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Thread: FFVI HELPLINE (possible spoilers inside)

  1. #211
    The Old Skool Warrior FFVI HELPLINE (possible spoilers inside) LocoColt04's Avatar
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    (I originally edited this into his post, but decided I'd post it seperate since he could still edit the post.)

    edit by LC:
    Okay, just 45 minutes ago, I gave you a bit of advice after this post of yours. I advised that you follow it, and even gave you a direct link to the rules. I thought I'd be nice because you're new, but you didn't pay much attention to me.

    As such, this is your first strike. You've got one warning now. Two to go, and you're out of here. Though the warning won't go away, you can still change your posting habits and never have to worry about getting another. Follow the rules that I linked you to in that other thread, and you should be fine.

    And remember, one-liners are spam.

    Oh, on top of that, your post also wasn't a question or an answer. The warning wasn't just for the short post, but for the fact that it doesn't belong in the helpline.

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    Quote Originally Posted by 2009 TFF Awards nominations
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    Quote Originally Posted by Andromeda View Post
    I thought I was going to be able to play with Loco and then I remembered he doesn't game. He just turns on the game for an hour and then forgets about it for two months only to remember that he bought it.
    Quote Originally Posted by Rowan View Post
    Che's not a girl. Not good enough explanation. Please elaborate.
    Quote Originally Posted by che View Post
    Yes I am. I will bust out my vagina right now.

  2. #212
    Member of The Promised Land psychosyd's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LocoColt04
    No problem s_66, that's what we're here for.

    Oh, and I'd like to disprove this theory. I did Sabin's first, and Shadow actually left me before the Ghost Train. I'd always had him for the train in the past.

    So, there's one of two answers: he got the information backwards, or it's randomly done, and I've always been on the lucky end.
    I would like to redress that statement...

    A couple of factors that may not have been included...
    a. Which version of FF3/6 were you playing? SNES, Emulator (and if so, did you do a jap version with a patch or an american version) or Anothologies? Its quite possible that little scripting may have been changed

    b. In refrence to SNES... I know for a fact the guide said that choosing sabins quest first will increase your percent chance he stays, and doing it at other times will change that percentage... I know he stays with me when I do Sabin first, but have had him leave me before the falls when doing him 2nd or last... I forget which, its been a while.

  3. #213
    The Old Skool Warrior FFVI HELPLINE (possible spoilers inside) LocoColt04's Avatar
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    b. In refrence to SNES... I know for a fact the guide said that choosing sabins quest first will increase your percent chance he stays, and doing it at other times will change that percentage...
    Yeah, but I play the SNES version all the time, and every time I pick Sabin first, I lose Shadow BEFORE I lose him when I do Locke or Terra first. I know you said that the percentage changes when you don't choose Sabin's quest first, so maybe I've been lucky a dozen times in a row when keeping Shadow longer...

    Honestly, I'm not too positive on the matter myself. From MY play experience, I'd say the whole damn thing is backwards, but since it's all up to chance, I can't really say much.

  4. #214
    Registered User FFVI HELPLINE (possible spoilers inside) King Fenii's Avatar
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    When I got my falcon, I was considering to go on with the story and find Locke, but I was so curious about the rest of the world that I found myself at the colosseum first, then rescuing Relm, and then find Cyan and some lolligagging. I'm now at the this picture of former Emperor Gestahl, who says, and I quote: "You'll find the treasure where the mountains form a star" My fist instinct said, Well, let's get on the falcon and look for a mountain shaped as a star. My first instinct kept me lookin 15 min..... My second instinct said......Riiiiiiiight. Let's go find Gau....we'll do this later, my third instinct led me here, eventhough I know if I keep looking I'll find it eventually, I just don't want to waste any more time on this... so my question:


    (LOL) Never mind I found the muthaf*cker, it's north of Kefka's tower
    (stupid mountains) BTW I found Gau, Terra and I'm on the way to Locke I guess, another question then:

    Where is SHADOW!??!?!?!?

    Yeah, thnx for replyin' guys, but anyway, I just found out that Shadow is dead.....seriously, that's f*cked, I read it somewhere that you have to wait for him on the floating continent. If only I had known.....
    Last edited by King Fenii; 03-01-2005 at 05:21 AM.

  5. #215
    The Old Skool Warrior FFVI HELPLINE (possible spoilers inside) LocoColt04's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LocoColt04
    Yep, that's when he comes every time. I made the mistake of not having the patience to wait for him the first time I played the game, and he was gone forever. Definitely a bad move, because Shadow becomes very kickass later in the game. Trust me, you'll love him.

    Yep, just seven posts up, my friend.

    With the rest of your problems, please scroll through some of the other posts before you ask, because sometimes, your answer is right above your head.

  6. #216
    FFVI HELPLINE (possible spoilers inside) Tsiiri's Avatar
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    Location: Location: Location: Location: Location: *^#@%#@$#%I think there's a bug in the system...
    Hmm...I'm not sure if this is in the right thread, but...I seem to have a problem, everytime I finish a battle, Celes' and Terra's MP decreases from what it was in battle. And just so you know, I haven't found espers yet. Is there anyway to fix that problem?

  7. #217
    Hmm...There are a couple of weapons in the game that use a little MP when you use them in order to always perform a critical hit. Do you have the Rune Edge equipped on them? That would probably be the reason. If you want to stop it, you'll have to give them a different weapon (then give the Rune Edge to Edgar if it's better than his current weapon).

  8. #218
    The Old Skool Warrior FFVI HELPLINE (possible spoilers inside) LocoColt04's Avatar
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    Oh yeah! Honestly, I'd forgotten all about that. The Rune Edge, as its name would imply, is certainly a sword with a magical connection. That connection makes use of MP. In the early parts of the game, it's great for your mages if you have no intention of actually using magic. It will occasionally use MP to boost your attack, hence the reason it may be going down without you realizing it.

  9. #219
    I haven't played this in a loooong time, however, I plan to replay it just about now.

    Anyway, question about the save points. I can't remember too well, but, after you save, and say you die. Now, all your money and items that you got would obviously be gone. However, do your levels gained also go back to the ones you had during the last save?

    This probably sounds like a dumb question, but just making sure. For some reason, I remember that the levels gained are kept even if you die.. Which has been kept in my memory, since that detail differs from the other FF's. Meh..

    EDIT: Oh yeah, and does L and R do anything?
    Last edited by Snowman; 06-27-2005 at 01:08 PM.

  10. #220
    I'm pretty sure that you keep your gained levels. I found that out back when I fought Ultros for the first time in the Lete River; someone leveled up right before that battle, and when I lost, I was pissed that I would have to have whoever gained a level do it again. But, of course, I didn't, which I found to be pretty cool.

    So, yeah, the point i'm trying to make is that you keep the levels you gained.

  11. #221
    The Old Skool Warrior FFVI HELPLINE (possible spoilers inside) LocoColt04's Avatar
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    Yes, you keep all experience gained unless you do something stupid like turn off your system. As long as you keep the game running and continue after the game over, you will retain your levels; however, if you throw a tizzy fit and shut down the system when you lose, you don't gain anything. Keep your cool, and you keep your levels.

    L and R do more than you'd think. In the submenus, L and R switch the character whose stats or magic or equipment (etc.) you are viewing/altering. In battle, the two of them held together will allow you to run from battle. Of course, bosses cannot be run from, and running is not always successful for the full party.
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    Quote Originally Posted by 2009 TFF Awards nominations
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    Quote Originally Posted by Andromeda View Post
    I thought I was going to be able to play with Loco and then I remembered he doesn't game. He just turns on the game for an hour and then forgets about it for two months only to remember that he bought it.
    Quote Originally Posted by Rowan View Post
    Che's not a girl. Not good enough explanation. Please elaborate.
    Quote Originally Posted by che View Post
    Yes I am. I will bust out my vagina right now.

  12. #222
    Alright, thanks to both of you. And yeah, I remember that running thing now.

  13. #223
    Besiads for the dino forest what is a good place to lvl up your ppl in the game say around when you gain your first magicite( Rhamu ). Also what were your lvls when tou got to the master of the game cuz i got to his dungon in my other game but was to weak to get through the dungon even but i did all the side quests excluding the 7 dragons one!

  14. #224
    !!!!!! i have a huge question how do you deequit espers!! i only have 4 right now just got them at zozo but i have to have locke on my party and i didnt use him befor. So now i have 3 ppl with espers but no esper for locke! i am at narshe switching characters to get back the esper but it says i have to trade with some one else still leaving some one without an esper! its kirin to so i am out all healing spells witch sucks ass !! help me plz

  15. #225
    FFVI HELPLINE (possible spoilers inside) Tsiiri's Avatar
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    Location: Location: Location: Location: Location: *^#@%#@$#%I think there's a bug in the system...
    Ok, here's what you do, switch out one character and then go to the esper screen and just remove the esper and then switch them back and put the esper you took off on Locke.

    Easy as pie...

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  16. #226
    thx for the help but when i click on the esper it just makes a bzzz sound !! this is for my other game i have been playing. Alright i want to know wut good lvls r for the final dungon and also spells and wepeopns i should have also were to find them or were to learn them plz i need alot o help here. Also does any body know how to get the jidoor quest to work the one were the paintings come to life in owzers house i cant seem to get it to happen!!!!
    Last edited by Archer; 07-11-2005 at 07:09 PM.

  17. #227
    The Old Skool Warrior FFVI HELPLINE (possible spoilers inside) LocoColt04's Avatar
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    ...whoa whoa whoa, slow down there, one question at a time.

    If the esper's still making a buzzing sound, then it's still equipped on someone. Select the character that has that esper equipped, select a blank space (or a new esper for that person), and then put the esper you want on the character you want. Only one character can have an esper equipped at a time. When a party member leaves your party s/he does NOT take the esper with them, so I don't really see what the problem is.

    Good levels? Anything above 40, honestly. It can be beaten in the 30s, but I wouldn't suggest it until you've played through it a couple times. I've beaten the game with characters in their high 20s, but then again, they don't call me the resident FFVI master without reason. My advice? Level to 45 or higher, and it won't be too difficult. You still may find yourself dying once in a while though.

    Good spells? Ultima. Ultima, along with relics that boost your magic in any way possible. If you can cast Ultima for 1 MP, you're gold. Learn your spells from espers. It's the only way to learn them, aside from Terra and Celes who learn VERY FEW naturally.

    Good equipment? Anything you can afford to buy. The more expensive, the better. Spending time levelling up will get you more money to buy the good stuff, so be sure you've got plenty of GP on hand.

    Jidoor? You only have four espers right now. You've got to go through half of the game before you even get to that part. You're in the World of Balance, and the event you're talking about is in the World of Ruin.

    If you don't know what the World of Ruin is, don't ask. It's a MAJOR spoiler.
    Last edited by LocoColt04; 08-06-2005 at 11:55 AM.
    Community Manager; Forum Administrator

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    Quote Originally Posted by 2009 TFF Awards nominations
    Best TFF Couple
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    Psiko and Hyzenthlay
    Rocky and LocoColt04 and Meier Link and Pete
    Unknown Entity and Mistress Sheena
    Quote Originally Posted by Andromeda View Post
    I thought I was going to be able to play with Loco and then I remembered he doesn't game. He just turns on the game for an hour and then forgets about it for two months only to remember that he bought it.
    Quote Originally Posted by Rowan View Post
    Che's not a girl. Not good enough explanation. Please elaborate.
    Quote Originally Posted by che View Post
    Yes I am. I will bust out my vagina right now.

  18. #228
    okay, well i have a question. When the World of Balance explodes/dies, whatever happens to bannon? I've never seen him in the World of Ruin. I've always just wondered. lol. o.o

  19. #229
    FFVI HELPLINE (possible spoilers inside) RedMagician's Avatar
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    Laughing at you >.>
    I think that he dies because you can't meet him anymore
    Unless there is a really good hidden place somewhere where he could be


  20. #230
    Quote Originally Posted by roaches
    okay, well i have a question. When the World of Balance explodes/dies, whatever happens to bannon? I've never seen him in the World of Ruin. I've always just wondered. lol. o.o
    It's quite possible that he's GoGo. We don't know who he is so he could be anyone.

  21. #231
    I have two theories on what may have happened to Banon. The first one is that during the destruction of the world, Banon was fortunately out of Vector looking for a flower to give to a girl he liked. Unfortunately, the land cracked around him and he was stranded on a lone mountain range on an island in the middle of nowhere. As time passed, Banon learned how to adapt to his new lifestyle by eating various insects and rabbits. He was constantly allured into trying to eat the flower, but there was always a part of him inside that said they would meet again. After about 9 months, Banon had become a full beast not unlike Gau, however, his skin had turned bright blue due to the mild poisoning in the nearby water. Luckily, he was immune because of his health spell. Then, about a week later, Banon fell off of his mountain top and into the ocean. He thought about saving himself, but realized that it was futile and just relaxed and let the ocean take him. Thinking he was dead, he awoke a couple days later expecting to be in heaven. Unfortunately, he was just in the middle of a desert, perfectly alive, though his skin had changed again, this time to a dark green. He had also shrunk from the saltiness of the water. In addition, his hair began to grow out sharp and pointy all over his body. Thus, Banon became Cactaur.

    The other theory is that he just died sometime during the end of the world.
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  22. #232

    um.. sorry. o.O

    okay thank you. i really didn't know what happened and was curious. and i saw some things in the thread that said like "no double posting." or something or other, so if i do something wrong, just tell me and i'll figure out how to fix whatever i'm doing wrong. and i've beaten this game when i was six, so i know exactly where everything is and what to do, where to go, and etc. so i'm able to help anyone that's got questions. =D

  23. #233
    Chocobo Sage Crazy Chocobo's Avatar
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    I am playing FF6 on a ZSNES emulator and I am up against Vargas. I am trying to do the Pummel blitz but it won't work. I select blitz, it highlights Sabin and I select him. I then press < > < x (x which equals a). I have tried it heaps of times but it keeps saying it's incorrect. Is there a specific way to do it? It is really frustrating!

    Can anyone help?!

    Nevermind that post, I figured it out. Sorry to be annoying. Thanks anyway.
    Last edited by Crazy Chocobo; 10-22-2005 at 09:11 PM.

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  24. #234
    i just relized i have a question you know in the WoR i got to terra in moblitz and fought that big demon thing but she didn't join me after she just said she had to look after the kids, so i just left her. ive just got setzer and the new airship will someone tell me how i can get her to join me please?
    Last edited by yunie666; 10-28-2005 at 11:53 AM.

  25. #235
    FFVI HELPLINE (possible spoilers inside) awall's Avatar
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    Aww, you're so close. Just go back and talk to her again. You have to visit Mobliz twice to get her back - the first time can be whenever you like, but the second time must be after you've gotten the airship.

  26. #236
    thanks awall ive done it now! but ive got another question would anyone be able to help me with it?
    Im in cyan's dream and im having trouble killing wrexsoul does anybody know how to kill him easily know a good stragery to kill him? he keeps poessesing my characters which is really annoying!

  27. #237
    FFVI HELPLINE (possible spoilers inside) 2ndPower's Avatar
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    Check under the covers
    Let him possess one of your characters, then start using X-zone. If you can suck up both his minions at once with it (It'll probably take a few times.), there will be no enemies on the field and you win. A little bit of cheating, but it works.

  28. #238
    thanks awall ive done it now! but ive got another question would anyone be able to help me with it?
    Im in cyan's dream and im having trouble killing wrexsoul does anybody know how to kill him easily know a good stragery to kill him? he keeps poessesing my characters which is really annoying!thanks awall ive done it now! but ive got another question would anyone be able to help me with it?
    Im in cyan's dream and im having trouble killing wrexsoul does anybody know how to kill him easily know a good stragery to kill him? he keeps poessesing my characters which is really annoying!
    Kinda late, but yeah, I just beat'im yesterday.

    2nd power... I dunno if you did that or not, but it doesn't work. I tried that and using doom on the two guys when I was stuck in the battle and they always come back.

    I just had the wall ring equipped on edgar and kept his HP at max (the wall ring will allow you to dodge the magic attacks while the big guy's gone). Anyway, kill two of your characters after edgar's HP is at max and you've casted everything you can on him (safe, haste, etc) and the guy will appear.

    Once he appears just keep using drill until he dies. If more than one of your characters are alive, he'll disappear... that's why you gotta kill two of'em (to speed things up).


    Ok, i got another question too.

    I got the cursed shield in Narshe and took the sword rather than the Esper, since I read in a FAQ that you can still learn ultima by keeping a ribbon and the cursed shirld equipped for 250 battles. So... I went to the collosium and put up my cursed shield... and I got a cursed ring. I thought "hey, awesome... now what can I do with this? ... I'unno yet, so I'll see what I can get by betting it."

    I bet the ring and won a zephyr cape... but then I went back to equip the shield and ribbon and battle to learn ultima... but the shield was gone. I checked the relics and the ring was gone too! Are my items supposed to disappear even if I WIN in the colloseum?!

    Also... can I get another cursed shield? If so, how or where can I get it? 'Cause I really wanna learn ultima.


  29. #239
    FFVI HELPLINE (possible spoilers inside) awall's Avatar
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    Yes. The colleseum has some pretty high fees. They keep the victor's item, and give the loser's item to the victor. So your shield is gone. And sorry, but there's no way to get another.

    For the record, the Cursed Ring teaches you X-Zone, and does nothing else for you at all. No stat boosts (but there are penalties), no positive statuses (but it does cause countdown doom I think), and doesn't ever change, even if you fight 255 battles.

  30. #240
    Ah... that sucks! I was really hoping to get at least one'a my guys to learn all the magic in the game... but oh well. ... Are you sure I can't steal one'a those shields from someone?

    I hate to be a bother and just post questions... but I got another one, if you could help me out again... When I'm in Ebot's Rock and am gathering coral for the treasure chest (so I can fight Hidon). How many coral do I need? I fed that thing a whole bunch of'em, but it still wouldn't let me pass.

    Also, do I need to feed'im a certain amount at once, or does it count'em up as I feed it little by little (which, so far, has been around 20-40 coral each time...).

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