But if you really win, then tell us please what happen that means what you get for exp. an other and what then happend in the story. This machine is destroy and then I want to know what happen with the one video on the beach.
MFG Clodan
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But if you really win, then tell us please what happen that means what you get for exp. an other and what then happend in the story. This machine is destroy and then I want to know what happen with the one video on the beach.
MFG Clodan
Originally Posted by Randomness
Hmm.... it is possible to do it in the time-limit, but Quezacotl with the Boost ability thus strengthening its attacks is an absolute must. To begin with, run like hell lol. You will get a few fights with it, that's guaranteed. Once you reach the bridge (where you're running from left to right, the screen before the town square if memory serves...) that is the last point upon which you can fight it. It is also the only point I've found at which you can defeat it. Keep using Queza... and boost it. Shiva and Ifrit can also be used but it wouldn't be that useful. Eventually after about five or six repairs it runs out and is destroyed.
Then you have to run like hell to the beach I did it with about 8 minutes to spare :medal: lol. The movies doesn't show and you go back to the garden. There is no particular bonus apart from the pride of being able to beat it, and a BONUS amount of points on your starting SeeD Rank. If you defeat it you can get 100 extra points which is displayed on your SeeD Rank sheet.
Hop this helps:D
I didn't kill it but I have got past it. I used the thunder tactic that Clodan said. The thing I have found out is that I really am bad at this game but thats to be expected with only having had it 1.5 days! Must make my team better. Just two questions for anybody listening:
1. After Ifrit, what is the next GF gained.
2. How do you customise(?) weapons. Having got the stuff needed for an upgrade, how do you use it to upgrade the weapons.
1: Siren, i think.
2: You go to the shop and if you have the items you will be able to buy it, if you don't have them, you can't obviously.
Thanks, I hate being this much of a n00b at a game but theres not much I can do at this point. You may be hearing from me sooner or later in this thread because I am finding this game much harder than X or X-2.
Thats ok, Ill keep an eye on this thread for a while so whenever you ask a question, I can help you! :D
yah, siren is the next GF you get, but you need to draw it from Elvoret(?), or whatever it is on top of the communications tower. If you don't draw it here, you can't get it until near the end of the game.
I need some help beating Fujin and Rajin on disk 2...
I've tried about 4 times, but i keep dying >_<.So now I figured I'd ask someone here. All 3 characters are level 26...I thought that would be good, but I was mistaken D: ...I'm sort of a "noob" at this, so if anyone could help me I'd really appreciate it =P
OK, cast Aura to your characters to use their Limit Breaks. If you could train more, your characters your jor would be easier. Your GFs are useful, too. Summon the GFs that are more familiar with your characters. Oh, and Selphie's Limit Break is cool. Try to use the best abilities. You may be lucky and cast Ultima twice or something like that. Also do not hit both of 'em. Beat Fujin first and then strike Raijin, or the opposite!
Ohh okay, I'll go try that. Thank you! ^__^
One thing, remember to draw Pandemona from Fujin.
Don't forget, what ever you do.
This is probably too late.
Just note that Raijin is immune to Thunder and Fujin is immune to Wind, so be careful if you have either of those junctioned to your elemental attack, and don't summon Quezacotl unless Raijin is dead. Also, you can draw Cure magic from Fujin so you might want to defeat her last, if possible.
Levels don't really factor into the difficulty of the fights that much as long as you either have really good spells junctioned or have a strong strategy.
I'm getting truolble with my Utima Weapons ! Maybe any people show me what way to get him easly!.
I've fighted with him 40 times but all lose!!
Prabably, that's because you are low level. Also you should buy Squall's Lionheart. Then, cast Aura on Squall and make him use Renzokuken. Do this until he does Lionheart and finishes the battle.
And donnot forget to draw Eden from him, cuz he is the best GF.
I'm back! Not stuck but lost. Just after the mission where you swap the carriages on the train to steal the president, who is fake, and you kill the fake president, you have to go o the t.v. tower in timber. Where the heck is the tower! Reference point the maniacs building with the journalists.
Right, go outside Timber Maniacs, the big building, then go right until you get to a bit where you can go north (down the stairs) or right into the train station. Go down the stairs and into the pub. Talk to the drunk guy and get into the back alley. Follow it along and you will go up some big stairs. After a little scene you should be there...if my memory serves me right...long time since I did that part of the game. Try it, should work. :D Good luck! :)
To get past the drunk you also have to either buy him a drink (he'll only accept Reagan, costs 100 gil) or give him the card you should have recieved from the Galbadian soldiers just outside the pub. (You'll keep the card and get another one if you pick that option anyways.) Either way, he'll move.
Everything from there is pretty easy to follow.
If you want to go to thin Tower, you have to go in a bar and here is a man, who don't let you go to the tower. Now I explain where is the bar:
You know where is the Timber Maniac building. You go on the map, where is the Timber Maniac building is, to the right side. Now in the next map is a way, which go to NW and N. Here you go to N. Go down the staircase. You fight now against 2 easy-soldiers and get a card. This card you have to give the man in the bar, which you see in the North of the soldiers, which you are killed.
Now behind the bar it is easy to find the Tower.
MFG Clodan
Thanks a lot. Will try this. The card one of you mentioned, what is it, can't really afford to miss it.
I really should buy the guide, it would be much easier than this. I am in the tomb of the unknown king. I already have the GF Brothers. How do I get the code?
Well the code is in the beginning of this tomb. The code is in the first junction in this tomb. In the ground there is a blue lance.
MFG Clodan
you can't give me any more info. Is it right, left etc.
No need, thanks. Done it now. Was right there in front of me. Should have seen it first time round. One question, why was the original task sooo easy when getting the GF was so difficult? Maybe difficult is a strong word, more like time consuming.
It wasn't that difficult. After all, you weren't forced to get Brothers. Nobody told you so. You just get them if you want to.
Ive been told a few times but never seem to be able to remember...how do you get Lionheart? Not just the items, what else do you need to do...if there is anything. :)
You don't need to do something special. You only have to gather the items that you need. When you have Laguna in Esthar, inside the Lab there's a magazine. It's the Weapons Monthly 1st Issue. Read it. I don't remember all the items, but I think there is one called Energy Crystal and you have to beat a Ruby Dragon to get it.
Hey what I want to know is, is there any difference between the island
closest to hell and the island closest to heaven or just the name and place?
:confused: :confused:
Well they are pretty much the same except they have different monsters on them and different draw points, apart from that they are pretty much the same. :D If you look on some of the threads on the FFVIII section and keep looking through you will see a thread on the islands closest to heaven and hell, look at that and it has all the monsters and draw points on each island. :D:D
I have a question that's been bothering me ever since I got the game and this seems like the place to ask so here I go.
The Garden Master. You fight this guy and then he's covered with this cocoony thing which you find to have been broken later after you go to Shumi village. Now while you where there they mentioned how Shumi 'evolve' or somesuch, and it seems that this is what happened to the Garden Master. Now my question is, after you find the cocoon hatched and the Shumis are wondering around, is there anything more to be found? Is there anywhere you can go, or something you can do to see what happened? It seems like there has to be something more but I don't know how to find it.
I don't think so.
Short answer, but I don't think there is.