Edgar - My favorite in terms of abilities, character and story. He's a womanizer, but he doesn't come off as a creep. He's also a great King to his people, and isn't afraid to get his own hands dirty. His tools are fantastic, easy to use and it doesn't matter where you set Edgar, they'll do the same amount of damage regardless. You can keep using them too, since there's no limitations (such as MP cost). A very "user-friendly" type of character, and my pick for overall best character.
Celes - I should knock her down a bit because I don't have much use for her "Runic" ability, but she shines so much in the WoR, that I just can't. I hated having Cid die, but her scene afterward was just so powerful. She was pretty great in WoB too, defecting from the empire because she didn't like Gestahl's greed and Kefka's insanity. Her interactions with Locke were enjoyable too.
Locke - He's cool, and I like the whole
thief treasure hunter with a good heart thing he has going on (especially concerning the ladies

) Though tbh, it's kind of creepy having the body of his former love embalmed in some dude's basement...but eh. He's great to have in battle. Fairly well-rounded and it's always cool to steal valuable items (and clothes

) from your enemies.
Relm - She's adorable and has a lot of sass.
Her theme music is awesome too, and probably my favorite character theme in the game. Like stated earlier, she has crazy high magic stats, so I like her for one of my mage characters.
Setzer - I enjoy his laid-back attitude. He lives the high-flying life in the sky with his sweet airship casino without a care in the world, but he did see some tragic moments too which gave him more depth. As for his abilities, the slots were great fun to use, because it was like a minigame in battle.
Terra - I feel bad for ranking her as low as I did, but tbh I kind of forgot about her in the WoR. ^^; She's decent in battle, since she's like Celes but with more of an emphasis on magic damage.
Cyan - Poor guy went through a lot, but I had to knock him down in the ranking because of his bushido skills were just too slow... I did like his character though. He lost his family and kingdom, and yet still keeps an aura of nobility about him. I liked the whole Dreamscape sequence too.
Sabin - I feel bad for ranking him low-ish, when his bro got ranked high, but he just came off as kind of a meat head to me. He was funny sometimes though, and when he was with Cyan and Gau he had a decent story, but then he just kind of fizzled out. His abilities were good, but I can't pull off many of the blitzes very well, so for me, that knocks him down a few pegs.
Shadow - He does a good job of being a mysterious bad-ass, and I liked the subtlety of his familial relationship to Relm. He's decent in battle too, though not exactly top-tiered. I never used his Throw ability.
Strago - I've never really used Blue Mages in my party, as I don't like going around and learning all the spells. His story is fairly minimal too, but it was sad to see how he was in the Cult of Kefka because he thought that Relm has died.
Mog - He's a mascot character who is pretty cute since he's a moogle, but I haven't really used him much. He gets points for being a playable Moogle. :3
Gau - Why does he join the party? He really doen't have any stake in any of the matters going on in the story, so he doesn't get to be high on the list. He gets a point for the scene with his dad though.
Gogo and
Umaro - Haven't had much of a chance to use these characters, so I don't have much of an opinion.