How do you guys pronounce all of the names of the characters and GFs?
Squall - Pretty easy. Skwall is how I say it.
Quistis - I say Kee-Stus but some say Kwiss-tiss
Zell - This one is said the way it's spelled
Seifer - I say See-Fur but it's supposedly pronounced Cy-Fur
Rinoa - I pronounce it the way it's spelled.
Irvine - I say Err-Vine but some say it Err-Veen
Selphie - Selfy
Quezacotl - Kay-Za-Coat-ull
Shiva - Shee-Va
Ifrit - If-rit but some say Ai-Frit
Some of the Summons are really easy to say (brothers and diablos) and some I haven't gotten yet so i'm not gonna mention them. So how do you guys say their names?