can someone help me with killing bahamut. i want to swap one of the characters but i dont know why its not letting me can someone please help.
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can someone help me with killing bahamut. i want to swap one of the characters but i dont know why its not letting me can someone please help.
Hey, I really need some help with beating Adel. I seem to have advanced way too quickly and my characters range from lvl 33 (Squall) to lvl 20 (Selphie)
Anyway, I've beaten Seifer so know I'm stuck inside and I have to beat Adel to go anywhere. But she's way too strong and overpowers me with her magical attacks. I normally rely on my GFs (of which I have Quezacotl, Shiva, Ifrit, Pandemona, Brothers, Diablos, Alexander, Carbuncle, Cerberus and Bahamut) but of course I can't use them against Adel cos I hurt Rinoa. The main problem is she just attacks too often, I don't get a chance to do anything. What can I do? (other that restarting the whole game again) :confused:
My party are: Zell, Squall and Quistis
Well, I advise you to use Irvine instead either Zell or Quistis. Then cast Aura at him, and constantly use Shot. Also, you should cast haste at him, and the other characters as well. Moreover, if you cast Regen at Rinoa, she will heal some of her Hit Points. Don't use Squall's Limit Breaks, because if I remember right, he will hit Rinoa, too. And as you already know, don't summon at all. I can't tell you for sure that you will win, but just try.
And something else. Why don't you try casting Demi at Adel. Demi takes out the 1/4 of your oppomnents hit points. Just give it a try.
Thanks, but I'm at the stage where I can't swap my characters. I have to stick with the party I've got. I'm not sure if I have any demis either, but I'll have a check. Thanks anyway.
thats nothing. when i beat ultimate weapon squall was lvl 100 and everyone else was about 30. now they are all lvl 100 and in two days im already on the last boss.Quote:
Originally Posted by Stevie_boy
try junctioning hp+ % and auto haste on squall. also put tornado on str. ive heard it is the best for strength but i have only got about 7 so im ganna stock up and then the last boss will be easy.
Adel was rather hard to defeat for me at first. Perhaps you should cast Shell and Protect on your party. Don't use Guardian Forces and make sure you don't hurt Rinoa. If you let her die, the game is over. You should cast Regen on Rinoa so she can gain a little bit of HP every now and then.
Something cool happened with me, I was fighting Adel and decided on using Renzokuken and then Squall used Lionheart. It actually killed her and didn't get Rinoa at all. The odds of getting Lionheart while using Renzokuken are slim so you may not want to risk it. Lionheart worked for me though, I was lucky.
Casting Meltdown on her helps too. If you have any Aura spells, perhaps you would want to use them on your party. Make sure you don't choose attacks that hit multiple enemies otherwise you will get Rinoa too.
Thanks everyone who posted advice for me, I've now managed to beat Adel. But I got another question, do I ever get to visit the main world again, after time compression occurs? I still had stuff that I wanted to do.
You can, but most (if not all) of the towns are blocked off.
How do I get there then?
ok, you know on the way to ultemecia's castle you travel up a chain? well, there is some portals on the way, can't really miss them. just go into one of them.
there is a way of finding the ragnarok, but I've never tried it.
Something to do with the bell tower, I can't remember clearly, but if there's loads of stuff you still want to do, you should go back to a save before you crash into Lunatic Pandora. I have files before and after that, but you can do everything before and not much after.
I don't have any files before. I didn't have enough space on my memory card to have multiple files. It sucks. But thanks anyway.
Hello everyoune. The Adel, what you were saying about, was easy for me. But I have other problem(s).
Well, I heard there is still one Weapon than Ultima Weapon. Where is it? I guess at Ultimecia Castle. But where exactly? There is a piano and I think you must hit all four buttons on it. But I tryied it, and nothing happened. And I also noticed a bell what you are able to get ring.Then start a countdown. But what does it mean? And one other problem. The paintings. I really dont know what paintings I must insert to the "main" picture. Is there any clue or something else?
ok what do you do with the organ? i'll try to look it up, but no gaurentee
I do not think that the organ does anything.
However, when you ring the bell in Ultimecia castle, a countdown appears. You must ring the bell, then switch to your other party. The other party must be in the room with the fountain in it and you should have the ability which allows you not to encounter any monsters as that helps. Run into the room with the organ. If you made it in time - the swirling dark matter in the room will be replaced with the omega weapon.
To easily defeat him, use heroes and holy wars to make you invincible, while using limit breaks.
And finally for the pictures - you must select the sleep picture, the garden picture, and the messenger picture. I forgot the actual names of them but you can check them yourself by looking at the other pictures in the room.
Sucessfully doing so will release the fairly easy trauma boss who has sealed one of your powers. Find your own method of defeating him.
I do not think that the organ does anything.
However, when you ring the bell in Ultimecia castle, a countdown appears. You must ring the bell, then switch to your other party. The other party must be in the room with the fountain in it and you should have the ability which allows you not to encounter any monsters as that helps. Run into the room with the organ. If you made it in time - the swirling dark matter in the room will be replaced with the omega weapon.
To easily defeat him, use heroes and holy wars to make you invincible, while using limit breaks.
And finally for the pictures - you must select the sleep picture, the garden picture, and the messenger picture. I forgot the actual names of them but you can check them yourself by looking at the other pictures in the room.
Sucessfully doing so will release the fairly easy trauma boss who has sealed one of your powers. Find your own method of defeating him.
double post... edit it ASAP before it becomes a problem. my dsl is helping me not do that
I'm at the part in disc 2 where you're supposed to go straight into the Galabadia Garden, but I can't do it. Nothing happens when I head straight for it. I don't know what to do and it's driving me nuts. I looked in the strategy guide and I've done everything in there. Is there something really simple I'm supposed to do to crash into it? I really would like some help ASAP.
Well, before that, have you visted Edea's house? You must go there, press X and Squall should say "I recognize this place, now. It's the orphanage. I get the feeling something is near by. Something huge... nearby."
After that, jump in the garden, drive in Galbadia Gardens direction, and enjoy the fight!
HeLP ME!!! im just download final fantasy viii and the game crash when i enter the elevator then it crash. i download many patch but dont help much. it still crash after i enter the elevator. can some help me fix this prob. what should i do?
actually buy the game.. its only what nowadays? 15$.. seriously its worth it..
Or get a playstation/ps2 and get the playstation version. The computer version can't be much better than the Playstation version... is it?
The graphics are less pixely during the FMV on the computer, but that's about it. It's roughly the same quality. I have both versions. ^^
umm.. where can i get a squall animated avatar?
Go look in 'How Do I' Questions under the TFF Lobby it's bound to be there somewhere. Here isn't really the place to be asking something like that. :)
Hey I've got a huge bunch of remedys ready to turn into remedy+ and I have the 'med data' ability learnt by alexander. Now I have these, I don't know how to actually turn them into remedy+, I have looked under abilities and it isn't there.
Any info you have will be much appreciated, thankyou :)
First of all use a smaller picture for your signature. Secondly, the ability is called Med LV Up (Refines rare medicine from more common medicine). I think GIFs can be downloaded from TFF but if it doesn't have any try out my site which is part of the network. ;)
My picture is fine lococolt04 accepted it, the height is 2 pixels under the maximum.
How do you get Med lv up?
Thanks for the help but you are not a moderator or administrator so it isn't your place to be doing their job.
You get Med Lv. up from Alexander. Once you learn Med Data you can get Med Lv. up for 120 AP.
What is a good strategy for beating ultramercia?