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Thread: FF7 Replay Challenges.

  1. #1
    Boxer of the Galaxy FF7 Replay Challenges. Rowan's Avatar
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    Feb 2011

    FF7 Replay Challenges.

    Now I've heard of a few. Some challenges include playing the game without saving, playing the game without using materia etc.

    I've never attempted a challenge before and since im about to start a new ff7 file, I was wondering if anyone had any cool challenges for my 234819048 playthrough.

  2. #2
    Memento Rhapso FF7 Replay Challenges. Rhaps's Avatar
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    Re: FF7 Replay Challenges.

    You could do a Naked Playthrough, those are pretty fun. No materia, no equipment, no weapons, but you can still grind up your characters.

    LLR (Low Level Runs) are sadistic and brutal, so I wouldn't recommend them. Characters aren't supposed to go beyond level 15 or so in these type of challenges.

    A Nuzlocke style challenge (If a characters dies, they stay dead) might be a trifle bit of fun.

    Magic only and Physical only runs are kind of boring, but definitely doable.

    CPC8- 'fo bros, 'fo life, 'fo shizzle

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  3. #3
    Elementalist FF7 Replay Challenges. IcyJJ's Avatar
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    Mar 2012

    Re: FF7 Replay Challenges.

    Solo challenge - Use no All materia or anything that targets more than one person or monster.

    Sad Panda challenge - All characters must have Sadness on at all times.

    Female Fury challenge - Must use Aeris/Tifa/Yuffie only. Of course you have to use others for story, but must switch out when you can.

    Monster's Ball challenge - Must use Red XIII/Cait Sith only. Same as above.

    Weak Constitution challenge - Cannot heal any status effects during battle.
    Chill the body, freeze the soul. ~ Maya, Legaia 2

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