My least favorite part in the game would have to be....
after the ending credits....
mine is sabin's scenario
My least favorite part in the game would have to be....
after the ending credits....
Signature Updated: YesterdayCPC8! - Chess Club
CPC8! - Pimpin' is easy
Currently Playing: Video Games
I finally got back to playing this, now that all of the 69 lol games I started are pretty much complete. I just got finished with the Magiteck research facility, and it's my least favorite so far; encounters every two steps, and it's boring as hell until you get to the bottom.
least favorate part would be picking between Ragnarok esper and sword
My least favorite part would have to be the tower where you can only use magic.
Least favorite part is getting the rages for Gau, man that's crap..
World of Ruin.
The shift in how the rest of the story is presented does not sit well with me, as well as what "story" is told in the WoR. The plot is left minimal, almost non-existent, focusing on the characters whom some have lost hope & others trying to find hope. I've said before how I didn't like how the game handled Celes as the main character in the WoR; I felt as if she wasn't that vital at all in getting the band back together. She was important in getting Setzer back and in giving him hope, but when getting the other characters the text is not specifically Celes'. In the text box there is no face to donate who exactly is speaking. The WoR was a very open world but a simple restriction of having Celes as the lead would not have hurt.
As for the plot, nothing happens. There are no new twists or turns, just to gather whomever the player wants and to fight Kefka. Kefka makes one "appearance", well his "Light of Judgment" made an appearance - once. If after the player got "x" amount of members, lets say after every 3 characters gained (after getting the airship), there were scenarios that always took place that would have furthered the plot I probably would have loved the WoR. As it is the plot in WoR feels barren to me, inhibiting me from liking the WoR.
A minor part that is my least favourite part is getting Gau's Rages. I don't mind putting in the time to get his Rages; my problem is when Gau returns and his little speech comes up. It would have been nice if that wasn't there at all. Watching that over and over again gets time consuming and annoying.
Last edited by Zargabaath; 11-07-2010 at 01:03 PM.
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I agree totally Zarg..i dont really hate that part of the game but its like all sidequests that can be skipped..just not alot of story inWoR. BTW the picture of Bobby Valentine is classic!! That has to be one of my all time favorite things in sports
I don't like having to search for all the characters in th WoR.
I also hate the magi tower and the magitek place...o.o
Oh, and finding all the soldiers in the emperors part
Your pathetic existence will shut down. I will make your lives end in ruin. Fear me, as you fear death. Not a threat, not a promise, but what must be finished. 7 final arcs...