not accumulated after casting.

    New question. An easy one.

    Name two GFs that learn the Mad Rush ability.

    "Let oneself make oneself a fool. Blind. Senseless. Confused."

  2. #302
    Chocobo Sage Crazy Chocobo's Avatar
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    A: Ifrit and Eden can learn the Mad Rush ability.

    Q: What does the ability 'Devour' do exactly?

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  3. #303
    Final Fantasy VIII Trivia (POSSIBLE SPOILERS) Gilgamesh's Avatar
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    A: Ummm allows you to eat monsters lol and depending on what monster you devour it can boost your stats, for example if you consume a t-rexsaur you get (feel free to correst me if im wrong) 1 strength point added to your strength stats. And if i remeber correctly it also heals the user.....i think, havent played this game for ages.

    Q: What is the item that teaches a GF "Return Damage" called and how do you get it?

  4. #304
    Godsmack Worshipper Final Fantasy VIII Trivia (POSSIBLE SPOILERS) Omega Weapon's Avatar
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    Lived by the rules you that you gave me and fell apart. All the wrong turns down a dead end street so far. I stretched my wings and breath in different day. Alone and broken is the price I pay but that's ok...
    Quote Originally Posted by Lunasa
    For Angel Wing, speed is multiplied by five, magic by four.
    Seriously, How did you know that?

    and is similiar to the Berserk effect, for it increases strength and disables the command list
    Wait! Increases strength and speed is multiplied by five!!

    If you believe that Angel Wing increases Rinoa's STR, SPD and disables the command list (with the exception of increasing MAG) then Angel Wing is similar to the command ability Mad Rush.

    However, Angel Wing has nothing to do with her SPD and STR


    Quote Originally Posted by Gilgamesh
    Q: What is the item that teaches a GF "Return Damage" called and how do you get it?
    A. Hundred Needles, You can get this item by refining 100 Cactuar Thorns.

    Last edited by Omega Weapon; 02-04-2008 at 08:06 AM.

  5. #305
    Courage, Character, Confidence. Final Fantasy VIII Trivia (POSSIBLE SPOILERS) Lunasa's Avatar
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    Wrong. Mad Rush is not a status effect. Angel Wing is SIMILIAR to Berserk in that an offensive stat is increased. And by the way, I experimented with casting spells. I picked a monster (T-Rexaur on Island closest to Hell), unjunctioned and emptied her stats except for the Blizzard magic. When casted in Angel Wing mode, it did approximately 4x the amount of damage than in regular mode. As for speed, I was fortunate to have Rinoa and Squall at the same speed (through speed ups) and Rinoa went three times for every Squall turn(not 5x, sorry). And my error for confusing magic with strength(you know, late night, human and all that), but there is entirely no need to be snide and sarcastic about it. Thank you.


    Name two monsters that inflict Bad Breath.
    Last edited by Lunasa; 02-04-2008 at 03:59 PM. Reason: Grammar

    "Let oneself make oneself a fool. Blind. Senseless. Confused."

  6. #306
    Go with me, Exkaizer~ Final Fantasy VIII Trivia (POSSIBLE SPOILERS) Treize's Avatar
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    A. Malboro and Geezard.

    Q. What can you draw from a high level Malboro?

  7. #307
    Chocobo Sage Crazy Chocobo's Avatar
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    A: Not entirely positive but I think you can draw Quake, Bio and Demi.

    If correct,

    Q: What is the
    SAM08G weak against?

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  8. #308
    Final Fantasy VIII Trivia (POSSIBLE SPOILERS) Shadowknight241's Avatar
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    A: Thunder and Poison

    Q: What are all of Omega Weapons attacks in order and what tpye are they ? A.K.A Physical or Mental attacks.
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  9. #309
    Godsmack Worshipper Final Fantasy VIII Trivia (POSSIBLE SPOILERS) Omega Weapon's Avatar
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    Lived by the rules you that you gave me and fell apart. All the wrong turns down a dead end street so far. I stretched my wings and breath in different day. Alone and broken is the price I pay but that's ok...
    First of all:
    Quote Originally Posted by Lunasa
    Wrong. Mad Rush is not a status effect.
    Did I say that Mad Rush is a status effect?
    Quote Originally Posted by Lunasa
    Angel Wing is SIMILIAR to Berserk in that an offensive stat is increased. And by the way, I experimented with casting spells. I picked a monster (T-Rexaur on Island closest to Hell), unjunctioned and emptied her stats except for the Blizzard magic. When casted in Angel Wing mode, it did approximately 4x the amount of damage than in regular mode. As for speed, I was fortunate to have Rinoa and Squall at the same speed (through speed ups) and Rinoa went three times for every Squall turn(not 5x, sorry)
    Hmm..It seems you're right..Angel Wing does increase Rinoa's SPD and STR. Please accept my apology.
    but there is entirely no need to be snide and sarcastic about it. Thank you.
    Huh! Snide and sarcastic about it! What are you talking about! It's not a big deal anyway

    Q: What are all of Omega Weapons attacks in order and what tpye are they ? A.K.A Physical or Mental attacks.
    Does Mental equal Magical !?

    LV5 Death - Magical
    Gravija - Magical
    Meteor - Magical
    Megido Flame - Magical
    Terra Break - Physical
    Ultima - Magical
    Light Pillar - Magical

    Last edited by Omega Weapon; 02-29-2008 at 01:46 PM.

  10. #310
    Certified tech, come at me! Final Fantasy VIII Trivia (POSSIBLE SPOILERS) SuperSabin's Avatar
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    Q: what is the name of the trio that you play as whenever squall falls into a trance.

  11. #311
    Courage, Character, Confidence. Final Fantasy VIII Trivia (POSSIBLE SPOILERS) Lunasa's Avatar
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    You mean the dream state, right? In that case, Laguna, Kiros, and Ward.

    What are the weapons that each one of the trio possesses? Extra point: How does Ward become mute?

    "Let oneself make oneself a fool. Blind. Senseless. Confused."

  12. #312
    The Ace Pilot and Cap'n Final Fantasy VIII Trivia (POSSIBLE SPOILERS) FF Ace Cid's Avatar
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    A. Laguna has a gun, Kiros has two blades on his hands, and Ward has a big spear. (I hope you didn't mean the actual names )

    Ward had his larynx injured in a fight with Esthar soldiers.

    Q. Where can you obtain the naughty magazine for Zone?
    My TFF Family
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    PM me if you want to become part of my airship riding family, The Red Wings.

  13. #313
    TFF's Token Imp Final Fantasy VIII Trivia (POSSIBLE SPOILERS) Martin's Avatar
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    A. It's in the Timber Maniacs building in the lobby, near a stack of other magazines.

    Q. What's the hidden Draw Point in the Timber Maniacs building?

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  14. #314
    Godsmack Worshipper Final Fantasy VIII Trivia (POSSIBLE SPOILERS) Omega Weapon's Avatar
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    Lived by the rules you that you gave me and fell apart. All the wrong turns down a dead end street so far. I stretched my wings and breath in different day. Alone and broken is the price I pay but that's ok...
    Quote Originally Posted by FFGuru
    Q. What's the hidden Draw Point in the Timber Maniacs building?

    Q. What are all the Draw Points in Centra Ruins?

  15. #315
    TFF's Token Imp Final Fantasy VIII Trivia (POSSIBLE SPOILERS) Martin's Avatar
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    A. I only remember three, Pain, Drain and Aero. If there's more feel free

    Q. What can be mugged from Odin?

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  16. #316
    The Ace Pilot and Cap'n Final Fantasy VIII Trivia (POSSIBLE SPOILERS) FF Ace Cid's Avatar
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    A. I believe it was a str junction up.

    Q. What can you draw from the train tunnel near Balamb?
    My TFF Family
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    My airship flying man in the air utd fan cousin, Sir Alex Ferguson. My sort of insane, out of his mind cousin, Silver. My Queen-obsessed Zico-loving cousin FF Guru. My FF crazed brother Flash. My disturbed and distraught brother Fishie. My Godsmack addicted brother Demon Hunter. My ickle sister xXViviXx. My old school free styling cousin, Pablo Honey. My Cousin most likely to get their hand replaced by a pen, Aerif. My highwind 'barkeep' friend, Unknown Entity. My fighting game loving cousin, Rocky. My FFVII Matey on starboard brother, SecretWeapon. My Pokémon-obsessed sister, Refieth. My FF trivia master cousin, Phantom. My FF VIII obsessed cousin, Craven.

    PM me if you want to become part of my airship riding family, The Red Wings.

  17. #317
    Go with me, Exkaizer~ Final Fantasy VIII Trivia (POSSIBLE SPOILERS) Treize's Avatar
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    A. Esuna

    Q. What can you draw from the library in Balamb Garden?

  18. #318
    Godsmack Worshipper Final Fantasy VIII Trivia (POSSIBLE SPOILERS) Omega Weapon's Avatar
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    Lived by the rules you that you gave me and fell apart. All the wrong turns down a dead end street so far. I stretched my wings and breath in different day. Alone and broken is the price I pay but that's ok...
    Quote Originally Posted by FFGuru
    A. I only remember three, Pain, Drain and Aero. If there's more feel free
    Absolutely right.
    Quote Originally Posted by FFGuru
    Q. What can be mugged from Odin?
    Quote Originally Posted by Final Fantasy Fan Cid
    A. I believe it was a str junction up.
    It was actually SPD-J Scroll.
    Quote Originally Posted by Squall333
    Q. What can you draw from the library in Balamb Garden?
    A. Esuna


  19. #319
    Go with me, Exkaizer~ Final Fantasy VIII Trivia (POSSIBLE SPOILERS) Treize's Avatar
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    Q. What are all of the status magics and which status do they inflict?

  20. #320
    Black Wizard Lvl 16 Magic Final Fantasy VIII Trivia (POSSIBLE SPOILERS) Master Garland's Avatar
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    A: Blind= Darkness, Silence= Magic Disabled, Sleep= Well causes sleep lol, Break= Petrify, Meltdown= Causes Vitality 0 with a little damage, Pain= (Darkness, Silence, and Poison) Bio= Damage and Poison, Death= Ko status, Confuse= Confusion, Stop= Immobile status, Slow= Slows aTB charge, Curse= Limit break disabled. Whew, that's all for the bad status. Though I know there are special status that does not appear as reg magic but I will not go into those here.

    A2: Here are the good status's; Protect= Raises Physical def by 50%, Shell= Raises M.Def by 50%, Haste= Speeds up ATB gauge, Float= Nullifies earth damage(though it will suck if you absorb earth damage) Aura= Causes Limit Status, Regen= Gradual HP Recovery.

    Q: Does Squall wear an earing?
    Last edited by Master Garland; 03-05-2008 at 10:19 AM.

  21. #321
    Go with me, Exkaizer~ Final Fantasy VIII Trivia (POSSIBLE SPOILERS) Treize's Avatar
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    A. Yes he does.

    Q. Which magic gives you protection against the most statuses when you junction it?

  22. #322
    Black Wizard Lvl 16 Magic Final Fantasy VIII Trivia (POSSIBLE SPOILERS) Master Garland's Avatar
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    A: That Magic is none other than Esuna all the status Defs it raises are raised by 20% I beleive.

    Q: What magic that you can junction raises basically all stats of course besides Status, and HP by 100; when you have a 100 junctioned on those particular stats?

  23. #323
    I thinks its tornado magic, correct me if im wrong

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  24. #324
    Australian Goof Final Fantasy VIII Trivia (POSSIBLE SPOILERS) Craven's Avatar
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    Q. Name every single place where you can encounter a Forbidden.

    Click for proof I was actually here in 2008:

  25. #325
    Black Wizard Lvl 16 Magic Final Fantasy VIII Trivia (POSSIBLE SPOILERS) Master Garland's Avatar
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    A: I think it is the Labyrinth where you get Brothers GF, the interesting gold colored cliffs next to Esther where the chocobo sanctuary is, Ultimicia's castle, Odin's Blue Haven where you get him of course and thats all I can think of.

    Oh and some guy I probably did not make the question to clear sorry but it is Ultima if you junction 100 of them to your str, vit, mag, spr, it raises them by 100; and if you junction 100 Ultima's to your Elemental Def it raises all element def by 100%.

    Q: Which creature in FFVIII has 1,161,000 hp? this should be easy.

  26. #326
    Chocobo Sage Crazy Chocobo's Avatar
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    A: I believe that would be the Omega Weapon.

    Q: In which areas can you find a Lefty and a Righty?

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  27. #327
    Black Wizard Lvl 16 Magic Final Fantasy VIII Trivia (POSSIBLE SPOILERS) Master Garland's Avatar
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    A: You can encounter a Lefty and righty 100% (they always appear with Vysage) of the time in a long narrow valley surronded by Canyons; I think it is to the east of Timber. L&R also show up on Long Horn island, as well as the area where you fight the Abodon right before you enter Esther for the first time, and lastly in Ultimicia's castle.

    Q: Can the Minor Enemy Buel( it's the creature that fly's and looks like a bat head with spinning wings) cast L5 Death; and if so what level range does it cast it?

    A.) Lvl 1-20
    B.) Lvl 21-29
    C.) Lvl 30-100
    Last edited by Master Garland; 03-13-2008 at 09:16 AM.

  28. #328
    Pedobear approves Final Fantasy VIII Trivia (POSSIBLE SPOILERS) Shadow Of Darkness's Avatar
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    In your momma's bed !

    fq if correct


    SoD: What should I give to my girlfriend for Valentines Day?
    Pete: My suggestion is two presents. Get her something of meaning to the both of you, and a dildo. If she doesn't like the first gift, she can go **** herself.

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  29. #329
    Where do you find all the stones for the artisan in Shumi Tribe Village?
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  30. #330
    Stage Dives, High Fives. Final Fantasy VIII Trivia (POSSIBLE SPOILERS) Confession's Avatar
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    Jam and Cream. Butterscotch Fairies.
    - Blue Stone: Among the granite rocks behind the Laguna statue
    - Wind Stone: Among the boulders to the left of the Inn
    - Life Stone: Climb up the tree roots to the right of the Elder’s house
    - Shadow Stone: Take the elevator up and explore the circular ring opposite the Ultima DP
    - Water Stone: Enter the Artisan’s house next to the Workshop and look in the sink

    When Versuing Odin in the Centra Ruins, What is his HP?

    Wu Tang Killa Bee's, We On The Storm.

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